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AP: Iran official cautions India over Kashmir policy

so we will now slit each others's throats here on the forum arguing if Iranians or Turks or Emirates or Saudis said enough for Kashmir or actually sided with Indians forgetting that its our diplomatic social &economic relations failure with Arab countries that they see us and India as same (note the hurtful move by GCC countries of expelling Pakistani doctors with MS degrees at this time when we were actually expecting their support).
Spot on!

As for the doctors...that too was our fault :(

Our representative gave a wrong impression....If those who can see basics should see that GCC took those doctors on the impression / guarantee (prob didnt read the degree outline themselves) from Pakistan! And look what we handed them?! Not the quality they wanted!
Prophet warned us that Muslims will be tested most by wealth.

The economic powerhouse(capitalist exploitation) that is India is too much for both Persians and Arabs to ignore for Pakistan.

Both are irrelevant in this war.
my dear
the army moves on its stomach

yes our fitna is Maal. but its not just the wealth that is driving GCC policy towards India there more to that which I care not to mention just check out the portfolio of Indians working and living in GCC.
The difference between Yemen & Kashmir is big and unmatched. The point is Yemen is a conflict between two Muslim countries and Kashmir issue is different where India violates UNSC clauses and bilateral agreement. UAE went too far to say that it is India's internal affair. Nobody expects anyone to take sides in geopolitics but UAE could at least tried to stay neutral and could have adopted the same lines like US statement or UN or China or Turkey or Malaysia or Bahrain or like "Kashmir issue be resolved as per Simla Agreement, UNSC resolutions etc".
The point of the matter is UAE didnt...an ambassador to india did....india paraded it as official and we being insecure got hurt! THAT is how I see it!

And please somebody tell me. Is profit/loss accounts only for UAE/other Muslims? At least they are solvent, with huge oil revenues. If anybody should be going around clutching a profit/loss account and guiding their policy by self interest it should be Pakistan.
Ask iran...
And nobody tell me Pakistan pays heavily by irking the Israelis. No, they are not going to become our BFF or lovers. No, we are not going to get billions of dollars from Israel. No we are not going to get Israeli military hardware.

For those of us who live in the west and America particularly know that the Jews occupy a potent position in institutions that rule the west. Media, business, governments, lobby groups etc. Pakistan earns the angst of these lobbies helping them to perddle Indian narrative which costs Pakistan dearly. Thus not recognizing Israel has what eonomists call opportunity cost. For what? For some misplaced sense of Muslim loyalty to other Muslims.

Do we see that with UAE? No. It chases profit/loss. Now can we apply the same in our policies please.
I said I would nuke them if i felt it helped Pakistan. Iran is castrated and can't even help itself. Iran is regarded as a ememy on PDF. I am talking about the love of UAE which allegedly is deeper then Dead Sea and higher then Burj Khalifa.
Now we have to find some Mullahs to support our cause, where is Iranian foreign ministry?
I can record it here. Both UAE and Iran are bastards and in it for themselves. Both would flush Pakistan down the toilet if it helped their profit/loss. Can you say this as categorically like I said about your holy cow?


But the issue is Kashmir, it should be separate from any other issues. It is a transnational issue. Iran, UAE, whoever can and should defend the rights of the Kashmiri people from the current oppression regardless of what they think of Pakistan.

That is why Ayatollah Khamenei’s own advisor has cautioned India - not for Pak but for Kashmiri society
Spot on!

As for the doctors...that too was our fault :(

Our representative gave a wrong impression....If those who can see basics should see that GCC took those doctors on the impression / guarantee (prob didnt read the degree outline themselves) from Pakistan! And look what we handed them?! Not the quality they wanted!
both Arabs and Iranians are very pragmatic and smart people

I have had the company of many of them, they are great listeners and very patient. they smile when I wave Islam on their faces and Atomic power and fortress of Islam and all that.
at individual and state level we have failed to sell them 2 nation theory and they see India with about 200 million Muslims and don't understand our anger and complaints of betrayal.
their dealing with Pakistanis are mostly disappointing and shameful full of lies betrayal and deceit , they term us greedy and cite corruption and inept staff and red tape while dealing with Pakistan. they cite short sided and short term greed of traders who send bogus and low quality stuff and try to con them.
our diplomatic staff is either spending time on arranging trips of inflated political visitors from Pakistan who enjoy at the expense of Pakistani exchequer or is oblivious to their own duties and purpose for being there

for military they have high regards and our forces have time and again earned their respect but as said, this alone is not helping them have any high view of us
There is a genuine cause of concern in GoPs reluctance on this. One cannot Brush criticism aside using this logic.

GoP was very fast in releasing Abhinandan and that was and is a matter of concern.
The standard SoP of GoP to brush aside criticism is to call the critique patwari and if that's not enough pull out the money laundering case of Mian Sharif and now this!
If history is written as it is happening, IK govt. will always be looked upon as bunch of idiots... at best.
For the record:

"I can record it here. Both UAE and Iran are bastards and in it for themselves. Both would flush Pakistan down the toilet if it helped their profit/loss. Can you say this as categorically like I said about your holy cow?"

I will let you edit your post.
no emotional rants and profanity please. they have nothing against Pakistan. and lets not invite others to go down the name calling challenge.
solution is in house.. among us.

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