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Anjem Chaudhary coming to Delhi for Shariah Law.

The 'Hitler loving Modi' lovers are getting all riled up over this petty guy from England. The White Anglo-Saxons folks letting him roam free in their land of Milk and Honey. All he is gonna do is give a speech here and there.

I can assure you just as the Sun rises in the east, Modi and all his ilk will not let anybody take the lime light away from him. He draws his power from the likes of you, the 'Hitler loving RSS boys in Khakis.'

P.S You folks need to do something about those Khaki shorts ! They are pretty lame looking to say the least.

extremist islamists turns every other religious organisations into fanatics :)
thanks to extremist islamists :tup:
Modi has thousands of dead on him, comparing to Modi he
is an Angel with a capital A.

He can modify his Sermons to be more inclusive.

People in U.K get locked up for far less, why is this guy not locked up ?

If he is your Angel then i would say that-Be Afraid,Be very very Afraid.

One of my friend returned from Britain.She was telling me that this man has single handedly discredited the muslim community of Britain by his theatrics and have achieved what BNP was not able to do in 10 years.He serve as a proof of right wing caricature about muslims and his sermons has a ringing similarity with that of Websites like Jihad watch.Even moderate muslims hate this man.

With friend like him,you people would never need an enemy.
Yeah he is the flag bearer of religion of peace it seems, according to some..
I was born a hindu and i try to make the most benign interpretation of my religion. Most muslims are born that way and make the same. Ask a muslim and 99% will say they think its a bad idea to take slain soldier's wives as slaves, that the concept is outdated, or that destroying hindu idols is unfair.

My point is most people hate guys like him, including most of our muslim brothers. What guys like him do is bring the worst in us out. lets not let him succeed.
India is secular. Religious law has no place in a modern society.

If he is allowed to come the people should throw him out. I sure as hell would.
India is secular. Religious law has no place in a modern society.

If he is allowed to come the people should throw him out. I sure as hell would.

even if he comes, will he be allowed to preach in the public? 'cause this guy doesn't know to speak anything other than hate towards religions other than islam & propagates violence as the tool to punish non believers of his islamic brand.

If at all he is allowed, then the hypocrisy within of ruling administartion will come to the fore. Recent Rushdie scandal comes to my mind.
I think we need to take a step back and verify if this is true. I suspect we are all getting hot under the collar for something someone wrote on the internet.

I highly doubt that he would get a visa to India. A visa is not an automatic right. He is not a PIO like Rushdie so doesn't get an automatic right to enter the country without a visa.
I don't understand what's the big deal for Indians on here?

There are plenty of crazy nutters in India who are far worse than AC, mainly Hindutva fascists.

Maybe AC can help them to come to his more moderate level? :rofl:
Seriously?? This guy??

Aiaiaiaiaiai, my heart bleeds listening to this guy :hitwall: It's people like him that make life harder for the 99% of us, we have to bear with the consequences and prejudice :sad:
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The 'Hitler loving Modi' lovers are getting all riled up over this petty guy from England. The White Anglo-Saxons folks letting him roam free in their land of Milk and Honey. All he is gonna do is give a speech here and there.

I can assure you just as the Sun rises in the east, Modi and all his ilk will not let anybody take the lime light away from him. He draws his power from the likes of you, the 'Hitler loving RSS boys in Khakis.'

P.S You folks need to do something about those Khaki shorts ! They are pretty lame looking to say the least.

Am I missing something? You tolerate Anjum Choudary because of Modi? Bangladesh has a bright future.
lol, this guy is a nutter. Dawah (invitation to Islam) should be done in a certain manner and timing. This guy doesn't have a clue how to do it. He is counter productive to the cause of Islam.
Amsterdam university cancels Sheikh Haitham invitation

On Wednesday, a parliamentary majority asked Justice Minister Ivo Opstelten to ban the controversial Islamic scholar from entering the Netherlands. The sheikh had been invited to take part in a debate with Amsterdam students on Friday, but the VU University Amsterdam has cancelled the invitation.

MPs say the British-Palestinian sheikh Haitham Al-Haddad is known for anti-Semitic statements such as ‘Jews are the enemies of God’ and ‘Jews are descended from apes and pigs.’ Mr al-Haddad, a member of the Islamic Sharia Council in London, says he never made these statements.

In a telephone interview with Radio Netherlands, he said that statements he made in 2002 regarding the Palestine-Israeli conflict were taken out of context and posted on the internet. He did admit to saying Hamas should rule the Palestinian Territories.

Sheikh Haitham was invited by the Islamist Students Association of Amsterdam. He had been invited to take part in a debate with Professor Yasser Ellethy of the Centre for Islamic Theology of the VU University Amsterdam. As a result of the commotion, VU decided to cancel its invitation. A spokesperson said that “he has become the subject of debate to such an extent that an academic debate is no longer possible.” Earlier, VU still argued that the student association had fulfilled all conditions for a balanced debate and that Sheikh Haitham would have a ‘formidable opponent’ in Yasser Ellethy.

Mr al-Haddad claims to be the victim of a “smear campaign conducted by the British Zionist lobby.” He was unable to say whether there is such a thing as a Dutch Zionist lobby, but said “it does appear that way.” He is concerned about the political climate in the Netherlands. “Politicians like Geert Wilders are sowing hatred in society.”

Prior to VU’s decision to cancel the debate, the controversial Sheikh said he expected Dutch MPs would not be “as simple-minded and cowardly as to ban me from coming to the Netherlands because of what somebody posted on the internet.”

Amsterdam university cancels Sheikh Haitham invitation | Radio Netherlands Worldwide

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