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Anti-Beijing protests may not remain non-violent, warn Tibetans


Feb 21, 2014
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Tibet’s leaders in exile have warned Beijing not to assume that Tibetan protests against brutal Chinese rule will always be non-violent – even if a spate of self-immolations by demonstrators has so far not harmed “even a Chinese bicycle”.

Lobsang Sangay, who succeeded the Dalai Lama as the political head of the India-based Tibetan administration, compared the situation in the Himalayan territory ofTibetwith that in neighbouringXinjiang, where Muslim separatistshave launched a series of lethal attacks on Chinese targets with knives and bombs.

Mr Sangay said intense Chinese repression had forced Tibetans to turn from peaceful protests to setting themselves alight to publicise their demands for freedom and the return home of the exiled Dalai Lama, and warned that worse might follow.

Since 2009, 130 Tibetans, many of them Buddhist monks who revere the Dalai Lama as their spiritual leader, have set themselves on fire, and 112 of them have died as a result.

“Even though 130 Tibetans have burnt themselves, none of them has harmed a single Chinese person or property,” Mr Sangay told the Financial Times. “Clearly, at the stage of painful death, one is restraining oneself from harming even a Chinese bicycle.

“That restraint is there in the minds of Tibetan people themselves. But if repression continues, one can never know. It might lead to unfortunate incidents,” he said. “From peaceful protests in the streets to self-immolation – similarly in Xinjiang, you can clearly see now people are protesting in more violent forms.”

On Thursday, theDalai Lamaand Mr Sangay relaunched what they call the “Middle Way Approach” – a proposed path between repression and separatism that would lead to genuine autonomy for Tibet within a sovereign China.

Tibetan activists accuse the Chinese of destroying their language and Buddhist culture and of exploiting minerals and forests with devastating environmental consequences for south Asia’s principal watershed. The Chinese Communist party, whose forces invaded Tibet in 1950, insists that the Dalai Lama is a dangerous “splittist” bent on breaking up China – even though the two sides have held nine rounds of talks to try to resolve the issue.

To mark the 25th anniversary of the June 4 1989Beijing massacreof pro-democracy demonstrators, the Dalai Lama issued an unusually forthright statement certain to have angered Chinese leaders. He offered his prayers “for those who died for freedom, democracy and human rights”, and contrasted China’s progress in integrating itself with the world economy with the unfulfilled task of bringing it into “the mainstream of global democracy”.

Mr Sangay told a news conference that the Chinese leadership ought to realise that the hardline policies imposed on the Tibetan people “have not worked”. He said: “All this repression is making Tibetans more resentful.”

Anti-Beijing protests may not remain non-violent, warn Tibetans - FT.com
Tibet’s leaders in exile have warned Beijing not to assume that Tibetan protests against brutal Chinese rule will always be non-violent – even if a spate of self-immolations by demonstrators has so far not harmed “even a Chinese bicycle”.

Lobsang Sangay, who succeeded the Dalai Lama as the political head of the India-based Tibetan administration, compared the situation in the Himalayan territory ofTibetwith that in neighbouringXinjiang, where Muslim separatistshave launched a series of lethal attacks on Chinese targets with knives and bombs.

Anti-Beijing protests may not remain non-violent, warn Tibetans

You meant "Anti-Beijing protests may not remain non-violent, warn Indians"?

Those Indians in India can say whatever they like. They have no relevance to the policy development in the Tibet area in China. If they try to provoke terrorism like before then China will deal with them again. The development in western China, including Tibet, is getting better now. Chinese there are getting better education, health, life and social development. People in the Tibetan area are enjoying more political, economical and personal right than ever before when they were under controlled of Lamas. However, the Tibetan area are still poor relative to other coastal areas in China. However, that's expected as the area is surrounded by and on top of mountains; like Nepal and Bhutan. However, major progresses had been made and more will be made. If those Indian wannabe Tibetans have problem with that, then it is too bad for them.
If Tibetans resort to terrorism their entire cause sponsored by the west will vanish overnight. Arguably they will be playing right into our hands. Simple answer after that would be to flood Xizang with migrants from other regions.
Tibetan protests are always VIOLENT.

