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Another senseless murder decision all in the name of religion


Apr 20, 2011
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Damn these cruel laws.

So forking what, someone claimed to be a prophet.

Did he pick up a gun and shoot somebody?


Did he run a mosque that showered bullets on our police and army


Did he strap a suicide jacket and detonate among school kids

No. No No no forking NO!

And yet our court system is ready to hang this person.

Then we complain why Talibarbarians are riding our @rses.

Because we are the one supporting Mullahns and Islamists

We are the one encouraging Islamism

We are like an obese mofo who consumes all kind of cr@p and then blames the doctors for his ailments.


Blasphemy accused sentenced to death - DAWN.COM

Blasphemy accused sentenced to death


2014-01-24 07:02:02
ISLAMABAD: A court in Rawalpindi sentenced a self-proclaimed prophet to death on Thursday after convicting him of blasphemy.

Additional district and sessions judge Naveed Iqbal also imposed a fine of Rs1 million on Mohammad Asghar, a 65-year-old British national.

Asghar was arrested in Sadiqabad in 2010 after he wrote letters to different people, a police officer among them, claiming that he was a prophet. Police booked Asghar under section 295-C of the PPC.

The section reads: “Whoever by words, either spoken or written, or by visible representation or by any imputation, innuendo, or insinuation, directly or indirectly, defiles the sacred name of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), shall be punished with death or imprisonment for life, and shall also be liable to fine.”

Public prosecutor Javed Gul produced before the court a copy of letters which Asghar wrote to an SHO of Sadiqabad. Four police officials testified against Asghar.

The prosecution also submitted opinions of handwriting experts testifying that the letters were written by the accused.

In addition to the above-mentioned evidence, the prosecution used Asghar’s confessional statement to support its case.

Initially Sarah Bilal of Lahore appeared as defence counsel but later the government appointed a lawyer for Asghar’s defence after she expressed reluctance in pursuing the case.

The defence lawyer contended that since Asghar was suffering from mental disorder, his case should be treated on humanitarian grounds. The court constituted a medical board to verify the lawyer’s contention.

But the medical board said in its report that Asghar was psychologically stable and did not suffer from any disorder.
Just because he has been sentenced to death doesn't mean he will be killed. He's perhaps a mentally retarded person and would walk free.
Just because he has been sentenced to death doesn't mean he will be killed. He's perhaps a mentally retarded person and would walk free.

Do you need to be mentally retarded to claim that u r prophet?
If every profet was sentenced to death we wouldnt have got great religons...
@LoveIcon You once tagged me & asked to comment on this topic. Here it is.

The Quran and sunnah-of-prophet do not speak about any worldy punishment for blasphemy... This is invention of others. Quran & Prophet himself NEVER hurt anyone for insulting him or quran.
Whom do we want to follow; ALLAH's orders, Prophet's sunnah -or- inventions of others leaving aside two of them!!!

A simple way to follow is to figure out how Prophet himself would have behaved if someone insulted him on his face..!!! Sunnah is what Prophet would have done in a situation. How would he have responded if someone insulted him in his face??? What he himself would have done???

Do we have examples of such incidences? Yes we do.
What did prophet himself do? He practiced forgiveness & polite reciprocation.

The lady (wife of Abu Lahab) who used to throw garbage on him. He used to pass a smile in return. Once she wasn't there to blaspheme, messenger got worried & went to see her. She was sick with fever, Muhammad took care of her & treated her well & offered his help with chores ...

I don't see Prophet issuing fatwa of death sentence for her...!!!
Rather her punishment is reserved for the next-life
(Kiyaamat=Day-of-judgement). Read Surah-e-Lahab.

Then remember once prophet went to preach somewhere & ppl threw stones at him till he bleed so much & blood clotted in his shoes. Angel Gabriel(Jibraeel) asked him if prophet say, he can slam a mountain on that colony...

What did he do? He said NO. Instead prophet prayed for ppl of that colony. I don't see sunnah of issuing death sentences even for those who stoned him...!!!

Once a guy peed in a mosque... Companions(Sahabah) ran to get that guy... Prophet stopped them & told them to let him go. And told them just to wash that spot with water. That's it. No death sentence for such a blasphemy.!!!

It was narrated from Anas bin Malik that: A Bedouin urinated in the mosque, and some of the people rushed at him. The Messenger of Allah said: "Do not interrupt him." Then he called for a bucket of water and poured it over (the urine).
Sunan Ibn Majah:English reference:Vol. 1, Book 1, Hadith 528, Arabic ref:Book 1, Hadith 571

A scribe who had converted from christianity & used to write revelation for prophet, went apostate. He reverted back to christianity & started alleging false allegations against Prophet. Did prophet issue death sentence for him??? NO. He later died a natural death.

One thing that is commonly taken as blasphemy is, if someone makes images of Prophet...
Is making image of prophet an insult??? If image itself was offensive, then of course it is. But if image was benign, then is it blasphemy???

