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Anti-Drone Peshawar Dharna by PTI | Dharti Hamari, Marzi Hamari (Our land, our choice) .

Shame on you for defending PMLN government..
This nawaz shareef has no self respect, No hope from this king style government of PMLN.....He visits Pakistani like a foreign country.. He(Nawaz sharif) always left Pakistan in difficult situation.... No shame.... I never saw such shameless people in my life..

Before elections: We'll bring back looted money from Swiss Banks.

After elections: Waddi tind went Srilanka to establish new suger mill there.
Shame on you for defending PMLN government..
This nawaz shareef has no self respect, No hope from this king style government of PMLN.....He visits Pakistani like a foreign country.. He(Nawaz sharif) always left Pakistan in difficult situation.... No shame.... I never saw such shameless people in my life..
But I don't even use the word shame for PTIians for them behaving like hypocrytes. Suits their nature so no worries here. Why doesnt PTI and KPK government show balls and say that they won't accept a single penny from US as aid or anything henceforth. :)
In other words, PMLN does NOT protest against drones because they cannot stop taking dollars from US? :woot:

Its funny to see these anti PTI losers at PDF. A few days ago they were like, mark my words, IK cannot block Nato supply, IK's emotional statement to block nato supply has disturbed whole PTI, IK just cannot block nato supply, it is all drama, it will be just a jalsa, oh it will be a dharna for max one day, :blah: :blah: :blah: :lol:

Cry b!tches, cry.. :rofl:
Apparently the Dollars are flowing in KPK where 35% of the aid is funded by NATO and USAID. No offense but do have a look into mirror before saying anything.
Why doesnt PTI and KPK government show balls and say that they won't accept a single penny from US as aid or anything henceforth.

Still waiting for any of PTI fans to answer this one !!
Or , as Saleem Safi said , why dont they publically burn the foreign visas on their passports and say that they or their children will never go to the west again , as a protest against western war crimes !!
1.)The drone attacks would not end any soon.US would ensure it crushes Taliban before leaving.

2.)Most probable reason is because Pakistan doesn't want to bear the monetary and strategic cost of launching an operation in a rough terrain of Northern mountains, where there is no guarantee it will achieve its objectives because the talibans would cross the border to afghanistan and come back again after the operation.

3.) Pak military can hardly stand this but they would like the government to guide it.As the former Air chief Rao Qamar Suleman said an interview that "We can destroy american drones but what next? Do we want to go on a war against NATO?This is what the government has to decide."
well three things if i have to be bluntli honest

1. yes drones will keep coming at will of CIA and there is nothing PA/PAF could do about that as they are the ones who are catering CIA the information about the targets and painting the targets with laser or beacons and all the drones are flying as the genrals are getting there "remitence"

2. USA will never leave Afghanistan it is onli downsizing its so called "boots on the ground" and taking away all the equipment as the supercarriers are in final stages of testing the new tech of stealthy UCAVs which can strike from persian gulf to anywhere in IRAN, Afghanistan & Pakistan deu to domestick response aginst drones flying from bases in paksiatn

3. USA has shown its intend but the PA (Genrals, beurocrats & ruling elite)is still not made up its mind as they have considerable (personal)interests in the west so they will never go all owt to oppose use of drones

4. Taliban were created by CIA+PA+ISI+SA to hurt USSR but later used for India(like kandhar hijak) and to control afghanistan after soviets left in which they were partialli sucsessfull but in time Indians and afghanies became bitter against double came and pakistan lost there goodwill/trust and sympathy ..while india count do anything it stayed owt but afghanies decided to payback PA/ISI in its own language ...hence the myhem in pakistan

5. if that was not enof the seeds sown aginst all anty sunnies started bearing fruits and every thing went to extream + the open and unchekked illeagel arms trade & the lesons these criminal lurend by ISI training (IEDs & gurrilla warfare)added to the fire and now they(tabliqui jamats) have mastered the art and since they cant confront USA/NATO they are unleashing terror attacks on the hands that feeded them once

6.once these so called relegous fighters were trained and monitarralli supported by west and SA now found easy money in drug& arms trafficing , extortion so now they have become economicalli self dependent so started rejecting there earlier masters commands and in time satrted hurting the hands that once fed them

so the moral of the story in short is "miya ki jutti miya ke sir" and there is no way you can control it than fear of drone strikes and thats why its the main condition from Taliban for peace full dialog lets see whtas in store for the future ...Good Luck pakistan
So far the federal govt is hypocrite, it initiated a APC to stop drones, passed resolutions in parliament, but did nothing practically to stop drones. as dollars speak, nawaz and generals go silent !
Btw now Imran khan is saying that the right to stop NATO supplies lie with PTI :)
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>PMLN &#39;chootas&#39; needn&#39;t ridicule Imran Khan; Khan by his dharnas is only strengthening Nawaz&#39;s hand to deal with the US on drone issue...</p>&mdash; Moeed Pirzada (@MoeedNj) <a href="https://twitter.com/MoeedNj/statuses/404226245493145601">November 23, 2013</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

@WebMaster cannot we copy paste tweet code here?

Still waiting for any of PTI fans to answer this one !!
Or , as Saleem Safi said , why dont they publically burn the foreign visas on their passports and say that they or their children will never go to the west again , as a protest against western war crimes !!

Are you nuts or what? Protest against drones and NATO supply is not war against USA. Why dont you just stick yourself to the real issue ? Genius!
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