The last time they called the monks to mass suicide.

Did Lobsang Sangay drunk?
That will be good news.

CCP will annihilate those bugs once for all. Or they can burn themselves at first.

Tibet’s leaders in exile have warned Beijing not to assume that Tibetan protests against brutal Chinese rule will always be non-violent – even if a spate of self-immolations by demonstrators has so far not harmed “even a Chinese bicycle”.

Lobsang Sangay, who succeeded the Dalai Lama as the political head of the India-based Tibetan administration, compared the situation in the Himalayan territory ofTibetwith that in neighbouringXinjiang, where Muslim separatistshave launched a series of lethal attacks on Chinese targets with knives and bombs.

Mr Sangay said intense Chinese repression had forced Tibetans to turn from peaceful protests to setting themselves alight to publicise their demands for freedom and the return home of the exiled Dalai Lama, and warned that worse might follow.

Since 2009, 130 Tibetans, many of them Buddhist monks who revere the Dalai Lama as their spiritual leader, have set themselves on fire, and 112 of them have died as a result.

“Even though 130 Tibetans have burnt themselves, none of them has harmed a single Chinese person or property,” Mr Sangay told the Financial Times. “Clearly, at the stage of painful death, one is restraining oneself from harming even a Chinese bicycle.

“That restraint is there in the minds of Tibetan people themselves. But if repression continues, one can never know. It might lead to unfortunate incidents,” he said. “From peaceful protests in the streets to self-immolation – similarly in Xinjiang, you can clearly see now people are protesting in more violent forms.”

On Thursday, theDalai Lamaand Mr Sangay relaunched what they call the “Middle Way Approach” – a proposed path between repression and separatism that would lead to genuine autonomy for Tibet within a sovereign China.

Tibetan activists accuse the Chinese of destroying their language and Buddhist culture and of exploiting minerals and forests with devastating environmental consequences for south Asia’s principal watershed. The Chinese Communist party, whose forces invaded Tibet in 1950, insists that the Dalai Lama is a dangerous “splittist” bent on breaking up China – even though the two sides have held nine rounds of talks to try to resolve the issue.

To mark the 25th anniversary of the June 4 1989Beijing massacreof pro-democracy demonstrators, the Dalai Lama issued an unusually forthright statement certain to have angered Chinese leaders. He offered his prayers “for those who died for freedom, democracy and human rights”, and contrasted China’s progress in integrating itself with the world economy with the unfulfilled task of bringing it into “the mainstream of global democracy”.

Mr Sangay told a news conference that the Chinese leadership ought to realise that the hardline policies imposed on the Tibetan people “have not worked”. He said: “All this repression is making Tibetans more resentful.”

Anti-Beijing protests may not remain non-violent, warn Tibetans - FT.com
Really funny, Tibetan independence are required? Dalai able to cobble together 600000 people to sign the Declaration of Independence? Concern has been to sacrifice other people's lives, he is evil.
Tibet’s leaders in exile have warned Beijing not to assume that Tibetan protests against brutal Chinese rule will always be non-violent – even if a spate of self-immolations by demonstrators has so far not harmed “even a Chinese bicycle”.

Lobsang Sangay, who succeeded the Dalai Lama as the political head of the India-based Tibetan administration, compared the situation in the Himalayan territory ofTibetwith that in neighbouringXinjiang, where Muslim separatistshave launched a series of lethal attacks on Chinese targets with knives and bombs.

Mr Sangay said intense Chinese repression had forced Tibetans to turn from peaceful protests to setting themselves alight to publicise their demands for freedom and the return home of the exiled Dalai Lama, and warned that worse might follow.

Since 2009, 130 Tibetans, many of them Buddhist monks who revere the Dalai Lama as their spiritual leader, have set themselves on fire, and 112 of them have died as a result.