Why did prophet stop us from making his images??? Because he feared later generations might start to worship his pictures. That's why. Not because making his picture was an insult to him. He feared SHIRK... just like we know ppl had fallen into worshiping pictures of Ibraheim, Ismail & Maryam. Prophet did NOT want that to happen again, so he forbade making of his pictures. Not because it was an insult to him.!!

Narrated Ibn `Abbas:When the Prophet saw pictures in the Ka`ba, he did not enter it till he ordered them to be erased. When he saw (the pictures of Abraham and Ishmael carrying the arrows of divination, he said, "May Allah curse them (i.e. the Quraish)! By Allah, neither Abraham nor Ishmael practiced divination by arrows."
Sahih al-Bukhari 3352, In-book ref:Book 60, Hadith 32
Online English ref:Vol. 4, Book 55, Hadith 571

Prophet was blasphemed in his lifetime many times & in many ways. He NEVER issued fatwa of death or any other worldly punishment for those who did so...

He was accused of forgery " . . . nay, he forged it." [Qur'an 21:5], was stigmatized as a man 'possessed' [Qur'an 23:70] and 'mad' [Qur'an 68:2]...

And no death sentence here either: instead I see recommendation to deal with ignorant nicely.
Q:73:10:And be patient (O Muhammad SAW) with what they say, and keep away from them in a good way.
Q:9:74:....but indeed they uttered blasphemy, .... but if they turn back (to their evil ways), Allah will punish them.... (NOT us,,, but ALLAH will take care of them HIMSELF. It's NOT made our job to penalize them.)

Q:28:55:And when they hear vain talk, they turn away therefrom and say: "To us our deeds and to you yours; peace be to you: we seek not the ignorant."
Q:7:199:Hold to forgiveness; command what is right; but turn away from the ignorant.
Q:25:63:And the (faithful) slaves of the Most Gracious (Allâh) are those who walk on the earth in humility and sedateness, and when the foolish address them (with bad words) they reply back with mild words of gentleness....other translation...And the servants of (Allah) Most Gracious are those who walk on the earth in humility, and when the ignorant address them, they say "Peace!"

Q:16:126:"And if you punished, let your punishment be proportionate to the wrong that has been done to you; but if you show patience, that is indeed the best course.
Q:62:40:"The recompense for an injury is an injury equal thereto: but if a person forgets and makes reconciliation, his reward is due from Allah."
Q:28:54:"Twice will they be given their reward, for that they have persevered, (and) they avert evil with good."

Just one name is enough for your big explanation....Musaylimah Kazab
If there is opposing behaviours seen in recorded history, I would prioritize. Quran over Hadees. Sunnah of prophet over sunnah of Sahabah. If any action of sahaba, as described in recorded history is in conflict with Sunnah of Prophet. I would disregard that part of recorded history & prefer to follow Quran & Prophet... As history was recorded by corruptible humans.

What you posted about Kazzaab is neither Quran nor sunnah of Prophet Muhammad.
And where does it say in Quran or Sunnah of prophet that there is death sentence or any other worldly penalty for false prophets???????? What you quoted from Quran & Hadees does NOT say anything to that effect.

The reason Abu bakr fought Musalima was NOT his proclaimation of prophethood. There were other reasons. It was rebellion against the Islamic state... That was the reason he fought him. Just like Pak army is fighting TTP, even though TTP haven't procalimed prophethood. It's the attempt to make a state-within-a-state that resulted in Abu Bakr fightong Musalimah Kazab.

He did NOT fight him merely for proclaiming prophethood.


Ghulam Murtaza Malik spoke few of above incidences here:

9:40+ mother of a companion blasphemed. Listen how Prophet responded. Now it's upto you whose example you want to follow... Prophet prayed for her. Did not call for death sentence...


Again @ 4:00+
Qureish even sweared at Prophet, kantay bichaay, galay mai phandaa daalaa, camel's stomach (oojhrey) oper phainkee, patharr maraay = blasphemy, blasphemy, blasphemy...!!! But how did he respond!!! When he over-powered them all at fatah-e-makkkah...!!! He practiced forgiveness... That`s Sunnah.


..Apostasy in Islam..

Bukhari (83:37) ... (3) a man who fought against Allah and His Apostle and deserted Islam and became an apostate."

These are ALL mis-quotes & fragments of the WHOLE incidents, u get the hint from red part in one hadees u quoted... Incidents where an apostate was killed involved him committing murder -or- treason against state. Thus these fragments of whole story send a false message. At one hand are CLEAR orders from ALLAH & at other hand are those out-of-context fragments of ahadees and false statements attributed to Prophet.

You are insisting on disregarding what ALLAH ordered & what Prophet himself did.
You are insisting on following ways of other persons whose actions are in conflict with Quran & Sunnah.
Just because thier actions were recorded in Bukhari doesn`t mean that action becomes deen.

Quran:2:256:- “Let there be no compulsion in religion...”
Q:18:25:Say "The Truth is from your Lord": let him who will, believe, and let him who will, reject (it):...

