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Another U.S. Navy destroyer collides with a merchant ship, rescue efforts underway


Aug 19, 2011
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SEOUL — A U.S. Navy destroyer has been involved in a collision at sea, with the USS John S. McCain hitting an oil tanker near Singapore early Monday morning. It was not immediately clear whether there were any casualties.

The guided missile destroyer and the Liberian-flagged merchant vessel Alnic MC collided near the Strait of Malacca at 5:24 a.m. local time, the Navy’s 7th Fleet reported. It was on its way to routine port visit in Singapore.

Initial reports indicated that the destroyer sustained damage to its port side at the rear.


Alternative reports:

Five sailors injured, 10 missing after U.S. Navy destroyer collides with a merchant ship
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Navy guys dont know simple right of way at sea. Speaking from personal experience.
Either that of some of them are too puffed up to change their ship's direction because they are armed and navy,a and expect merchant ships to do so despite the merchant ship having the right of way.

I am waiting on Chinese member saying it's the merchant ship fault, because this time the Destroyer was hit on PORT side, which mean the destroyer should have the "Right Of Way" if we use the USS Fitzgerald as an example.

Really want to know how the member can spin this into US Navy Fault.

Navy guys dont know simple right of way at sea. Speaking from personal experience.
Either that of some of them are too puffed up to change their ship's direction because they are armed and navy,a and expect merchant ships to do so despite the merchant ship having the right of way.

The problem is, the destroyer did have the right of way, because the USS McCain was hit on the Port Side, not Starboard side (Naval traffic on the port side should give way)

So, if the destroyer was hit on port side, which mean the merchant ship failed to give way when it needed to.
I am waiting on Chinese member saying it's the merchant ship fault, because this time the Destroyer was hit on PORT side, which mean the destroyer should have the "Right Of Way" if we use the USS Fitzgerald as an example.

Really want to know how the member can spin this into US Navy Fault.

The problem is, the destroyer did have the right of way, because the USS McCain was hit on the Port Side, not Starboard side (Naval traffic on the port side should give way)

So, if the destroyer was hit on port side, which mean the merchant ship failed to give way when it needed to.

why don't we wait for more details? :). in the USS Fitzgerald case, you were all Gung-ho that's it was the merchant ship's fault for like 10 pages in that thread.

Effin' lol. Another "destroyer" destroyed. They won't have a navy left at this rate.

New Chinese Grand Strategy secretly outlined in Unrestricted Warfare:
1. build a lot of merchant ships.
2. ...
3. Profit!
I am waiting on Chinese member saying it's the merchant ship fault, because this time the Destroyer was hit on PORT side, which mean the destroyer should have the "Right Of Way" if we use the USS Fitzgerald as an example.

Really want to know how the member can spin this into US Navy Fault.

The problem is, the destroyer did have the right of way, because the USS McCain was hit on the Port Side, not Starboard side (Naval traffic on the port side should give way)

So, if the destroyer was hit on port side, which mean the merchant ship failed to give way when it needed to.

You see somebody so defensive of USN? :lol:

Navy guys dont know simple right of way at sea. Speaking from personal experience.
Either that of some of them are too puffed up to change their ship's direction because they are armed and navy,a and expect merchant ships to do so despite the merchant ship having the right of way.

Many US military personal are not so well trained after all. They are ill discipline(Trigger-Happy), lack proficiency in their position,as proven by USS Fritzgerald case. Only thing good is the hollywood projection of US military as mighty and many take the bait. :enjoy:
why don't we wait for more details? :). in the USS Fitzgerald case, you were all Gung-ho that's it was the merchant ship's fault for like 10 pages in that thread.

New Chinese Grand Strategy secretly outlined in Unrestricted Warfare:
1. build a lot of merchant ships.
2. ...
3. Profit!

Do you even know why I post and why I "Air-Quote" Right of Way.

If you don't know why, then I can't help you.

Plus, you are actually making my point. The problem is, in Fitzgerald case, it's unilaterally US Navy Fault, but now, it's obviously the ship was hit on Port Side and you of all people suddenly say "Why Don't we wait for further information"? LOL

To answer your question, In case you still have not heard my tone, I made my earlier post with sarcasism, which is what I am expecting you people to say.
You see somebody so defensive of USN? :lol:

Many US military personal are not so well trained after all. They are ill discipline(Trigger-Happy), lack proficiency in their position,as proven by USS Fritzgerald case. Only thing good is the hollywood projection of US military as mighty and many take the bait. :enjoy:

yeah, hit on Starboard side, US Navy is not professional, non-discipline, hit on port side, US Navy is not professional and non-discipline.

