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Any updates: surface to air missile defense system for INDIA

India already have S-300 System. May be less in number.Officially it is not acknowledge.
Akash missile is more accurate than MIM-104 Patriot.
Indian army and airforce already inducted some of them.
Indian PAD and AAD is sucessfully tested,ready for Indian Cities.
I think Mumbai and Delhi already implementated.
The AAD program can Comp. to THAAD program of USA.
Any updates India's planning to buy Iron Dome missile defense system

Standing tall against unremitting rocket campaign – Iron Dome, the most Effective Rocket Defense System in world

"Standing tall against unremitting rocket campaign by Hamas- Iron Dome, the most effective rocket defense system in world, developed by Haifa-based Rafael Advanced Defense Systems Ltd., Israel. A company already known for its Barak surface-to-air missile (SAM), David’s Sling, SPYDER and Spike fire-and-forget anti-tank guided missile."

After reading this article, to my understanding Iron Dome is a good choice for India.

There are few option available in market:

1) MIM-104 Patriot - I am not sure if US is willing to offer, but a "proven missile defense systems."
2) S-500 - Already another S-300 in service - better tech know-how to Indian system operators. last time i heard, they are planning for extended range up to 300KM system S-300VM. So they must be happy with it. The S-500 could be a right choice.
3) Iron Dome
4) Akash defense system - Already in service
5) Barak 8 - India is partner so i am sure they will go for it.

iron dome is a very good short range SAM system. but i dont think IA or IAF is looking for this because they are already having that short range SAMs.
Other than different systems, we should look out for different genres of SAM.

For long range: S-300 and later by S-400
Medium range: Akash would suffice along with Barak 8.
Short range: Barak 1, Maitri (when available)

The list doesn't include MANPADs and anti-aircraft guns/artillery, which are equally important.

For long range: S-300 or S-400
Medium range: Akash, Barak 8 later Barak 8 ER
Short range: Spyder SAM (IAF already ordered / Army will definitely order)

I thought Maitri is a closed chapter.we don't need it as Spyder has ordered in such a large number.
But,we should get its ToT and make our Astra a similar system to Spyder.
In the case of Iron Dome,We only need it to cover sensitive military establishments to counter smaller rockets, or possibly artillery.
India already have S-300 System. May be less in number.Officially it is not acknowledge.
Akash missile is more accurate than MIM-104 Patriot.
Indian army and airforce already inducted some of them.
Indian PAD and AAD is sucessfully tested,ready for Indian Cities.
I think Mumbai and Delhi already implementated.
The AAD program can Comp. to THAAD program of USA.

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