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AQ Khan: North Korea paid bribes to Generals for nuclear know-how

Surely you will also concede that AQK was not the only person involved in the whole scheme, and further, how could the top brass not have known, if not indeed participated, in the proceeds?
In the 'scheme' of running a black market network to supply Pakistan with nuclear and missile technology, absolutely.

Involved in the scheme of earning millions of dollars through a 'side business' of selling nuclear technology, no.

AQ Khan's $30 million donations and residences and business across three continents make clear who was making millions.

Follow the money as they say, and the money trail leads straight to AQ Khan.
In the 'scheme' of running a black market network to supply Pakistan with nuclear and missile technology, absolutely.

Involved in the scheme of earning millions of dollars through a 'side business' of selling nuclear technology, no.

AQ Khan's $30 million donations and residences and business across three continents make clear who was making millions.

Follow the money as they say, and the money trail leads straight to AQ Khan.

So you agree that incompetence in oversight is the reason that AQK managed to amass his fortune? Is it at least possible that a few other key people were also involved and AQK is just the token fall guy for the whole "side business"?

There are several senior Generals whose fortunes easily exceed $30 million. Is that fairly earned?
I think we miss the point somewhat. just because west says its a bad thing all countries having nukes why should we abide by that. If they were to destroy all their nukes and say nobody should have them fair enough but thats not what they are saying. They are saying its ok for them to have nukes and they are the judge of who can and cannot have nukes. If id been in in aq's position I would have given the plans to any pakistan freindly country that wanted it. I would probably have done it for free or a few meals lol
In the 'scheme' of running a black market network to supply Pakistan with nuclear and missile technology, absolutely.

Involved in the scheme of earning millions of dollars through a 'side business' of selling nuclear technology, no.

AQ Khan's $30 million donations and residences and business across three continents make clear who was making millions.

Follow the money as they say, and the money trail leads straight to AQ Khan.

And the Top brass at the time are living in two bedroom apartments ??
I doubt that.. there were middlemen from the Army involved..along with the civilian government and bureaucracy.
Such a pie does not go unnoticed..

three possibilities come out then.

1. The GoP/Army/ISI knew of AQ activities.. an sanctioned it. Putting the trust of our national security in his hands and looked the other way when AQ moved around.
conclusion: Those in the Army,GoP and ISI are daft idiots to leave such an operations without checks and balances.. the ISI really was badly led.

2. The GoP/Army/ISI knew of AQ activities.. an sanctioned it on a mutual benefit agreement.pimping out our national security in the hands of a opportunist in return for their piece of the pie.
conclusion: Those in the Army,GoP and ISI were corrupt selfish men who were prepared to sell out on the nation's future for their cut.

3. The GoP/Army/ISI did not know of AQ activities(apart from the Missile trade).. and were naive enough to think that AQ would not break their trust and think only of the nation in his clandestine trade.
conclusion: All of them were incompetent bufoons who would not even plant a tail to see what AQ was upto. A discredit to anybody out of the CSS , kakul or the like.
There are few things to observe in the letter.

DPR korea introduced Juche dating system in 1997 but it is not used in the letter. Second thing is letter reference is 1998/01 means that the first letter written in 1998, that too in the month of July. and the most import thing, will anyone from top officials of any country will write any such pay outs in writing and will send it for records of others?

However, matching of signatures / forensic examination of ink and paper will reveal the genuineness of the letter.
And the Top brass at the time are living in two bedroom apartments ??
I doubt that.. there were middlemen from the Army involved..along with the civilian government and bureaucracy.
Such a pie does not go unnoticed..

three possibilities come out then.

1. The GoP/Army/ISI knew of AQ activities.. an sanctioned it. Putting the trust of our national security in his hands and looked the other way when AQ moved around.
conclusion: Those in the Army,GoP and ISI are daft idiots to leave such an operations without checks and balances.. the ISI really was badly led.

