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Anti-Israel Resolution Narrowly Defeated at IAEA


Nov 5, 2011
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Anti-Israel Resolution Narrowly Defeated at IAEA

A proposed resolution by Arab states criticizing Israel's widely-rumored atomic arsenal was narrowly defeated Friday at a gathering of the UN nuclear agency.

Following a lively debate at the International Atomic Energy Agency's annual general conference, the measure, supported by Iran, was defeated by 51 votes against and 43 in favor with 32 abstentions.

Israel is widely assumed to have nuclear weapons but has never acknowledged it and is not a signatory to the landmark Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT).

The Jewish state is a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency but is not subject to IAEA inspections except for at a small research facility.

The resolution debated at the meeting of all 159 IAEA member states expressed "concern about Israeli nuclear capabilities and calls upon Israel to accede to the NPT and place all its nuclear facilities under comprehensive IAEA safeguards".

In 2009 the same resolution was narrowly approved by members of the IAEA, and in 2010 it was defeated only after intensive lobbying efforts by Western countries.

In 2012 and in 2011 Arab states decided not to propose the resolution, saying that they did so in order to encourage the creation of a Middle East free of weapons of mass destruction.

These efforts, however, have so far come to nothing, with a hoped-for conference failing to take place in late 2012 as planned.

Iran is under intense international pressure because of suspicions that its nuclear activities, which have expanded greatly over the past decade, are aimed at developing the bomb. It has consistently denied that it is seeking a nuclear arms capability.

Oman's ambassador Badr Mohamed Zaher Al Hinai, talking on behalf of Arab states at the IAEA, said that the proposed resolution "could resuscitate" efforts towards a nuclear-free Middle East.

Attacking the "double standards" of Western countries, he called allegations that other Middle East countries were seeking nuclear weapons a "huge distortion of the facts".

But speaking for Israel, deputy ambassador Daniel Danieli said that the resolution amounted to "Israel-bashing" that "contributes to the politicization of the IAEA."

IAEA: Anti-Israel Resolution Narrowly Defeated - Middle East - News - Israel National News
Comedy. UN, NATO = Israhell

They always pretend to forbid the JEWS to colonize but the result is that they do nothing
Israel the only single state with nuclear weapons in the Middle East and still it cannot be singled out. :rofl:

It's funny also that France, England, the US and Germany vetoed their so called 'friends' resolution. They also all have something in common. France, under socialist president Goy Mullet have Israel it's nuclear reactor. In return for Israel fighting the Suez war in 1956. England gave Israel the heavy water. The federal republic of Germany financed the project under the guise of war 'reparations'.

And finally, JFK was trying to dissuade Israel from producing nuclear weapons and was murdered. Then LBJ accepted it and provided them with the jets that can deliver the bomb, the famous F4 Phantoms.

So once again these so called 'allies' throw all of their Arab 'allies' under the bus for the sake of Israel.
Anti-Israeli? Really? Forcing this rogue state to get rid of its WMDs and nuclear weapons should be a priority and yet, the west is whining about Iran's non existent nuclear weapons 24/7. As long as rules of jungle are enforced in ME and the world and Israel is considered above the law, the situation will not change.
Anti-Israeli? Really? Forcing this rogue state to get rid of its WMDs and nuclear weapons should be a priority and yet, the west is whining about Iran's non existent nuclear weapons 24/7. As long as rules of jungle are enforced in ME and the world and Israel is considered above the law, the situation will not change.

Iran has the right to develop its nuclear program.
This only enforces the American empire's hypocritical standpoint on global nuclear issues.

IAEA and all others are baised towards Iran while turning a nelson's eye towards Israel.

Excuse us Pakistan, which is not NPT signatory with nuclear weapons...
These Western states keep banging on about Iran's so-called nuclear weapons and then this!

Excuse us Pakistan, which is not NPT signatory with nuclear weapons...

We will sign the NPT the same moment India and Israel do and when the hypocritical western nations, stop playing games with us at NSG. Its our right to produce and supply nuclear fuel to the global markets & we won't let anyone take it away from us.
We will sign the NPT the same moment India and Israel do and when the hypocritical western nations, stop playing games with us at NSG. Its our right to produce and supply nuclear fuel to the global markets & we won't let anyone take it away from us.

How about developing some credibility by not proliferating nuclear material....there is a good reason for non-admission for pakistan at NSG....

Anti-Israeli? Really? Forcing this rogue state to get rid of its WMDs and nuclear weapons should be a priority and yet, the west is whining about Iran's non existent nuclear weapons 24/7. As long as rules of jungle are enforced in ME and the world and Israel is considered above the law, the situation will not change.

rogue state?? plz do explain
Any official documents to back your claim? Or had these school of thoughts popped out out of nowhere?

How about developing some credibility by not proliferating nuclear material....there is a good reason for non-admission for pakistan at NSG....

rogue state?? plz do explain

We will sign the NPT the same moment India and Israel do and when the hypocritical western nations, stop playing games with us at NSG. Its our right to produce and supply nuclear fuel to the global markets & we won't let anyone take it away from us.

Hah! They had gone nuclear and there was nothing much an X or Y states could have done to stop them.
[Bregs];4807039 said:
All the international organisation like these including UN are now US puppets, they turn towards where US wants them to be

Any Russians and Chinese
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