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Anti Aircraft Carrier Missles for JF17 Thunder


Sep 8, 2009
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JF17 Thunder's strategic , weapon

Considering the Importance of the weapons , it makes the Aircraft carriers an obsolete Technology

Carrier Killers are a myth, specially in such small packages....... it it were true, the Chinese would produce 400 of these mini-monsters and call it a day and strategic-balance would've been achieved the same day.

Now let's get back to reality and not take what Jane's is paid to say too seriously.
Same missile already discussed elsewhere . you have to overcome carrier escort before you can hit a aircraft carrier after even overcoming its own self defence system .
Considering the Importance of the weapons , it makes the Aircraft carriers an obsolete Technology
Really? You gotta be kidding me. You seem to be clueless on the intrinsic defensive measures of a Carrier Strike Group. If you didn't know, an AC will never ever be operating alone at sea. There are a plethora of surface vessels accompanying an AC which itself has adequate defensive measures against enemy missiles.

What has this image gotta do with the topic being discussed? This is an old decommissioned AC in a break-up yard to be sold as scrap. Or did you think it was destroyed by the CM-400AKG? :rofl:
Now to get close to the Ac/C, first the FC1 will have to get past the Mig29K, if it does, it would probably become fish food by the Air defence of the destroyers, if it survives that, then it will have to contend with the ships defence.... Unfortunately due to the range of the weapon and engagement scenario, the enemy aircraft will have to most likely contend with surface to air missiles and Mig29K simultaneously....Long range Cruise missile or a submarine on a suicide mission has better chances...
JF17 Thunder's strategic , weapon

Considering the Importance of the weapons , it makes the Aircraft carriers an obsolete Technology

Congratulations . After JF 17 you don't need any other weapons at all . After all AC's are obsolete technologies in your opinion .

Now if someone talks sanely , he knows that there can be no bigger power projection far away from your territory as there can be with CSG's . There is a reason US is using a Dozens of them and even few days back US CSG's hit ISIS targets in Syria .
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There is not alternative to a carrier. period! The missile maybe a good thing against surface combatants but to term carrier as absolute just because of one missile is being naive of the highest order.
Multiple hits might cause the damage to AC ... But to do that you have to put multiple fighter jets in the air

the avic video state following characteristics

910 kg (2,000lb) weapon
50% probability
0.4m-diameter missile
having a range of between 54-130 nm (100-240 km),
either a 150kg blast warhead or 200kg penetration warhead.
CM-400 uses “high [altitude] launching” to achieve “higher aircraft survivability”
JF-17 would launch the missile at speeds between Mach 0.7 and M0.9 at an elevation between 26,200ft and 39,400ft

It is supersonic missile only in terminal stage
View attachment 110184

JF17 Thunder's strategic , weapon

Considering the Importance of the weapons , it makes the Aircraft carriers an obsolete Technology

View attachment 110185
Carriers obsolete tech? Lol why don't you suggest China.. They are planning 4+ AC.. If there is a thing like carrier killers.. They would retire lionang first... Don't be a fan boy... Jf 17 need to slow down to fire the Missile within range of Jf 17...
Is the OP suffering from severe insecurity ?
THis thread, complemented by the nuke on a f16 thread?
folks if it damage AC and keep it away from war its not a susses ?
folks if it damage AC and keep it away from war its not a susses ?
If it does then yes but the question is will it be able to do so when the a.c. is protected by a 3 layered defence suite by the cbg
If it does then yes but the question is will it be able to do so when the a.c. is protected by a 3 layered defence suite by the cbg
dear there must be some% of chances otherwise design build and wasting millions on this missile was for ? china is not that much stupid .
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