“Even though 130 Tibetans have burnt themselves, none of them has harmed a single Chinese person or property,” Mr Sangay told the Financial Times. “Clearly, at the stage of painful death, one is restraining oneself from harming even a Chinese bicycle.

“That restraint is there in the minds of Tibetan people themselves. But if repression continues, one can never know. It might lead to unfortunate incidents,” he said. “From peaceful protests in the streets to self-immolation – similarly in Xinjiang, you can clearly see now people are protesting in more violent forms.”

On Thursday, theDalai Lamaand Mr Sangay relaunched what they call the “Middle Way Approach” – a proposed path between repression and separatism that would lead to genuine autonomy for Tibet within a sovereign China.

Tibetan activists accuse the Chinese of destroying their language and Buddhist culture and of exploiting minerals and forests with devastating environmental consequences for south Asia’s principal watershed. The Chinese Communist party, whose forces invaded Tibet in 1950, insists that the Dalai Lama is a dangerous “splittist” bent on breaking up China – even though the two sides have held nine rounds of talks to try to resolve the issue.

To mark the 25th anniversary of the June 4 1989Beijing massacreof pro-democracy demonstrators, the Dalai Lama issued an unusually forthright statement certain to have angered Chinese leaders. He offered his prayers “for those who died for freedom, democracy and human rights”, and contrasted China’s progress in integrating itself with the world economy with the unfulfilled task of bringing it into “the mainstream of global democracy”.

Mr Sangay told a news conference that the Chinese leadership ought to realise that the hardline policies imposed on the Tibetan people “have not worked”. He said: “All this repression is making Tibetans more resentful.”

Anti-Beijing protests may not remain non-violent, warn Tibetans - FT.com

Gandhi once said that non-violence or ahimsa works only against the adversary who is morally upright. Just food for thought.
Gandhi once said that non-violence or ahimsa works only against the adversary who is morally upright. Just food for thought.

First of all, the protest in 2008 was anything but peaceful. Many Han and Tibetan civilians died by mob violence. Secondly, self-immolation, which inflicts significant harm to the protesters themselves, is violent toward self; it is a form of intimidation through extreme self harm. A non-violent protest should harm no one, no even protesters themselves.

With all that said, I absolutely do not endorse the Chinese Communist Party. I believe in an open, humanist society where the values of rights and democratic principles are respected. However, repeated Tibetan violence would not lead to better results, and tempting on the issue of sovereignty with violence only opens a Pandora's box of bloodshed, with human beings, regardless of ethnicity, bearing the ultimate consequences.

Whatever demand from whichever ethnic group of people must continue down in the peaceful route, and challenge the Chinese, or whichever government only in legal and non-violent avenues. Violence has plagued our history for its entirety, and has resulted in only more violence.
Whatever it is we cant encourage violent method against China by exiled Tibetans .
If they did that then kicking them out from India is highly recommendable.
First of all, the protest in 2008 was anything but peaceful. Many Han and Tibetan civilians died by mob violence. Secondly, self-immolation, which inflicts significant harm to the protesters themselves, is violent toward self; it is a form of intimidation through extreme self harm. A non-violent protest should harm no one, no even protesters themselves.

With all that said, I absolutely do not endorse the Chinese Communist Party. I believe in an open, humanist society where the values of rights and democratic principles are respected. However, repeated Tibetan violence would not lead to better results, and tempting on the issue of sovereignty with violence only opens a Pandora's box of bloodshed, with human beings, regardless of ethnicity, bearing the ultimate consequences.

Whatever demand from whichever ethnic group of people must continue down in the peaceful route, and challenge the Chinese, or whichever government only in legal and non-violent avenues. Violence has plagued our history for its entirety, and has resulted in only more violence.

Dalai Lama is a reasonable man and he is not talking about total independence. If you could talk to him then things will fall in place.
Let's keep i t peaceful, there is no need to get violent.only harm to innocents will come from this.
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