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Another Lt.Colonel Martyred in N.Waziristan

@Irfan Baloch Your description of Taliban , its equipment and its supplies scares me quiet a bit... This sounds more like a well supplied and funded army ...
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@Irfan Baloch Your description of Taliban , its equipment and its supplies scares me quiet a bit... This sounds more like a well supplied and funded army ...

You had doubts over that?

Didn't the attacks on Kamra, GHQ and Mehran prove that? The details of those attacks are shocking to say the least. The weapons, tactics, equipment, targets...
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You had doubts over that?

Didn't the attacks on Kamra, GHQ and Mehran prove that? The details of those attacks are shocking to say the least. The weapons, tactics, equipment, targets...

I did not have doubts about their access to equipment,training and military tactics....but am more amazed at the sheer quantity of it as he describes it as...
Explosives produced at an Industrial level ? Where are these industries ?????
I did not have doubts about their access to equipment,training and military tactics....but am more amazed at the sheer quantity of it as he describes it as...
Explosives produced at an Industrial level ? Where are these industries ?????

not in Pakistan for sure.
in one such bust, we recovered the arms and ammunition that would have been sufficient for more than 3 infantry battalions engaged in war.

this is why the TTP is talking about taking over the state of Pakistan and establishing its own emirate.the politicians that are making appeasing statements towards it are fooling themselves because TTP despises everyone who is not TTP and therefore by definition and its fatwa deserves death.

this phenomenon has not much to do with our involvement in Soviet war. this kind has existed throughout centuries in Egypt it was called Akhwan al Muslameen. indeed Afghan war gave this kind to use the temperate environment and flourish and now it has mutated into something which has the means and the will to take on an entire state something at the scale of Tamil tigers.

its solution is not apologetic, public image building, animal rights pleasing, green peace loving bullshite but something which the Sri Lankens did to finally resolve the LTTE menace, look, the wolrd memory is so short that everyne has forgotten about it and they are now rebuilding the country.

this is why I always strongly support that army should remain army, a force that is trained to kill and conquer. leave the charity and rehabilitation work for NGO's charities and philanthropists

the day Pakistan army will stop getting killed at the hands of TTP and start killing them instead (hell with the media) we will see the tide turning

every time we talked and negotiated "peace" TTP consolidated its positions, replenished its men and material, persecuted the local population and broke the "peace" to its convenience.
LANDI KOTAL: Security forces hoisted on Thursday the national flag at the historic Bagh Markaz in Tirah Valley, marking a wipe-out of militants from their stronghold.


these press releases and the pictures would carry more weight if wording of such claims is not outrageous like this one.
it suggests that there was a pitched battle with well entrenched enemy formations that were destroyed and tens of thousands of them killed and captured.

the reality is that TTP used the classic hit and run and inflicted heavy losses and melted into surrounding areas to regroup and attack remote outposts whenever it suits them.

I am not completely dismissing this "amazing" achievement (of hoisting the national flag) but I would prefer to see corpses of the TTP leadership instead.
First and foremost, we send our heartfelt condolences to the friends and families of these fallen soldiers. We sincerely hope that their families will find the strength to deal with this tragedy. We take our hat off to those who continue to lay their lives down for the safety of their nation. Our sacrifices on both sides of the border prove our stance against terrorism in the region. We’ve lost thousands of brave soldiers in fighting terrorism. We are fighting the same terrorists and suffering at the hands of same terrorists. Our common stance against terrorism continues to binds us together. We will continue to support Pakistan in its fight against the extremist organizations. The seriousness of the situation requires us to put aside any differences that deter us from supporting each other. We hope to create a great working relationship that will prove beneficial in regards to our shared objectives.

Ali Khan
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command

The peace negotiations with the Taliban are a joke.It's just America's way of covering it's own mistakes and protecting it's national interests.Seriously how can you expect to be allies with such a cowardly people who after fighting the war for more than 10 years are now turning to 'peace' negotiations?Also,these peace talks are a big slap on the faces of the comrades and family of all the fallen allied soldiers.America can't even honour it's own dead.Shame.

The peace negotiations with the Taliban are a joke.It's just America's way of covering it's own mistakes and protecting it's national interests..

WHAT A tragedy that neither the state nor the people of Pakistan have protecting national interests as a priority
WHAT A tragedy that neither the state nor the people of Pakistan have protecting national interests as a priority
sir i have a few questions for you,how many talibs were there in the Tirah valley?i mean afaik,their total strength is around 25,000-30,000 and they are spread all throughout the western portion of Pakistan,so how much force did they muster to fight the P.A. in Tirah valley?because it seems that they had several thousand men defending this valley which is only 600-700 sq miles in area.and why is Tirah Valley so important to them?
sir i have a few questions for you,how many talibs were there in the Tirah valley?i mean afaik,their total strength is around 25,000-30,000 and they are spread all throughout the western portion of Pakistan,so how much force did they muster to fight the P.A. in Tirah valley?because it seems that they had several thousand men defending this valley which is only 600-700 sq miles in area.and why is Tirah Valley so important to them?

