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ANP leader among eight killed in KP attacks? PTI & Ik still ignorant?


Jan 28, 2008
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United States

A policeman stands beside the wreckage of a destroyed police vehicle after a roadside bomb explosion in the Martoong area of Swat valley. -AFP Photo
Updated 2014-01-12 18:49:46
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PESHAWAR: Unknown gunmen shot dead a senior opposition leader along with two others in Pakistan's northwestern city of Peshawar on Sunday, police said, hours after a bomb attack in another part of the region killed five.

Mian Mushtaq, a former high-ranking member of the secular Awami National Party (ANP) that ruled the northwestern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province until last year, was in his car when he was attacked, senior police official Rahim Shah told AFP.

“Up to four gunmen had taken position on both sides of a road and as soon as Mian Mushtaq's car passed they started firing and fled in the nearby fields,” Shah said.

“Mian Mushtaq and two others died in the firing,” he added.

The ANP is known for its outspoken views against the Taliban and backed military operations against the insurgents while it ruled the restive Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province for five years till March 2013.

Imran Khan's Pakistan Tehrik-i-Insaf (PTI) has now formed a coalition government in the province but ANP leaders remain in the militants' sights.

Earlier in the day two roadside bombs targeting Amir Muqam of the ruling Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz (PML-N) party killed five of his security detail in the Martoong area of Swat valley, which the Taliban controlled from 2007-2009.

“At least five policemen were killed and four others were wounded,” senior police official Abdullah Khan told AFP.

The dead and wounded were travelling in the security car that was leading the other vehicles, he said.

Another senior police official, Gulzar Khan, confirmed the attack, which was later condemned in a statement by the prime minister's office.

Khan said two improvised explosive devices weighing two kilograms (4.4 pounds) each were remotely detonated minutes apart and a third unexploded device found at the crime scene was defused by a bomb disposal squad.

Muqam, an adviser to Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, told AFP that he was safe but distraught over the loss of the men in his security detail.

“I thank God for saving my life. I am very sad over the loss of my people who gave their lives while protecting me,” he said.

He said that he was travelling in the area with some 15 vehicles in his convoy as part of campaign efforts for local elections.

The Pakistani Taliban, other militant affiliates and al Qaeda-linked networks all have strongholds in the country's northwest, particularly in the semi-autonomous areas on the Afghan border.
IK will suffer in the end, but it was ANP which was so much lenient towards talibans just because they were pashtuns, ANP is reaping what it saw in my opinion so no sympathies for them
Taliban sympathizers are running the show in KPK. One may have noticed that Imran Khan was compelled to criticize his own government for ignoring the death of brave Aitzaz Hassan. Who cares about the death of political rivals?

Despite the fact that TTP have declared from the roof top that they have killed the brave Ch. Aslam; both the PTI & JI leadership only condemned the action and asked that “those responsible should be caught and punished”; carefully avoiding the word ‘Taliban’ in their condemnation.

Even if TTP decline to talk, our leaders will go on saying that we prefer to talk. With such bunch of spineless cowards in power in KPK with even more dithering spineless Ch. Nisar as Interior Minister in Islamabad, Taliban have nothing to worry about. You will see more of the same in the foreseeable future.

I am dumbfounded that intelligent people such as Asad Omer continue to support Taliban Khan in his appeasement policy of the scum of the earth Taliban.
Taliban sympathizers are running the show in KPK. One may have noticed that Imran Khan was compelled to criticize his own government for ignoring the death of brave Aitzaz Hassan. Who cares about the death of political rivals?

Despite the fact that TTP have declared from the roof top that they have killed the brave Ch. Aslam; both the PTI & JI leadership only condemned the action and asked that “those responsible should be caught and punished”; carefully avoiding the word ‘Taliban’ in their condemnation.

Even if TTP decline to talk, our leaders will go on saying that we prefer to talk. With such bunch of spineless cowards in power in KPK with even more dithering spineless Ch. Nisar as Interior Minister in Islamabad, Taliban have nothing to worry about. You will see more of the same in the foreseeable future.

I am dumbfounded that intelligent people such as Asad Omer continue to support Taliban Khan in his appeasement policy of the scum of the earth Taliban.

You think war is a solution ?
Yes they are ignorant. Blame everything on them and their first govt. Not the incompetence and wrong policies (actually there has been no policy!) of previous rulers!
Place border with strict-security forces between Pakistan and Afghanistan. That's how you can control the terrorism. It takes a real leader with a lot of guts to enforce this method. We don't see any leader with that gut at this moment.
And we've been trying this solution since past 9 years, aren't we sir @niaz?

