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Ankara unlikely to change its principles position


Jul 15, 2012
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Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu travels to Armenia not on an official visit, but to attend a session of the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation.

It was announced by political expert Fikrat Sadikhov while commenting on an upcoming visit Turkish foreign minister is going to pay to Yerevan on 12 December.

It is "common practice of participation in international events, which is held on a reciprocal basis, and the foreign ministers have a right to participate in such events," said the expert.

"Moreover, Ahmet Davutoğlu is a foreign minister, and his task is to establish contacts, participate in meetings and voice the position of his state,” he noted.

“In this context we are not talking about opening the border between Turkey and Armenia, and restoration of relations,” Sadikhov continued.

"The prime minister and foreign minister of Turkey have repeatedly voiced Ankara's official position, which is that the border cannot be opened until final settlement of the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Ankara is unlikely to change its principled and firm position," he stated.

Sadikhov believes that mutually acceptable solutions are being searched and an attempt is made to find some compromise in the issue of establishing relations between Turkey and Armenia.

"Turkey, in turn, should not forget that besides Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, Armenia also has territorial claims to Turkey. Also there is a question of so-called "genocide" which Yerevan is not going to give up and continues to whip up hysteria on this issue in other countries," he added.
News.Az - Ankara unlikely to change its principles position – expert

Can somebody tell me why Turkey is doing reappraochment with Armenia? I thought about it and I don't understand it. What do we have to gain? They are insignificant market, they don't have natural resources, we already built pipeline around Armenia.
Neither can I understand it at all. I remember our Azeri bro's being kinda pissed off not a long time ago when Turkey tried to repair relationship with Armenia, forgot the exact event. Probably no one truly cares about Armenia, why should we? plus they lie and keep spreading that fable genocide story, which the western world happily takes for truth (of course!) and supports in spreading the story in a very pro-Armenian/Western biased way to other countries, and it's highly unlikely that once our relationship is very good with Armenia they will suddenly stop whining about the so-called genocide and tell the world it was actually a lie in order to get some sympathy and to cover up their heinous backstabbing of Ottoman subjects during wartime in the east of the empire at that time, a fact that isn't given any attention in the western media.
Ironically there is still an increasingly big number of illegal Armenians in Turkey... Keep the border shut and send those illegal Armenians back. They should send Burak bekdil, an Armenian, if i am not mistaken, with them as well :yahoo:
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