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Anjian (Dark Sword) UCAV, China

Kewl, a stealth UAV with combat mode!!
China is advancing fast. :china:

Is this thing for real Webby? I guess this is a downscaled mock up, when is the actual thing expected to fly?
Got any articles?
it IS a model in the pic but, unlike those PS works of Chinese 5th gen aircraft, Anjian is a real thing.
When do you expect to fly it Kev?

Sorry, it's hard to find anything credible to backup a reply to your question.

but still we can talk about the 2006 Zhuhai airshow, on which at least 3 different UAV or UCAV models were demonstrated by several Chinese institutes or academies.


Anjian (Dark Sword) is a conceptual UCAV by Shenyang(SAC),AVIC1. it's designed for high maneuverbility in supersonic condition,to be applied for air to air mission. its underfuselage intake and swing canards are somewhat associated with J-10. large intake implies high speed, agility and angle-of-attack flying, therefore a turbofan engine will be required.

technical preparation

this is a prototype of small turbofan engine-WS500.finalized in 2005.

offical intro to WS500


It is a short range URAV applied for coastal patrol, allowing information relay and connection with C4I system.

Xianglong (Soar Dragon)

This is a long range unmanned reconnaissance aerial vehicle,Looks like USAF's global hawk. demonstrated by Chengdu(CAC),the model is implying that it's covered with radar transparent materials.


Now the question: when will they come into a substantive development or achievement?

Tu jida, chief designer of AVIC and academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, had made a speech of UCAV development on the 2006 airshow, said that R&D on UCAV is still in the early stage and real fruition is expected to be in nearly 10 years back.

From the pics we see that the latter 2 UAVs were shown with performance parameters,and they can probably be estimated to come earlier than Anjian.
I wonder what will be the payload of this thing. There was a user who claimed that this plane could end up having stealth like features, but i have yet to see a J-XX first with stealth technologies.
Kev, you say this is for real and at the same time you say you have no credible links to back it up. ???
Kev, you say this is for real and at the same time you say you have no credible links to back it up. ???

good query Bull.

1. Chinese govt is quite conservative in letting loose informations over it's military R&D. thus we can make some judgement by the 2006 Zhuhai airshow.

2. there're some pretty nice Chinese fora suggesting such stealthy programs. the fora like war-sky and CJDBY are taken as boulevard by some senior members who actually work for program involved institutes, which makes the fora fairly professional and even more reliable than Chinese official.

"no credible" means that I can not have their words proven, I personally prefer to believe them though.

Anyways, who knows, it might also be all fake. only time says the best.

It is a concept,So you cant find much info on the public sphere is quite natural. But it is quite sad that they have a predator looking bird over there and an Israeli Heron, Chinese do have to get a bit more innovative. Atleast the First UCAV have some differences to the French and American UCAV, though the chinese one is definitly inspired by them.

French UCAV

American UCAV
Just the Design, All else I am sure is different

"Unmanned combat aircraft programs -- the concept of 'dark sword'" aircraft model (Source : Qianlong net)
Today (on the 30th), sixth Zhuhai airshow will be a grand opening. Reporters had found her visit, the current exhibitions. with a "Made in China" label various high-tech aerospace products have occupied for a whole venue on the 2nd -- pilotless combat flight concept Machine "hidden sword." lunar rover model cars, ARJ 100 with independent intellectual property rights following the extension Plane new types of space rockets and military equipment ...
Unmanned aircraft concept "Dark Sword" sword
AVIC Group Ⅰ in the exhibit scene, less than a 1-meter-long aircraft model to attract a large number of journalists and media professionals in the audience, This is known as an "unmanned combat aircraft programs -- the concept of 'dark sword'" models of the aircraft, is the debut of the Zhuhai airshow. Reporters saw the whole plane was smooth flow line shapes, and the tail of a single engine design, Whole dark. From the exterior view, the United States and the hidden fighters F-117 is quite similar.

"Dark sword" fighters There was no public information only aircraft model below reads a brief introduction, "China a flight Shenyang Aircraft Design Institute designed the concept of unmanned combat aircraft program, with the supersonic, high mobility and low detectability, mainly for the future of air combat. "


China will be a powerful lineup aircraft participating in the 47th Paris Air Show. This is the first corporation in 2003 to participate in the group overall after the Paris airshow third exhibitors. Among them, a route from Shenyang Aircraft Design Institute designed "Dark Sword" UAV will be the debut of the Paris Air Show.

"Dark sword" unmanned combat aircraft is a supersonic, high mobility and low detectability. mainly used for the next-to-air combat.

By the end of October 2006, "Dark sword" unmanned combat aircraft in the air show in Zhuhai on the first public appearances. caused a sensation.
The 47th Paris Air Show will be held on June 18, 2007 in France -24 Balibuer heat exhibition center held.
very nice, really nice, chinese must feel real proud that their government really is spending in all these things, a strong commited government indeed, great!
It is just design, it will take China another 5 years to build the mockup and than testing it for another 2-3 years and than it will go to production.

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