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Another attack on the giant Buddha of Swat


Dec 26, 2005
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Another attack on the giant Buddha of Swat

In the valley of Swat, north western Pakistan, Islamic militants have launched a second attack in less than a month on the gigantic sacred statue. The head, shoulders and feet have been destroyed while the militants threaten a third and final attack.

Islamabad (AsiaNews) – A group of Islamic militants have attacked for the second time in less than a month the giant Buddha carved in the rocks of Swat Valley, in north western Pakistan.

Despite the many requests for greater protection, the government has failed to intervene in any way to defend the 40 metre tall statue, the second only in importance to the already destroyed Bamiyan Buddha.

The first attack, due to the extremists inexperience, had not caused irreparable damage, but this second one has destroyed the face, shoulders and feet of the sacred image. At the moment, the militants threaten a third and final assault.

Vishakha N. Desai, president of the Asia Society writes: “In 2001, The world watched in horror when Taliban forces destroyed the monumental Buddha statues in Bamiyan, Afghanistan. Political and cultural leaders from around the globe condemned the attacks. And yet in Pakistan the same disaster is repeated unpunished”.

The Swat Valley is considered a sort of “dam” between the northern reaches of the country, theatre of numerous clashes between pro-tale ban forces and the army. Currently, thanks to the state of emergency proclaimed by president Musharraf November 3rd last, it has been deprived of protection.

PAKISTAN Another attack on the giant Buddha of Swat - Asia News
the government should use a tactical nuke in swat n wipe out these militants
Just looks like a bunch of idiot extremist vandals. It's a shame they don't realize the significance of these statues, or are too extreme in their ideals. Just to think that this sort of mentality is being combatted by Musharraf, and some would criticize him for it!!
Just looks like a bunch of idiot extremist vandals. It's a shame they don't realize the significance of these statues, or are too extreme in their ideals. Just to think that this sort of mentality is being combatted by Musharraf, and some would criticize him for it!!

Those "some" would criticize him for not doing anything or not doing anything fast enough, and when he does do something, start crying about how "innocent people" were killed, and why dialog should not have been given more of a chance.

Any time I start feeling a little sympathy for the media's current predicament, I think back to their hypocrisy and role in turning public opinion against the government by providing airtime to the Mullah Bradran's propoganda, and then airing so many unsubstantiated allegations under the guise of "objectivity". Some journalists do need to be charged with sedition.
I thought Islam said we should respect other religions, so I wonder what kind of argument these extremist used for this action, since they are so enlighted and following the straight path! :tsk::angry:
this is absolutely disgusting i dont understand why doesnt the army take these guys out. this whole emergency situation has musharraf distracted. as soon as this is over the army should launch as invasion of this place out number these guys 20 to 1 and then hang them in the middle of Islamabad for all so see
IMO the main problem is the literal interpretation Islam. If you argue with an Islamist, he says that our holy prophet ( PBUH) personally broke the statues inside the Kaaba thus we should break all statues as well. Statues inside a Hindu Temple are treated differently since these are meant only for the followers of Hindu religion thus protected by state from vanadalism, whereas these statues are in a public place.

I take a different view, a Sanam or an Idol is only against Islam if it is used for worshipping; that is for 'Shirk'. Whereas statues which are only used
for sight seeing such as the ones at Swat or at Bamian in Afghanistan are a piece of art and ancient history and should be preserved. However our narrow minded Islamists dont see it this way. In the current wave of Islamic extremism resurgence, I doubt if any thing can be done without one being accused of shirk himself.
All these statues stood for centuries, even millenia probably, and noone touched them even though they were not well protected from time to time. All of a sudden there's a load of statue vandalizing fanatics, where did this ideology come from, I wonder............................ :tdown:
There are two Butt karas (Budhh Kadas) In Swat, Saidu Sharif.
One of these has said to be built by Ashoka to preserve the ashes of Budha.
Both of these have alot of Stoopas dates back to Ashoka times and an entire Monestary.
None of these not even a single stoppa had ever been touched by the people who are called people of Fazlullah have never touched.
The incident few months back was also denied by him and his men and this time too.

the movement of TNSM had started years back. they had never touched these statues and i dont see any of them.
There is another dimension to this incident, those who are slaughtering FC and security and common men in Swat all this modus operendi points to foriegners not locals.
And i am sure if call the spokesman of Fazlullah he would also i guess same comments
Stay calm the Army had started operation.
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