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Anxiety in Kashmir as govt. orders stocking up of LPG for two months, seeks school buildings for sec

India is not able to respond, neither it is going to any war. Current buildup is only to grab some space on negotiation table.

India already lost the war before it started. Modi (0.56" chest) can't even name China or summon Chinese ambassador.
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The anxiety among the people is palpable. “We hear the jets hovering in the skies on a daily basis for many weeks now. Similar orders were issued in February and August last year.

What is coming???

Seems like India fantasy of a two front war is coming true.

And it looks like India cannot fight with China but can fight China and Pakistan in a two pronged war.:-)
India should not go to war...we should let go of that barren mountain region...our economy is in a bad condition...Modi loves taking risks....but this is not worth it...let us first grow economically and militarily and can make an attempt of recapturing that hill some 10 or 15 years later when we could afford a war...there are also some wolves lurking to hit india in case india goes to war with china.

Haha hit we will. Don't you doubt that for a second you Krishna bhakt or whatever bhakt you are.
Hope for the best. Prepare for the worst. I doubt India will go on the offensive. But both sides are building up forces, ammo. It would be foolish to not be prepared. The contest so far has been limited to areas where both sides patrol - pretty much the no man's land. Chinese probably wanted to get even after Dokhlam and what better time than now?
My guess is there would be force build up on both sides hoping for the worst till the winter sets in and everybody goes home.
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Hope for the best. Prepare for the worst. I doubt India will go on the offensive. But both sides are building up forces, ammo. It would be foolish to not be prepared. The contest so far has been limited to areas where both sides patrol - pretty much the no man's land. Chinese probably wanted to get even after Dokhlam and what better time than now?


But Chinese are smart people and they will never gonna to war with India.

But Chinese are smart people and they will never gonna to war with India.
If leaders from both side are smart enough, neither side will start a war for those useless wasteland.
But sometimes war started by accidents on the frontier.
Yours BUZDIL, you don't have the guts

Pakistan is 7 times smaller in population
3 and a half times smaller in land mass

But after India tried to be stupid after Pulwama
Pakistan gave the threat within hours we had sent 24 jets on a bombing run, hitting multiple military targets in BROAD DAYLIGHT
We shot down a Indian jet
And in panic India shoots down its own helicopter

It takes guts

You Indians are darpok people, your happiest when it's 20 of you surrounding a single man

China came
They took land
They beat your soldiers to death
They tortured your CO to DEATH
They took multiple Indian hostages including majors and Colonel and officers
They are building fortifications on their newly conquered territory

Surrender Modi refuses to accept that Chinese even came

By this time Pakistan would have already attacked days ago

There is ABSOLUTELY no point in the Indian bragging or Bollywood fantasy, or India will take Azad Kashmir blah blah blah
When India so shamelessly shows itself to be a dickless transvestite

You will get more respect by attacking and losing THEN THIS

Well said. There is a noticable change in tone from the usual loud mouth maurading Indians.

Reality is starting to bite. Real men are needed at the front while the cowards are stocking up on diapers.

Shit is getting real.
India might try a balakot like fake to lolly pop its population
Ofcourse. Huawei was built by Indians right. Shanghai and Beijing are nothing in front of Mumbai.

Indian where the hell do you get such confidence to say such words of wisdom?
No Huawei was built by reverse engineering and stealing tech from everyone from Apple to Cisco.

Agreed about the cities. Totalitarian regimes can implement changes in urban centers unlike in ours where growth is haphazard. No comparison there.
No Huawei was built by reverse engineering and stealing tech from everyone from Apple to Cisco.

Agreed about the cities. Totalitarian regimes can implement changes in urban centers unlike in ours where growth is haphazard. No comparison there.

No comparison in everything you punk. Chinese can run circles around you in every single technology.

My guess is there would be force build up on both sides hoping for the worst till the winter sets in and everybody goes home.

And then you guys will put your mommy aka gau mata aka cows as a peace offering. You people are meant to be subjugated
No comparison in everything you punk. Chinese can run circles around you in every single technology.

And then you guys will put your mommy aka gau mata aka cows as a peace offering. You people are meant to be subjugated
No, they can't.
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