There has not been any concerted operation against Taliban except in Swat. All other so called operations were half hearted; I would say ‘quarter heated’ attempts and were stopped too soon to have any lasting effect.

First operation was launched in March 2004 which centred on the South Waziristan city of Wana. This was forcefully rebuked by a cross section of opposition political parties, including former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s Pakistan Muslim League and others, like the Pakistan Peoples Party and ANP strongly opposed this.

ANP chief condemns Wana operation - DAWN.COM

Govt asked to stop operation in Wana - DAWN.COM

After Swat where ANP gov’t agreed to the local gov’t of Hafiz Sufi Mohammed’s Taliban and the resultant debacle, ANP has changed its tune.

Second operation was conducted in 2006. This time again right wing political parties were dead against it, this included PML-N. MMA was in power in the KPK (then NWFP) was also staunchly against it.

MMA condemns Fata operation - DAWN.COM

Clamour of the political parties resulted in suspension of this operation.

Waziristan action suspended - DAWN.COM

There was also a small Operation in Kurram agency in 2008, primarily to clear the main road link between Parachinar and Pakistan.

Army ends operation in Central Kurram - DAWN.COM

Nawaz Sharif himself when in opposition was strongly against any action against the extremists. This was his stance in 2008.

Sharif: Pakistan Is "Drowned In Blood" - CBS News

I therefore maintain that a concerted effort to eliminate Taliban menace from FATA was never allowed to happen. Only time when there was a consensus and Army allowed free hand was in Swat. This was the famous ‘Operation rah raast’ launched ached after all political parties agreed to it in a resolution passed in May 2009.

North Waziristan, a haven of Taliban extremism since the beginning, has never touched. The reason being that ISI & PA differentiated between good & bad Taliban and because Haqqani group limited their attacks to Afghanistan alone.

Therefore often repeated argument by Imran Khan that we have been fighting for 10 years and let us give peace a change is a mere rhetoric and not based on facts. Taliban supporters have always managed to save Taliban and get the army action stopped much too soon. For example about 2006 operation this was the stance of Imran Khan.

Imran seeks probe into Waziristan operation - DAWN.COM

In my humble view one of the main reasons for sympathy for Taliban across all the strata of Pakistan society is that it is simply too traumatic for mainstream Pakistani society to accept that fellow Muslims are using the language of Islam to kill other Muslims. Opposition to Pakistan’s war against the Taliban has also been dominated by the notion that Pakistan was waging a war not in its own interests but those of the United States. It has been argued by many influential public commentators such as Imran Khan and Jamaat-e-Islami leaders that insurgent violence in the tribal areas is a consequence of military operations and the drone attacks which inflamed nationalist, anti-imperialist sentiments among tribal Pashtuns.

This perception prevents Pakistani society from confronting the very real and serious infiltration of militant, political Islam into mainstream society. This false view effectively absolves the religious leaders, political leaders like Imran Khan and the ruling parties from their culpability in creating the environment that is destroying Quaid’s Pakistan and has polarized the society.

During the 2012 election the dividing line between right wing parties and liberal forces became clear. TTP declared that one is free to go to the political rallies of Jamaat Islami, PTI & PML-N. However rallies of the PPP, ANP & MQM will be targeted for bombing. It is clear who Taliban think is with them and who is against them. It would be logical to conclude that PTI success in the KPK is primarily due to pro-Taliban stance of Imran Khan.

That was history; let us look at the present. Right wing parties such as JUI. JI, PTI & PML-N keep harping upon dialogue. Now that Ch. Nisar has declared that two main groups that comprise TTP including the chief Fazlullah has refused the talks offer; pray tell me how can a meaningful dialogue take place if the other party refuses to talk?

PPP, ANP & MQM are for the military action. On the other hand PTI would not commit to any military action even against those who have declined the dialogue. TTP go on killing Pakistanis and boldly declare that they have done it. However Imran Khan would still not support military action even against groups that refuse the dialogue! Basically this means “you kill, we would do nothing”. This is abject surrender whichever way you look at it.

In reply to the post referred above I would say that if we want to save Pakistan, we have to eliminate Taliban menace. This can only be done by a long and protracted military operation. Let us face it, Pakistan has little to offer except that if TTP lay down their arms, all sins would be forgiven. Only when Taliban power is truly broken, they would be conducive to talk peace.

Should PTI continue indirectly supporting Taliban by objecting to any military action against this cancer of the society, Taliban would continue with their murderous activities.
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I say TTP wants Islam, so let's get our hearts stronger and give them the Islamist treatment,

That means

-- Anyone going againts the state must be killed
-- His marriage age female family members be converted into wives/slaves of the soldiers
-- His adult male female members be slaves
-- Younger boys and girls can be divided into whoever will take them.

