That's not logical dear Irfan .
We certainly can't be judgmental about what he does in Iraq after the unbelievable crimes ISIS did to people especially Shias but when someone calls himself a Shia and stick to that in his selfies, he has to be very careful and follow the path and teachings of Shiism otherwise there would be no difference between ISIS and Shias .
No reason is acceptable to cross the clear lines of Shiism unless we prefer to go our own way and if that happens , there would be no difference between Takfiri Islam and Shia Islam .
The same thing is honest about those retarded kidnappers who kidnapped dozens of innocent Turk workers while using Labbayk Ya Hussein flag behind them which is a big paradox .
I hope Shiism does not end up in a disaster that Takfiris and Wahhabis made for Sunni Islam and these hard days are the most important test for Shias .