Prophet himself NEVER gave death penalty to any apostate just for his apostacy. I quoted example of the scribe who left islam. It was other persons who mis-understood the events just like YOU are repeating the grave misunderstanding.

Why aren't there any Liberal Parties in Pakistan? | Page 6

Those who advocate killing of Apostate(Renegade) mis-interpret Ahadees & don't under stand the context.

Prophet Muhammad NEVER killed Apostate because of his leaving-Islam BUT because after leaving Islam he KILLED Muslims or Faught wars against muslims, committed treason.

If an Apostate didn't kill muslims or faught against muslims then Prophet Muhammad NEVER ordered to kill such. As in following Ahadees Prophet didn't order to kill Apostates:-

There was a Christian who embraced Islam and read Surat-al-Baqara and Al-Imran, and he used to write (the revelations) for the Prophet. Later on he returned to Christianity again and he used to say: "Muhammad knows nothing but what I have written for him." Then Allah caused him to die(So he died his natural death & was not killed for his apostacy), and the people buried him, but in the morning they saw that the earth had thrown his body out.............

...........When the famine was taken off, the people renegade once again as non-believers. .......... "Allah's Apostle prayed for them and it rained heavily for seven days. So the people complained of the excessive rain. The Prophet said, 'O Allah! (Let it rain) around us and not on us.' So the clouds dispersed over his head and it rained over the surroundings."(Here again Prophet didn't order to kill these Apostates)

Now i come to incidences where killing of apostates is mentioned. In all such incidences apostates were involved in killing. So the death sentence was for them committing murder & NOT for their apostacy.

......... and they will renegade from the religion as an arrow goes through the game's body. They will kill the Muslims but will not disturb the idolaters. If I should live up to their time' I will kill them as the people of 'Ad were killed (i.e. I will kill all of them)."

Bukhari:82:794: (also 52:261, )
Narated By Anas : Some people from the tribe of 'Ukl came to the Prophet and embraced Islam. The climate of Medina did not suit them, so the Prophet ordered them to go to the (herd of milch) camels of charity and to drink, their milk and urine (as a medicine). They did so, and after they had recovered from their ailment (became healthy) they turned renegades (reverted from Islam) and killed the shepherd of the camels and took the camels away. The Prophet sent (some people) in their pursuit and so they were (caught and) brought, and the Prophets ordered that their hands and legs should be cut off and that their eyes should be branded with heated pieces of iron, and that their cut hands and legs should not be cauterised, till they die.

(same incidence as above)Bukhari:83:37:-
....(Long Hadith).......They deserted Islam, committed murder and theft......

Also in …Reference:Sahih al-Bukhari 233, In-book ref:Book 4, Hadith 100, Online English ref:: Vol. 1, Book 4, Hadith 234

Like today many muslims mis-understand these Ahadees, similarly in past this misunderstanding had occurred & few of such incidences have been recorded in books of Ahadees but in all of them Prophet Muhammad is not involved. Like Bukhari:59:630 & 632. It was mis-understanding on behalf of those individuals.
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Just because he has been sentenced to death doesn't mean he will be killed. He's perhaps a mentally retarded person and would walk free.

he will walk free only if another accepts him.

If he is in Pakistan, he is stuck in the prison for life.
As rabid Islamist Mullahs will kill him if he is ever let out.

Utter barbaric law. Dare I say.

You once tagged me asking to comment on this topic. Here it is.
(I'll edit itfew times so bear with me before I finish my post)


The old lady who used to throw garbage on him. He used to pass a smile in return.

We are not living in 600 AD

and hence

not the same anymore.

However you brought it up so let me ask you a simple question,.

Do you think Mohammad pbuh would have approved the barbaric blasphemy law of Pakistan?

Be careful in what you say because you too can be accused of blasted blasphemy.

So let's here your answer.

seems bit harsh, unless he cheated anybody I see this is a harmless fun.

thats the whole point.It is barbaric.If i dare say it is mainly because majority of Pakistani's are Barelvi's.It's a Sunni sect that claims to have special affection with the Prophet.The mullah Tahir ul Qadri represents them.These goons killed Salman Taseer and Shahbaz Bhatti.Recently their party ,the Sunni Tehreek threatened that Salman Taseer's killer Mumtaz Qadri be released or they will march to jail and free him themselves.I have also heard that Mumtaz Qadri is treated like a prince in the jail
thats the whole point.It is barbaric.If i dare say it is mainly because majority of Pakistani's are Barelvi's.It's a Sunni sect that claims to have special affection with the Prophet.The mullah Tahir ul Qadri represents them.These goons killed Salman Taseer and Shahbaz Bhatti.Recently their party ,the Sunni Tehreek threatened that Salman Taseer's killer Mumtaz Qadri be released or they will march to jail and free him themselves.I have also heard that Mumtaz Qadri is treated like a prince in the jail
anyway.. death penalty is rarely carried out in pakistan for such crimes, and he is british national. Most probably he will be shipped out.
Religion does not order to kill.it is wahabi cult that has risen up from saudi berberia which concernes to berberism murderism and jahiliyas before islam.

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