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Another Idiot caught in Planning to Bomb Subway

Why don't you indians stop trying to act superior to us and work on your own problems in your country... Ie. **** epidemic, poverty etc. The nuisances on this forum. :rolleyes:

Look who is talking??!!

Seems the tables have turned !! ..one of most India obsessed thread starter is asking the rest to" mind their own business"!! :cheesy:

don't worry, they just love to immerse themselves in Pakistanism. I guess they are bored of themselves, or bored in general.

as for the last line, couldnt agree more bro, couldnt agree more.

With regards to Mr. Ahmed, it will be interesting to get more details about the bait that was used to capture him. It's just another case of bad-apples, and I'm sure that IF Pakistan govt. can help in investigation, they will. Pakistan is a responsible country. As far as i know, and as is the case with Shahzad, he took American citizenship and therefore he is answerable to the U.S. and not to Pakistan Nation

don't worry, they just love to immerse themselves in Pakistanism. I guess they are bored of themselves, or bored in general.

as for the last line, couldnt agree more bro, couldnt agree more.

With regards to Mr. Ahmed, it will be interesting to get more details about the bait that was used to capture him. It's just another case of bad-apples, and I'm sure that IF Pakistan govt. can help in investigation, they will. Pakistan is a responsible country. As far as i know, and as is the case with Shahzad, he took American citizenship and therefore he is answerable to the U.S. and not to Pakistan Nation

I saw the cunning way he posted in which he tried complement MastanKhan but in a superior generalizing "we are better than you" way. That angers me the most.

Pakistanis are sitting here venting about their problems and some cockroaches have to chime in with a nonsensical generalizing post.
bro, don't take tension they are only afterall just indians....

yes it was a pompous and condescending reply, but who cares? There are 180 million Pakistanis in the world, some are bad apples. Like America has its bad apples (whether its KKK, Volks Front or the Social Democrats :lol:); the neighbour country itself has its fair share of whackos.

We dont need to go down to their 'intellectual' levels
As if we should take this tale seriously...:rolleyes:...The FBI is not interested in single individuals, at least not for perusing 'jihadist' materials. Legitimate researchers do that all the time. If there is a credible reason to suspect a person's online searches to be suspicious, the FBI would wait to see if there are accomplices, if any, before showing their agents up at the person's door.

Well its up to you to believe or not. And it didn't happen in any big city but in Lousiana state univ. That guy has an interest about bridges and was doing extensive searches . The FBI came knocking on the door. It was it 2003 . So they were more paranoid at that time I believe.
I saw the cunning way he posted in which he tried complement MastanKhan but in a superior generalizing "we are better than you" way. That angers me the most.

Pakistanis are sitting here veting about their problems and some cockroaches have to chime in with a nonsensical post.

Too me it seems, you just tasted your own medicine and found it bitter !! ;)
Why don't you indians stop trying to act superior to Pakistanis and work on your own problems in india... Ie. rap e epidemic, poverty, aids, etc.

And maybe if your terrorist indian army in Kashmir changed their mindset as you advocate above there would be no problems in Kashmir.

I find some of you people throughly irritating. :rolleyes:

Did you ever think if pakistan stopped funding terrorism in Kashmir, things would get better? The feeling is mutual towards Pakistani's as well.....some of you are so nice and brilliant and others well let's just say it is the opposite.
Did you ever think if pakistan stopped funding terrorism in Kashmir, things would get better? The feeling is mutual towards Pakistani's as well.....some of you are so nice and brilliant and others well let's just say it is the opposite.


There is no funding of terrorism in kashmir----hasn't been since 9/11----. There is no terrorism in kashmir accept for the fight for independence.

The border is already been sealed for a long time now.


There is nothing wrong with this news report----the intel agy's are going to do what they can for as long as the american public accepts it.

You people need to understand who runs the intel agy's----it is the catholics---the jesuits---born again christians---neo cons---people who have religious zeal and inspiration----people with a religious belief and a message.

Most of you pakistanis have no clue what american intel agencies are made up of and what makes them tick---and I can't talk to you because you have no clue as to what I am talking about.

There was a time in america when the communist party came into being----one day the fbi realized that most of the members in attendance in the gatherings were fbi agents----the black panther party---same thing----almost 40 percent of the mebers were fbi agents and their infomers.

