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Another U.S. Navy destroyer collides with a merchant ship, rescue efforts underway

Its gonna be another court martial time. Like USS Fitzgerald



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It's beginning to look like more than a few of the crew on the USS Fitzgerald - the Arleigh Burke-class destroyer heavily damaged with loss of life in a collision at sea last month - are going to have to walk the plank. First one In line will likely be the warship's skipper, CMDR Bryce Benson, still recuperating from serious injuries he suffered in the June 17 crash.


Following him will be the OOD and entire bridge watch, plus the folks in the C.I.C. It is almost inexplicable how the tin-can's crew could have missed the fact a 29,000-ton container ship was bearing down on them, and at least summon Benson to the bridge to order evasive action.

Seven sailors died when the ACX Crystal slammed into the starboard (right) side of the 23 year-old vessel, causing heavy damage and flooding which - if not for heroic efforts by some of the crew - could have sunk DD-62 with heavy loss of life.


We reported (see related stories below) the British news agency REUTERS had seen a transcript of testimony given by the Philippine ship captain, Ronald Advincola, in which he stated the destroyer "failed to respond" to warning signals or take any evasive action prior to collision some 58 nautical miles off Japan's Honshu Island. The civilian captain testified he tried hard to steer his ship to starboard (to the right) before hitting the destroyer amidships.

Earlier reports that the CRYSTAL's transponder and running lights were off just before impact proved to be erroneous.

CNN's Barbara Starr at the Pentagon, a more seasoned and accurate reporter than most of the gang currently dedicated to driving President Donald Trump from office, one way or another, says two informed sources (that actually exist) confirmed to her the preliminary findings. A Navy flak told MilitaryCorruption.com it would be "premature" to "speculate" as to what the final report will say.

But you can bet the farm that CMDR Benson's naval career is over. He, and a number of officers, including the Fitzgerald's OOD, have a very bleak future indeed.
That is a motherfcking Missile Destroyer or Missile Cruiser. It's the most advanced warship in the world and is equipped with the best engines, sensors, armor, weapon systems, armaments, and propulsion systems. It's embarrassing that it collided with a merchant ship.
Like I said a few days ago,if it takes 10 repeated warning messages before the USS McCain can respond, then something is seriously wrong with that ship...

Yet some genius posted that news on PDF to make the US navy look tough. Oh the irony...

That explains it.
Merchant ships must give US DESTROYERS more than 10 warnings to avoid further collisions from happening.
Or fire flares at them.
Beside, how big with the ship or not, you are supposed to be able to see each other in 6 nautical miles (even at night with light, and it was day time during the collision), that's 8+ miles or nearly 10 km away, are you telling me a cargoship cannot come to even a dead stop in 10 km?

not unusual for cargo ship to take even longer to stop.

destroyers are designed to be manoeuvrable, you are delusional if you think the two are comparable in anyway. using your logic the destroyer shouldve noticed the cargo ship from miles away and take evasive actions.
What a Joke of a Navy.
Must be infected by Indian Navy self destruction bug.

US Professional Navy in a serious collision every 2 months.
There goes USN reputation of well trained Professional Navy.

One would expect the USN to be able to avoid collisions,
ill intentioned or NOT,
Right of Way or NOT.

This is what I don't understand the most....

Are you saying a professionally train navy should not have collision? Because what you are actually doing is incinerating two things.

1.) Professional never crash (never crash within 2 months anyway) The question actually is, does that have any correlation between collision and professionalism to begin with? Let's say I am I am talking about Profession driver (like a truck, buses or taxi driver) and professional driver do crash, and sometime even fatal, it's impossible to not to have any crashes if you are a professional driver, no matter how well train you are, because the time you spend on the road is double, triple or even quadruple than a normal driver (like you and me, assuming you drive) and that mean the chance of crashes is increased by multiple fold.

When you compare Professional Seaman (Who pilot ship for a living) and Professional Navy Captain, There are more collision with Sydney Ferries alone this year (3 in 2017) resulting death and injury, and that is just Sydney Ferries, not even other Ferry service here in NSW, let alone the whole country. And I am pretty sure a normal everyday Sydney ferry captain spend more time at sea than a normal US Navy Captain, considering US Navy tour of duty is 6 months.

So, by your logic, nobody is professional on anything. Then your point will become moot.

2.) US Navy Captain is more professional than normal Merchant Captain. In some respect, yes, but not safety getting from A to B. In the military, you are trained to fight, you are a professional warfighter, you may or may not have to drive, pilot or captain any vessel, car, truck or aircraft, but in all, if those are provided, you are supposed to be proficiency with it, much like you did as in a normal person getting their driving license, pilot license or captainship.

Problem is, anyone could join the navy and become Naval Captain, but just because I am joining the navy, that does not make me more professional than anyone on the road, you train to fight, not train to carry cargo or passenger. I could be a second rate or third rated seaman before I join the navy, just because I joined the navy, that does not make me magically become first rate seaman. I mean you won't expect me to get exceptionally good at something (other than warfighting) after I join the Navy, they are people too, you know? And people DO make mistake, just like you and me.

On the other hand, if a naval captain discharge his missile by mistake or shell the wrong target, that may relate to professionalism that captain process, because those are what he trained to do, I mean, would you expect your navy to be professional on going from A to B or professional on fighting a war?

As I said many time, accident can be cause by many issue and item, unless we get to the bottom of the story, you won't know the whole story, hence commenting on it would be jumping the gun.

not unusual for cargo ship to take even longer to stop.

destroyers are designed to be manoeuvrable, you are delusional if you think the two are comparable in anyway. using your logic the destroyer shouldve noticed the cargo ship from miles away and take evasive actions.

You do know,

A.) The cargo ship is ballasted, which mean it was empty.
B.) Destroyer is similar in dimension of a cargo ship

So, let's say you are driving a truck, and I am driving a mini-van, you saw me coming into an intersection, 5 km away (let's not say 10 KM away). you crash into me when you are supposed to be give way. What do you think the police would say when they are call? Would they say because you are driving a truck, then you don't need to do anything because you are slow to slow down?

What a stupid assumption. If you think just because you are piloting a bigger ship then every other rules does not apply to you because it is hard for you to stop, then you should not be a ship captain at all, rules are there which CONSIDERED EVERY ASPECT, the ship sizes, tonnage, travelling direction. So EVERYONE, and I MEAN EVERYONE from 200 meter long cargoship to the 5 meter long sampan are suited in that law. They give it 6 nm range for a reason, just so you can't say you don't have enough time to stop

You can of course go drive a truck on the highway and not stopping at any stop sign and giveway sign, that's your choice, but would you be prosecuted, that's the police choice. And you are quite delusional to say since you are in a larger ship/truck, that law doesn't matter....lol

This post bring out how naïve some Chinese Poster can be. I mean it's so naïve, it borderline Stupidity.
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