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Anti Ballistic Missile Ashwin testfired successfully

Nah....... of course not bhaijan.......... Indians took the moral high ground and developed everything indigenously..... if you look closely, the word "INDI-genously" itself has it's roots in ancient sanskrit........... no wonder why you people love the word so much! :D

Ironically, your sarcasm meets reality in every angle.Now since you do not have anything but hot air for debunking the indigenous theory, why not sit back and enjoy!!
I'm well aware of ground realities and can smell the winds of change way before most of you can........ only thing that sort of irritates me is the "Made in India" sticker.......... :D

Hey hey hey .......:-):-):-):-):-):-)

Now that's way more palpable than 'shoooooper duuuper indigenooooooous' misssshhhhhhhile........ hurraaaaayyyyyyy hurraayyyyyyy..... soon we can deshtroyyyyy the Lunatinas on the mooooon, who're spreading Ishlaaaaam up therezzzzz" :p: :D
some one having meltdown here.

our pigeons are in grave danger now
saheens are in danger for sure !
are we gonna have these missiles on navy ships as well ? i mean are there any plans for naval versions ?
:lol:Afraid :hitwall:....Bring your KOHLI (BMD),would be more dangerous for us..:omghaha:.

Oh please, this is for China, we don't need high tech stuff for you lot.
God only knows if your stuff even work, when it is hardly ever tested.

Not only that, even on ISRO's indigenously designed, warp capable spaceships! :D

I hear sarcasm is a coping mechanism.:coffee:
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are we gonna have these missiles on navy ships as well ? i mean are there any plans for naval versions ?
No, Barak 8 is effective against Ballistic missiles too if not Barak 8ER will do complete job against AShM ballistic missiles.
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