America is made to live in fear---fear of the unknown---fear of a subway strike---it terrifies me as well---.

So---at the first hint of any suggestion of a strike or attack---why would this guy not open up his cell phone and call the fbi, a news agency and an attorney at the same time.

Those 4 blacks were poor illeterate---they had no clue---at least they will have a roof over their head and food three times a day in the jail----this fool---was a graduate computer programmer or something with a degree---a literate person---with an excellent job---an educated man with---what was he really thinking---.

You people know how big of a jihad is to keep a stronger enemy away from your borders---a bigger jihad that anyone can think of---there is no bigger jihad than to live to fight for another day---because it takes so much more effort and brain power and energy and resource and technique.

As much as the palestinians suffered in israel and occupied territories---as many of their kith and kin and children died of american weapons sold to israel----they never ever attacked on the mainland u s----never ever----they lost their nation----they lost hundreds of thousands----.

Same with the afghans---they have lost a nation to the u s---- a close to million afghans killed since 9/11----but no afghan involved in any activities in the u s----a million and a half iraqis killed during u s occupation and conquest of iraq since 9/11---and no iraqi involved in suicide bombings in the u s----over 1/2 million iraqi children killed during sanctions on the iraqis from 1991 to 2001 and still no iraqis attacking on u s soil----.

Does anyone have an answer to that!!!
...Ahmed's wife, Sahar Mirza-Ahmed, was a member of Hip Muslim Moms, a freewheeling group of 50 or so young mothers Bani had started. Suddenly, the coupon-clipping, playdate-arranging suburban mothers were thrust into the national spotlight, associated with a horrifying plot that, as they noted, could have harmed their own families.

"We all have family members who ride the Metro; we ourselves ride the Metro," said one Northern Virginia member who joined this year and did not want her name associated with terrorism. "So we're as scared as anybody else would be."
The man was a citizen of the U.S. Once you take the oath of citizenship, you renounce allegiances and cut ties with your former country.

I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God.

So the man is as much a citizen as I, or anyone else born here, is. Given that, Pakistan is now out of the loop.

The FBI isn't going to involve many agents, mucho $$, and months or years of time, unless there was something there. I'd guess the FBI probably spent several hundred thousand dollars on building this case.
...Ahmed's wife, Sahar Mirza-Ahmed, was a member of Hip Muslim Moms, a freewheeling group of 50 or so young mothers Bani had started. Suddenly, the coupon-clipping, playdate-arranging suburban mothers were thrust into the national spotlight, associated with a horrifying plot that, as they noted, could have harmed their own families.

"We all have family members who ride the Metro; we ourselves ride the Metro," said one Northern Virginia member who joined this year and did not want her name associated with terrorism. "So we're as scared as anybody else would be."

you know, Pentagon City, Rosslyn, Alexandria --- many many Arab students use the metro line (majority of them Saudis)..

and regardless of that --and as is the case with the failed Times Square plot -- the intention was to harm innocent people.

that is unacceptable; and i don't know why such people are in existence. I don't know what causes these men to snap and want to harm civilians just for the sake of it.

he's doing a disservice to the many immigrants and naturalized foreigners who come to the country to work and make a good name for themselves
he's doing a disservice to the many immigrants and naturalized foreigners who come to the country to work and make a good name for themselves

AZ, there's an element of truth there, but realize that the average citizen does not connect this man with other Pakistanis, or the country of Pakistan.

There's a store nearby where I've made friends with the owner, a Pakistani guy who speaks excellent english with a slight accent. We calls me "Hello my friend, how are you today?" "Doing well, buddy" and we fist bump. I buy his stuff because I like him. I don't see a bomber in him, I see a hard-working guy. People have the ability to differentiate. I really don't think this is going to affect relationships.
Hang the bastard ... i have no mercey for these cowards that want to kill people for a sick cause.. enough is enough we are all tired of this bs one has to think twice before going outside there homes these days anywhere in the world death to these terrorist i hope they all go to hell soon.
Chogy, I/we really hope so.

It's obviously embarassing and disheartening at the same time. But it's assuring to see there are people like you who understand that the actions of a few don't represent the feelings or sentiments of many.

i do hope to get more information about this guy before making conclusions....any new leads or updates on this guy Farooq
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