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Anna movement a World Bank agenda: Arundhati

No need to be sorry but would appreciate if you can share the reasons that you have think through your "head" to call Anna stupid...

I believe everyone want's to integrate kashmir into maistream but saying it and doing it is two different things...Kashmir problem is genuinely very complex because there is genuine greivance and fabricated one's...Anyhow not a thread to discuss kashmir so i will end it here...

Don't underestimate difficulty posted by terrain...we have half a million troops stationed there and yet we are not able to seal off the border...anyways lets concentrate on Anna and his stupidity for now...waiting to hear from you...

Care to elaborate more on this...whose accountability are you referring to???

Every citizen of India....no one must be spared....
Please check this link to know what Anna proposes & Government opposes:


I am sorry but this has been discussed to death...All i am interested in knowing is why you call him stupid...Can you highlight 2-3 burning points for calling him that???

---------- Post added at 11:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:49 PM ----------

Every citizen of India....no one must be spared....
well that make sense but how are you going to make them accountable...what is your proposal...
I am sorry but this has been discussed to death...All i am interested in knowing is why you call him stupid...Can you highlight 2-3 burning points for calling him that???

Sorry, I would never call him stupid...in fact I support him whole heartedly...
I am sorry but this has been discussed to death...All i am interested in knowing is why you call him stupid...Can you highlight 2-3 burning points for calling him that???

---------- Post added at 11:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:49 PM ----------

well that make sense but how are you going to make them accountable...what is your proposal...

UID is a nice way to start and integration of all the financial services into it make it something like the SSN of the US. This will bring the whole structure into place and will be easier to identify if large wads of cash are held by someone...one earns to spend...this way it will be easier to track most of the cash. All these bills talk about indicting and judging the guy responsible for corruption...no one talks about getting the money back.
What does the proposed legislation call for that Roy considers 'regressive and dangerous'?

It's dangerous for her cause this law once come into force may help poor's upliftment and she will not be able to manipulate them no-more.. Dangerous for her as who will listen to her idiotic rants now..
She is a paid agent of anti India forces and opposes any thing that has even a remote chance of aiding the progress of India...
I don't get it....What is our judiciary then???? is it something side stepping the parliament???

Judiciary is their to resolve disputes and to interpret laws passed by Parliament but they do not have the power to investigate. That power is right now vested with the parliament. I don;t know what kind of Lok pal will be implemented, if Anna is going to have his way, it is going to steal the thunder from both parliament and judiciary.
:lol:& She is a NIMHANS hospital movement.
And she is a
And she is a

On a lighter note, she is half Bengali, Half Malayali. Double dose of communism present. Gives a new meaning to the term "Argumentative Indian".
Whats Arundhati "suzzane" Roy says isn't important. But she must be heard speaking her sweet nonsense 'cause she is HOT.

Anna movement a World Bank agenda: Arundhati

Now that is so imaginative . Hot and imaginative , i really dig that.
What does the proposed legislation call for that Roy considers 'regressive and dangerous'?

She believes that a fight against corruption will lead to calls to lessen the role of the government (necessarily, in my view) in the lives of ordinary citizens. That will have to be done by more reforms & removing ministerial discretion over many economic activities. Being a member of the loony left (also a member of the "lost it" brigade as another poster had aptly put it), she is against all & any sort of liberalisation. Hence the reference to a World Bank agenda.
Guys n Gals,

This lady (abnormal) is just pissed of beacause nobody thanked WB


TO arundhati: happy? now go F Urself
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