2. The GoP/Army/ISI knew of AQ activities.. an sanctioned it on a mutual benefit agreement.pimping out our national security in the hands of a opportunist in return for their piece of the pie.
conclusion: Those in the Army,GoP and ISI were corrupt selfish men who were prepared to sell out on the nation's future for their cut.

3. The GoP/Army/ISI did not know of AQ activities(apart from the Missile trade).. and were naive enough to think that AQ would not break their trust and think only of the nation in his clandestine trade.
conclusion: All of them were incompetent bufoons who would not even plant a tail to see what AQ was upto. A discredit to anybody out of the CSS , kakul or the like.

Exactly my points. Thank you for elucidating them so logically.

I think the evidence favors #2.
You guys really think that a pak general and they are made on merit last time I looked would take a bribe and then leave letters and proof lying around. crappy propaganda america and the rest giving voice to anyone who has a gripe against isi/army

thats the comical part of it
that a supposed secret deal between Army and North Korea is discussed in a letter and then it falls in the hands of the pious scientist.

And boy, Pakistan sold itself so cheaply, hehe for $3M and Jewlery? When, how? Who got the Jewellery now? The story line is even below the standards of a Pasthon movie plot (bless them for entertaining the drivers & passengers for decades)

who after so many years since his "selfless" sacrifice, decides to disclose it to the world
just shows how much contempt that “dear” scientist has for us, by assuming that we are incapable of thinking and finding his claims of (sacrifice for the country and all that) and these damning “disclosures” contradictory and mutally exclusive.

Whether army/ ISI were involved in all such secret deals is besides the point. What one needs to question is how this disgraced (metallurgist) scientist is able to claim that he did wonderful service for the country (indeed he did) without any greed or personal gain and self-projection (indeed he didn’t) and yet once he was forced by Musharraf to confess, he does so grudgingly and threatens to spill the beans, cant help himself to be interviewed by the media and then brings the cat out of the bag eventually.

Someone grab him by the collar and say, look mister, if you think you were forced to confess and you didn’t really wanted to do that then you don’t deserve to claim the sacrifice because it wasn’t voluntary and now you have shown that you are just as ordinary as anyone else by “leaking” stories and constantly moaning and causing nuisance for the state. You should be gagged and prosecuted for threatening the national security and embarrassment because you were privy to the top secret information.

As per Santro’s 3 points, the ISI is damned regardless, if his claims and the letter are authentic. As Musharraf in his book Memoir gives his account of the AQ and nuclear black market saga, it was the absolute and blind trust in AQ which made him ruthless and careless leading to his exposure. It was only in Nawaz’s time that idea of NCA was presented and afterwards the disturbing revelations started to confirm the suspicions and complaints of Americans and other Europeans about AQ’s activities. Please read my earlier post on this where I discussed at length and I knew so well how this AQ Khan will act in the future. This “disclosure” is not the end. He is not avenging Musharraf or Pak Army or ISI, he is too big for all of them. He wants to avenge state of Pakistan for his exposure and indignation.
Watch this space, his ego is so big that he wont stop from revealing far more sensitive information whether or not it involves the army.
^^^Interesting earlier post that you refer to, Irfan Baloch.
This is a really funny story of Khan.
Exactly 10 years back these very same people called him a father of nuclear bomb,a crusader against India, the saver and what not............ Lol the whole thing reversal and being a home prison he is letting loose all the secrets against the country that betrayed him?
Interesting IMHO how a saviour turnout into a whistle blower of the very same nation.....
Some points aroused in my point after reading the letter

1. July 1998 is the month in which letter is written and it gives the impression of Underhand dealing still going on. But after May 1998 Nuclear explosions, Pakistan was being strictly monitored by USA and Western powers, how such thing could still happen or these countries knew all along what Pakistan was doing and let Pakistan do it?