Tirah valley has both symbolic importance and secondly its a gateway to rest of the tribal and settled areas and gives access to the supply routes from Afghanistan & safe passage to escape when needed. its joined by Kurram & Khyber agencies & goes a into Afghan Nangarhar province. Khyber agency has seen the Sheria drive & Kurram has seen the genocide of the shia's at the hands of deobandi taliban hence the importance symbolic, strategic and making a statement.

as far as the numbers of Taliban are concerned, the figures are disputed but one thing which is not disputed is their exceptional mobility without detection and their ferocious fight while defending and attacking, they manage to bring their maximum firepower and manpower which almost always pins down Pakistani forces until the air support or artillery strikes are called in.

one has to be a veteran soldier to believe the amount of firepower TTP brings in, which can easily bring a battalion to its knees whereas in many cases its only a platoon or company size strike force that engages the Taliban.

the other reason for TTP effective fighting is some outside intelligence they get either from the Americans (to teach us a lesson for our alleged support of Afghan Taliban) or some rats within the military who are sympathetic to the terrorists which has resulted in many failed operations and attacking forces finding themselves trapped in the ambush.

Ragi Omar did a program few years back where he accompanied a task force that included tanks, APCs and trucks but the attack was halted right in the start when it was learnt that TTP was already tipped off and its forces were laying in wait to ambush the army as its forces moved in.

TTP senses victory because so far the security forces have failed to make a decisive strike on it and just like the Free Syrian army, it enjoys the patronage of the Arabs and finds no shortage of funds and recruits to bring the Pakistani state to its knees just like the previously targeted regimes of Libya and Syria.

the other reason for TTP effective fighting is some outside intelligence they get either from the Americans (to teach us a lesson for our alleged support of Afghan Taliban) or some rats within the military who are sympathetic to the terrorists which has resulted in many failed operations and attacking forces finding themselves trapped in the ambush................

So this accusation implies that the Taliban cannot be so good at fighting on their own after being honed by continuous war since 1979?

Further, the Americans are looking for a way out without having taught lessons to anybody, so it only leaves our own rats, and that possibility does not bode well for us, no one else.

(Wait, the US are supporting the Taliban to kill us because we supported the Taliban to kill them? So the Taliban are playing one against the other? Mighty smart of them, and a nice movie story to boot.)
So this accusation implies that the Taliban cannot be so good at fighting on their own after being honed by continuous war since 1979?

Further, the Americans are looking for a way out without having taught lessons to anybody, so it only leaves our own rats, and that possibility does not bode well for us, no one else.

(Wait, the US are supporting the Taliban to kill us because we supported the Taliban to kill them? So the Taliban are playing one against the other? Mighty smart of them, and a nice movie story to boot.)

Such responses to conjecture reveal a sensitivity unbecoming - lets keep our powder dry, this is not something that will not be revealed ion time, one way or another
So this accusation implies that the Taliban cannot be so good at fighting on their own after being honed by continuous war since 1979?

to some extent yes (when it comes to funding a war against a state for over a decade, there is outside organised help which is impossible through other irregular means like looting, charity or extortion) otherwise resourcing and fighting is done solely through local population and they are doing a damn well job.

remember that we used to promote and support only those "Mujahideen" groups during Soviet war in Afghanistan that showed "promise. all the leg work and actual fighting was done by the locals themselves.

Further, the Americans are looking for a way out without having taught lessons to anybody, so it only leaves our own rats, and that possibility does not bode well for us, no one else.

I wish things were very clear black and white to make sense. on one hand TTP leadership only parades itself in Kunar province in Afghanistan under the watchful eyes of the NATO and on the other hand its drones take out the TTP number 2 (doesnt compute does it?)
Americans have taught us many lessons forgot Salala? forgot the massacre of the locals in the public gathering after Raymond flew away? examples are many . Americans dont really need our support to give them way to go home, they "can make a new one" whenever where ever they want , dont forget that.
and this time they wont even bother making a late night phone call, which PMLn Tigers taunt the army about.

(Wait, the US are supporting the Taliban to kill us because we supported the Taliban to kill them? So the Taliban are playing one against the other? Mighty smart of them, and a nice movie story to boot.)

I would have been laughing if I was not a Pakistani my dear, but the joke is on us. we have disgruntled Afghan Taliban who are not really "pleased" with us and then we have TTP who are bit too much for our state.

why do you think there is always some border shelling and accusations and counter accusations between Pak army and NATO/ ANA? of attacking each other whenever taliban are infiltrating on either side of the borders?
think hard and if you still dont get it then take a number and join the queue , I will see you there (in the queue)

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