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Another major ceasefire violation by Pakistan: 40 BSF posts attacked

Dear Moderator Emmie and Consultant Icarus... Thank you... You are same as the condition of democracy and secularism in Pakistan... You judge every tri-colour flag bearer same, i.e. with negative rating, but ignore the others. why??? because we are on PDF (PAKISTAN defence forum) hehh...

Dear Member Indian Devil,

There are many Indian Members posting here, many of whom I consider to be good friends, however, you cannot use your nationality as a shield behind which you can hide and offer snide comments without facing the repercussions. There is a reason @notsuperstitious has no negative ratings on this thread despite arguing with me, because he is not engaging in petty dirt slinging and one liners but actually engaging in constructive and point based argument.

1. Most militants are Indian-origin Kashmiris and Pakistan has had nothing to do with them since the 2003 ceasefire came into place. Our pursuits in the Af-Pak border region have kept us engaged.

2. This is old news, I doubt it took militants over two years to cross over into India and then start causing havoc.

The news is not directly linked to current escalation. But it clearly tells us that Pakistan has been pushing in militants and violating ceasefire for that purpose even after the ceasefire and supposed cessation of cross border terrorism during Musharraf era. Its logical to conclude the current escalation is more of the same. (as there has been an effort at igniting more violence in kashmir lately too)
Yup hence i said, heavy localization, Barak 8 missiles made in India have driven down cost more than 50%
Plus, in civilian populated area's along borders, $30,000 for a human life, there is no comparison
we dont even give 18 lakh compensation to kins of confirmed dead... and you are talking about taking out mortar rounds, which has really miniscule percentage of causing casualty?
yes, human life has finite price for govt.
"4 militantnts dead
Dear Member Indian Devil,

There are many Indian Members posting here, many of whom I consider to be good friends, however, you cannot use your nationality as a shield behind which you can hide and offer snide comments without facing the repercussions. There is a reason @notsuperstitious has no negative ratings on this thread despite arguing with me, because he is not engaging in petty dirt slinging and one liners but actually engaging in constructive and point based argument.


"Four militants, whose identity is yet to be ascertained" well i called these militants geedar as they were terriiorists....
why do you think i will abuse a whole country for doings of few uncertains????
Warr ! ! Yay ! :yay: brace yourself, galias are coming from each other :pop:
we dont even give 18 lakh compensation to kins of confirmed dead... and you are talking about taking out mortar rounds, which has really miniscule percentage of causing casualty?
yes, human life has finite price for govt.
Sir compensation needs a review of law, which needs an parliament inacted strong law
Defense on other hand is quite open affair, spending money on iron dome vs paying kin of dead 2 lakhs as compensation ? what do you prefer ?
The news is not directly linked to current escalation. But it clearly tells us that Pakistan has been pushing in militants and violating ceasefire for that purpose even after the ceasefire and supposed cessation of cross border terrorism during Musharraf era. Its logical to conclude the current escalation is more of the same. (as there has been an effort at igniting more violence in kashmir lately too)

I would disagree, as I said earlier, even if you don't accept the fact that Pakistan can cease supporting border jumpers, you must give some leverage to the fact that Pakistan is engaged on another front that has so far taken a greater toll on us than India since our 1971. We lack the finances, manpower and logistics to sustain any such operation.
By the way, you might find it interesting to learn that India also had a band of saboteurs that they would send into Pakistan to damage infrastructure and hinder troop movement, many of whom we caught, they also allegedly ceased operations after the ceasefire.
"4 militantnts dead

"Four militants, whose identity is yet to be ascertained" well i called these militants geedar as they were terriiorists....
why do you think i will abuse a whole country for doings of few uncertains????

Your post had no context, it is for that reason that the use of one liners is discouraged by Forum Management.

I will withdraw my rating this time, but I advise you to be careful when posting again.

EDIT: Done, Now I would request you to remove that post to avoid further problems, you have half an hour before rating will be reinstated.
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I would disagree, as I said earlier, even if you don't accept the fact that Pakistan can cease supporting border jumpers, you must give some leverage to the fact that Pakistan is engaged on another front that has so far taken a greater toll on us than India since our 1971. We lack the finances, manpower and logistics to sustain any such operation.
By the way, you might find it interesting to learn that India also had a band of saboteurs that they would send into Pakistan to damage infrastructure and hinder troop movement, many of whom we caught, they also allegedly ceased operations after the ceasefire.

Lets just agree this is all terribly tragic while agreeing to disagree on the rest.
I would disagree, as I said earlier, even if you don't accept the fact that Pakistan can cease supporting border jumpers, you must give some leverage to the fact that Pakistan is engaged on another front that has so far taken a greater toll on us than India since our 1971. We lack the finances, manpower and logistics to sustain any such operation.
By the way, you might find it interesting to learn that India also had a band of saboteurs that they would send into Pakistan to damage infrastructure and hinder troop movement, many of whom we caught, they also allegedly ceased operations after the ceasefire.

Indian agencies believe sir, financing is not only limited to pakistan, there are alot middle-east supporters of jehad in India
Pakistan is used as a playground
Such incidents sadly are exactly why India's involvement in TTP and Afghanistan front is completely justified (and if India is already not involved, it needs to step up its efforts). Because if you let the pressure off Pakistani Army/ISI in Western front, they start coming to Eastern front with idle resources and create trouble in Indo-Pak border and Kashmir region.
Lets just agree this is all terribly tragic while agreeing to disagree on the rest.

Tragic indeed.

Indian agencies believe sir, financing is not only limited to pakistan, there are alot middle-east supporters of jehad in India
Pakistan is used as a playground

That is also a pertinent point, Arab funding to terror groups that target Pakistan is an open secret, whether they also target India, I guess relevant agencies know best.
four terrorists killed Yesterday morning at Kalaroos area of Kupwara by our Army's 41 & 45 Rashtriya Rifles.
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