Thus you must end the family line for all TTP terrorists,

Americans too give us an example about those who started civil war there

Anti-American Gen Lee's mansion is now a graveyard for the American soldiers.

Same way every TTP guy or supporter must lose his property that should be given to the Pak soliders or made into graveyards.

Thus they will never ever be able to come back to the same house.

This is how you nip the evil in the bud

Both from Islamic and from American way.

I don't think you understand. If there is Islamic system, then extremist groups will be created with fund to endorse democracy. It's all about breaking the nation apart. Despite of Islamic democracy system [not completely], yet this group is being funded by foreign elements - especially that group screams of implementing Islamic system. Pakistan is being attacked - to be denuclearized and liberate Balochistan from Pakistan. Balochistan is important strategist location to connect port to several nations. If Pakistan has thought like this, Pakistan could have been progressed a lot better.

I don't think you understand. If there is Islamic system, then extremist groups will be created with fund to endorse democracy. It's all about breaking the nation apart. Despite of Islamic democracy system [not completely], yet this group is being funded by foreign elements - especially that group screams of implementing Islamic system. Pakistan is being attacked - to be denuclearized and liberate Balochistan from Pakistan. Balochistan is important strategist location to connect port to several nations. If Pakistan has thought like this, Pakistan could have been progressed a lot better.

my brother malik

your post doesn't make sense at all.

Are you by any chance trying to string together a bunch of conspiracy theories.

please explain.

If i want to break Pakistan, i will fund anyone to demoralize Pakistan in many ways. TTP is not created simply to endorse Islamic way. TTP just happen to have perfect excuse as Pakistan has been ruling by democratically leaders. Ironically, Pakistan has made TTP job much easier especially TTP operates in similar manners of Afghan Taliban, but different agenda -dressing typical Muslim outfit doesn't help Pakistan army as the public will perceive this as attack on Islam, at least half the nation does unfortunately. To disintegrate Pakistan, imitating like Afghan Taliban while executing like criminal. That's mastermind plan. TTP job is to bring chaos as the million dollars is on the card. Imran Khan is sadly mistaken when he thinks peace is possible, if drone project is stopped, all will be fine, when in truth, it won't as it's not easy to give up million dollars pouring by foreign elements. Pakistan and Afghanistan are goldmine for mercenaries, spies, criminals and you name it, at this moment.

Actually, this is complicated. The great deception is here.
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If i want to break Pakistan, i will fund anyone to demoralize Pakistan in many ways. TTP is not created simply to endorse Islamic way. Ironically, Pakistan has made TTP job much easier especially TTP operates in similar manners of Afghan Taliban, but different agenda -dressing typical Muslim outfit doesn't help Pakistan army as the public will perceive this very different way. To disintegrate Pakistan, imitating like Afghan Taliban while executing like criminal. That's mastermind plan.TTP job is to bring chaos as the million dollars is on the card. Imran Khan is sadly mistaken when he thinks peace is possible, if drone project is stopped, all will be fine when in truth, it won't as it's easy to give up million dollars pouring by foreign elements.

TTP is the culmination of millions of Islamists of Pakistan.

These Pakistanis want to bring back long dead Khilafah lafafah.

And TTP offers to help in this effort.

And TTP is on a mission to capture the whole of Pakistan and not disintegrate it.

I hope it helps.
TTP is created on 2004; already been exposed with foreign expensive weapons and American million dollars. Since, Pakistan is democratic, people in Pakistan, mainly orthodox Muslim will be anti-democratic. TTP is created at the right time on the right place. Perfect laid cover is laid out to TTP. TTP is just a tool - being used only to create division.

If you wanna capture Pakistan, join Politics to take control over Pakistan. If you are bombing everywhere, that's when you are disintegrating the nation completely. Look at what is happening in the middle east. We are falling for traps. History is being repeated after what happened in the middle east.
TTP is created on 2004; already been exposed with foreign expensive weapons and American million dollars. Since, Pakistan is democratic, people in Pakistan, mainly orthodox Muslim will be anti-democratic. TTP is created at the right time on the right place. Perfect laid cover is laid out to TTP. TTP is just a tool - being used only to create division.

If you wanna capture Pakistan, join Politics to take control over Pakistan. If you are bombing everywhere, that's when you are disintegrating the nation completely. Look at what is happening in the middle east. We are falling for traps. History is being repeated after what happened in the middle east.



You know why Fazlullah is the leader now?

What makes him the leader?

What is his background?
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