Do you even know how the ship and the circumstance of the collision? (Both Fitzgerald and McCain) Cause I don't. And I do know two things for sure. Ship cannot suddenly stop, reverse or get out of the way like a car. And 2. Destroyer is build for collision in mind, if you have EVER served in the Navy, you will know Destroyer are build to ram other side, maybe McCain is trying to inspect the merchant ship, the merchant ship got to close and they collided? OR maybe the Merchant ship trying to ram the Destroyer like the time the Chinese Navy does? There are literally 100 possibility as to why a ship collided with each other, and only a few of them are either or both party is at fault, yet, in this case, when US Navy does anything, it's their fault.

You ask me why I am so defensive of USN? I am defensive of the truth, the TRUTH is, we don't know anything, you can of course open your big mouth and think anything is US Navy fault, then the real question is, why are you so hostile against US Navy?
I am waiting on Chinese member saying it's the merchant ship fault, because this time the Destroyer was hit on PORT side, which mean the destroyer should have the "Right Of Way" if we use the USS Fitzgerald as an example.

Really want to know how the member can spin this into US Navy Fault.

The problem is, the destroyer did have the right of way, because the USS McCain was hit on the Port Side, not Starboard side (Naval traffic on the port side should give way)

So, if the destroyer was hit on port side, which mean the merchant ship failed to give way when it needed to.
The Port starboard rules disappear if one vessel has restricted maneuverability such as a large oil tanker with too deep draft unsutable for going outside a dredged channel.

However may i say that the problem is not limited to US navy. I was asked to change course by a BD navy ship while my ship was at anchor and displaying all the right signs :lol:
The Port starboard rules disappear if one vessel has restricted maneuverability such as a large oil tanker with too deep draft unsutable for going outside a dredged channel.

It never disappear, because it never materialised

And, limited manoeuvrability of ship does not discount the stand-on and give up rules, the standard rules applies in 6 nautical miles, meaning you could have seen the light of the other ship 6 nautical mile from you, even for an aircraft carrier with 100,000 tons payload, you can dodge other ship by altering your course, limited manoeuvrability means the terrain, not the ship, meaning if you are in narrow channel, busy shipping lane when manoeuver is limited then the other guy (The one have the stand on right)

Without knowing the circumstance, we don't know what's going on, more importantly, the location of the collision. And the position of the ship (All we know is McCain was hit on Port Aft) at 6:34 am Japan time (Should be 1 hour AFTER SUN RISE) which mean visibility is also important to determine the responsibility
Do you even know why I post and why I "Air-Quote" Right of Way.

If you don't know why, then I can't help you.

Plus, you are actually making my point. The problem is, in Fitzgerald case, it's unilaterally US Navy Fault, but now, it's obviously the ship was hit on Port Side and you of all people suddenly say "Why Don't we wait for further information"? LOL

To answer your question, In case you still have not heard my tone, I made my earlier post with sarcasism, which is what I am expecting you people to say.

I never blamed it was the USN fault right away in Fitzgerald's case, you on the other hand defended the USN right away before "Facts" are established.
I never blamed it was the USN fault right away in Fitzgerald's case, you on the other hand defended the USN right away before "Facts" are established.

And was I talking to you specifically on that post?
I am waiting on Chinese member saying it's the merchant ship fault, because this time the Destroyer was hit on PORT side, which mean the destroyer should have the "Right Of Way" if we use the USS Fitzgerald as an example.

Really want to know how the member can spin this into US Navy Fault.

The problem is, the destroyer did have the right of way, because the USS McCain was hit on the Port Side, not Starboard side (Naval traffic on the port side should give way)

So, if the destroyer was hit on port side, which mean the merchant ship failed to give way when it needed to.
Gosh.. it's an oil tanker. Just get out of its way and file a complaint later.

It's like ..You are on a pedestrian crossing and a truck comes speeding at you. What would you do? Stand your ground because you have the right of way ?
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