2. North Korean accusing ISI killing his man, but yet he is still paying the the money to Army Chief of staff Under whom ISI works technically, this story seems so weird, at one hand they suspect ISI killing their men and on the other they are still dealing with them under such strict conditions after May 1998 explosions

3. When this letter was leaked? This clearly violates the AQ Khan conditional release agreement with government? Why SPD aren't gagging AQ Khan now,since he clearly violated his agreement !
Letter to A.Q. Khan by Jon Byong Ho (secretary of the Workers Party of North Korea)

How inconsiderate of Dr Khan by exposing the “secret” letter of Byong Ho. Maybe if Mr Ho had used the official party paper with the letter head then the good doctor would have been more careful? But at least the good Doctor showed sense by killing and burying the messenger in his garden after the letter was hand delivered. (a standard operating procedure that has enabled to keep all the secrets with the doctor that not even the Pakistani and the North Korean states are aware of). But still how very naughty of the Doctor that in order to expose ISI and Pakistan Army, he exposed his long lasting friend Mr Ho.

since it is a secret we would never know why a heavy lift Boeing of PAF was needed maybe the body of Gen Kang’s wife was too heavy? God bless Pakistan Air force for beating the malicious plans of ISI and Pakistan Army.

So they are using laser printer for sending letter already? No type writers?
This proves that North Korea didn’t just spend money on weapons (while missions of its people starved) but also bought laser printers to print secret letters. Down with all that propaganda by the Imperialist Americans against the People’s republic of North Korea, Long live Kim Jong-il and down with Microsoft and Mac and Hewlett-Packard (since they are imperialist pawns).

See, how well meaning, good natured and polite the North Koreans are, who, although having an official communiqué with reference numbers and ranks etc are putting the protocol aside, and instead of talking state business, are wishing well for the doctor and his family at the start and end of the letter. Again the propaganda of the imperialist Americans is proven to be wrong. North Koreans might execute “traitors” of the dear leader after summary trials but that doesn’t mean they have lost their humane touch.

To avoid arousing any suspicions, it was important to congratulate the doctor via a hand delivered secret letter over the success of the nuclear tests after almost 2 months by someone who also happens to be informal enough to wish doctor and his family good health and happy life, how touching.

So CIA, NIS and ISI were colluding together against the great republic of North Korea and AQ Khan Network? Now that’s a shocking revelation no wonder AQ Khan never trusted Pakistan Army and the ISI, and that’s for good reason.

Another proof of Dr AQ Khan’s selfless righteousness and sacrifice, although it were Gen Karamat & Gem Zulfiqar getting minted with dollars and rubies, it was Mr AQ Khan going through all the trouble of giving the “agreed” documents and components “etc” (this etc is important because it’s a secret, use your imagination) to Mr. Yon.

the letter also explains (in the invisible ink) on how to identify Mr Yon who Dr AQ has never met before.

So when the missile components are delivered to Dr AQ Khan while CIA, NIS and ISI are away celebrating the death of poor Mrs Kang. Dr AQ Khan should hold an invisible placard in his hand with Mr Yong’s code name on it. Mr Yong is supposed to be wearing X-ray glasses to identify the placard.

When Mr Yong reaches Mr AQ Khan they should exchange a series of code words that the imperialist Americans and corrupt ISI and Pakistan army would never be able to comprehend.
So Dr AQ Khan should ask him if he is competent? To which Mr Yong is supposed to say yes… ( Dr AQ is supposed to stay quiet and raise his eyebrows, prompting him to go on) & Mr Yong is supposed to complete the sentence by saying that he has served in Iran, Egypt, Syria and Libya. To which Dr AQ Khan is supposed to say.. then WTF is he doing here? To which Mr Yong is supposed to sing the North Korean National Anthem backwards because he is very “competent” as disclosed in the “secret” letter.
As a final check Dr AQ Khan should demand his X-ray report and notice one rib bone missing on the left side of Mr Yong. Dr AQ Khan is then supposed to hand over the documents (about his property in Europe where Mr Yong can stay) and the components “etc” to Mr Yong.

Conclusion, Pakistan Army, ISI, CIA and NIS are working together against Dr AQ Khan and they must be stopped. And someone should get those Rubies back from Gen Karamat.
AQ Khan must have had serious hands in Sirya, Iran, and Libya cases also.

They must check his Swiss bank accounts.
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