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Any provocation along Working Boundary will be responded befittingly: COAS

And retaliation for any provocation from Pakistani side would be more than befitting.

we only fire when fired upon so the befitting reply is what you people will be getting when you feel the need for it
I dont think it was. But it would be un-natural for you to agree with me and me to agree with you when we are on the opposing sides here
There is no way any proud Indian is going to agree with such a statement. I think we should refrain from discussing about it as it's only going to create another flame war in this thread.
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And retaliation for any provocation from Pakistani side would be more than befitting.

It is India who killed two officers in flag meeting.

On the subject matter, I'm extremely disappointed with CoAS... we don't need words, we need action.
What if hindus army fire tomorrow, then what will he do? Does firing back would be enough, to reflect his statement? :disagree:
I'm sure, pretty soon Indians would like to test him, with idea to prove his words.... worthless.
I have no idea, why pak army is on defence, when indians are using proxies to blow up schools, railways and gas pipelines?
Why Nawaz Sharif... friend of modi is still PM?

Say No to War .... But Yes to Clashes :D

What answer have we given, to the cold blood murder of our officers, during flag meeting?
Don't you think hindus use that incidence, to gauge reply of Raheel Sharif?
g. By so called "Butterfly effect" one can claim it's true .But thats not how we weigh down the cause of such a major event in human history. @levina. Help me in explaining it better.
That's just a myth spread by -- i don't know who. You need to read more about disintegration of Soviet union instead of just relying on PDF members here who continuously make this outrageous claim. Pakistan only had a small & limited role in the events leading to disintegration of Soviet union.@SvenSvensonov @AUSTERLITZ @levina @vostok can more efficiently explain it to you.
India being fourth most powerful country militarily has every right to retaliate with multiple ferocity even for a smaller Pakistani provocation. And hey stop making personnel attacks.
I'm gonna divide my reply in 3 parts:
1) USSR"s disintegration: THE REAL REASON
In my opinion USSR was like a sick old man and Afghanistan was the pebble on which the exhausted sick man stumbled on and fell.
The Soviet Empire which stood on three pillars ie. their Military, KGB, and Communist party, were weakened as the Afghan War ate into these pillars.
Another blow came from the “reactive and defensive strategy” of “containment” of the US. Somewhere in late 80's Gorbachev's domestic reforms had run into serious trouble, and the economy went into a tailspin.
Simultaneously US actively hindered the Soviet Union's ability to sell natural gas to Europe whilst simultaneously actively working to keep gas prices low, which kept the price of Soviet oil low and further starved the USSR of foreign capital. This what US is doing to Russia now. They hope to break it further... but Putin would not go down without a fight.
USSR's economy suffered from both hidden inflation and supply shortages, exacerbated by an increasingly open black market that undermined the official economy. Add to it the fact that it paid heavily for its superpower status. The military, space program, subsidies to client states were all out of proportion to the Soviet economy.

2) Pakistan's role in USSR's disintegration: THE MYTH
As far as Pakistan's role is concerned then I limit it to that of a helper to the CIA and MI6 and the People's Liberation Army of China which financed the operation against the Soviet Union.
Pakistan's role was limited to a Mujahideen supply distribution point and camp.
Whenever Soviet forces cleared an area of Afghanistan, the Mujahideen would simply relocate to Pakistan, regroup and resupply and then continue their fight.
The truth is Pakistan was involved in Afghanistan and not in USSR's disintegration. Too much myths and lies have been floating around. But lets not hesitate in calling a spade a spade.

3) ISI's capabilities: OVERATED
They say you're known by what you do today and not by what you've done yesterday.
The truth is 23 of their soldier's were beheaded, 300-400 soldiers were kidnapped which included 4 colonels, what does that tell us about ISI?
Had ISI been competent enough such situations could 've been avoided. Thats all I would like to say about ISI's present capabilities. I am not even bringing OBL's presence in Pak to this discussion.

That is what i am saying. if pakistan can break USSR the super power of that time what is India than .. ??? the problem with east pakistan was that it was not linked directly to pakistan otherwise the situation would have been different

Answered you!!!
I'm gonna divide my reply in 3 parts:
1) USSR"s disintegration: THE REAL REASON
In my opinion USSR was like a sick old man and Afghanistan was the pebble on which the exhausted sick man stumbled on and fell.
The Soviet Empire which stood on three pillars ie. their Military, KGB, and Communist party, were weakened as the Afghan War ate into these pillars.
Another blow came from the “reactive and defensive strategy” of “containment” of the US. Somewhere in late 80's Gorbachev's domestic reforms had run into serious trouble, and the economy went into a tailspin.
Simultaneously US actively hindered the Soviet Union's ability to sell natural gas to Europe whilst simultaneously actively working to keep gas prices low, which kept the price of Soviet oil low and further starved the USSR of foreign capital. This what US is doing to Russia now. They hope to break it further... but Putin would not go down without a fight.
USSR's economy suffered from both hidden inflation and supply shortages, exacerbated by an increasingly open black market that undermined the official economy. Add to it the fact that it paid heavily for its superpower status. The military, space program, subsidies to client states were all out of proportion to the Soviet economy.

2) Pakistan's role in USSR's disintegration: THE MYTH
As far as Pakistan's role is concerned then I limit it to that of a helper to the CIA and MI6 and the People's Liberation Army of China which financed the operation against the Soviet Union.
Pakistan's role was limited to a Mujahideen supply distribution point and camp.
Whenever Soviet forces cleared an area of Afghanistan, the Mujahideen would simply relocate to Pakistan, regroup and resupply and then continue their fight.
The truth is Pakistan was involved in Afghanistan and not in USSR's disintegration. Too much myths and lies have been floating around. But lets not hesitate in calling a spade a spade.

3) ISI's capabilities: OVERATED
They say you're known by what you do today and not by what you've done yesterday.
The truth is 23 of their soldier's were beheaded, 300-400 soldiers were kidnapped which included 4 colonels, what does that tell us about ISI?
Had ISI been competent enough such situations could 've been avoided. Thats all I would like to say about ISI's present capabilities. I am not even bringing OBL's presence in Pak to this discussion.

Answered you!!!
All bullshit theories
All bullshit theories

Yeah Pakistan provided with the stinger missile, made in Durra... lolz.. Or did Pakistan finance the whole Mujahideen force operating in Afghanistan?

Why don't you tell us the real story mate.. maybe the world missed something that only you are aware of.
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