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Any regular swimmers ?

As chubby as you are; you'd look like Jabba the Hutt going for a swim ! :P
Says the Butt. :D
BTW, I'm a pretty good swimmer, though I hate those swimming caps. From day one I swam in the deep side of the pool.
Any good articles / video regarding hand and hips movements in free style would be helpful

I need to learn the basic free style after that will adopt the style/intensity which is exercise intensive


I tried to learn swimming 4 times but got some injury or ear infection. 5th time is the charm:-)
I tried learning twice, I dont fear water anymore but still could not learn it...
Says the Butt. :D
BTW, I'm a pretty good swimmer, though I hate those swimming caps. From day one I swam in the deep side of the pool.

I am a pretty good swimmer myself ! :smokin:

But I haven't had a chance to swim for the past 5 years ! :(
I tried learning twice, I dont fear water anymore but still could not learn it...
i learnt free style in 15 days, my trainer was a national trainer/athlete himself

in the next 15 days learnt back stroke and breast stroke---- swam 6days a week 1.5 hours every day

have taken a week off as my triceps and anterior deltoid are very sore

hope to learn butterfly next

As chubby as you are; you'd look like Jabba the Hutt going for a swim ! :P
more the belly fat, easier the swimming
I can't swim, I'd just be flapping my arms in shallow end of the pool. :lol:
can men and women use the same pool, at the same time in Pakistan ?

this part of the world in general is a bit conservative, even in India a lot of people would not be at ease with bikinis or even general normal fun things etc :sarcastic:

but there are still many places where its not a big deal, there's places in Indonesia and Malayasia too but I've always imagined Pakistan to be a bit more Saudi style strict gender segregated sharia society.
As chubby as you are; you'd look like Jabba the Hutt going for a swim ! :P

:o::lol: Poor Meap.

Meanwhile at my house:whistle:.



I'm a regular swimmer, though I'm taking a 9 month break.

I've been swimming for 22 years, am a qualified diver and even put my skills to use in the RNoAF as a rescue swimmer in an SAR unit (330 Squadron).

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