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Anatomy Of A Jihadist

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It's ugly that child sex abuse can be a preliminary to becoming a jihadi.

The chicken burns to become a rooster. I wonder how common that is - and if prevention and treatment could be a factor in wiping it out.

These are the child abuses by the esteemed church, by your logic States and europe should have more "jihadis" than the muslim world :rofl::rofl:

Roman Catholic sex abuse cases by country - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Archdiocese of Vienna

Main article: Sexual abuse scandal in Vienna archdiocese

In 1995 Cardinal Hans Hermann Groër stepped down as head of the Roman Catholic Church in Austria following accusations of sexual misconduct. In 1998 he left the country. He remained a Cardinal. [1]
[edit] Belgium

*There have been several abuse cases in Belgium.

Diocese of Antwerp

Former parish priest Bruno Vos of Nieuwmoer parish in Kalmthout was officially charged with rape of a minor by the Belgian judiciary. There are also allegations of possession of child pornography included in the charge. [2]
[edit] Czech Republic

Archdiocese of Olomouc

In 2000 Fr. Frantisek Merta and Olomouc Archbishop Jan Graubner were charged after allegations were made by a theology student, Václav Novák, that Merta had sexually abused altar boys since 1995.
[edit] France

There have also been several abuse cases in France.

Seine et marne

* Henri Lebras sentenced to ten years for the rape of a twelve year old boy between 1995 and 1998.[3]

[edit] Germany

In February 2010 Der Spiegel reported that more than 94 clerics and laymen have been suspected of sexual abuse since 1995; but only 30 of those suspects had actually been prosecuted because of legal time constraints on pursuing cases.[4]
[edit] Ireland
Main article: Catholic sexual abuse scandal in Ireland
See also: Murphy Report

Archdiocese of Dublin

Main article: Sexual abuse scandal in the Catholic archdiocese of Dublin
See also: Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse

Several priests who abused children in the United States were Irish Nationals, notably Patrick Colleary, Anthony O'Connell and Oliver O'Grady.

Diocese of Ferns

Main article: Ferns Report

The Ferns Inquiry 2005 - On 22 October 2005 a government-commissioned report compiled by a former Irish Supreme Court judge delivered an indictment of the handling of clerical sex abuse in the Irish diocese of Ferns.
[edit] Italy

It is difficult to ascertain the correct statistics for clerical sexual abuse in Italy because the Italian Government has a treaty with the Vatican that guarantees areas of immunity to Vatican officials, including bishops and priests.[5]
[edit] The Netherlands

Cases of sexual abuse by religious members of the Roman Catholic Church in The Netherlands can since 1995 be notified to a central church institution, called Secretariaat Rooms-Katholiek Kerkgenootschap (SRRK). [6][7]
[edit] Poland

Archdiocese of Poznan

In March 2002 Archbishop Juliusz Paetz quit following accusations, which he denied, of sexually molesting young priests.[8]

Diocese of Plock

In early 2007 allegations surfaced that former Bishop Stanislaw Wielgus (later very briefly Archbishop of Warsaw) was aware that several priests in his former diocese of Plock were sexually abusing minors. [9]
[edit] United Kingdom

There have been several abuse affairs in United Kingdom as well.

Buckfast Abbey School

* In 2007 two former monks from Buckfast Abbey were sentenced for sexually abusing boys.[10][11]

Ealing Abbey / St Benedict's School

* In 2009 a monk of Ealing Abbey, and former headmaster of the junior department of its associated school, St Benedict's, was sentenced to eight years in prison for sexually abusing boys.[12]

[edit] Latin American countries
Main article: Catholic sexual abuse scandal in Latin America
[edit] Argentina

* Julio Grassi was found guilty (by a three-judge panel of the Criminal Court Oral 1 Morón) of one count of sexual abuse and one count of corrupting a minor in the “Happy Children’s Foundation”[13].

Archdiocese of Santa Fe de la Vera Cruz

Main article: Sexual abuse scandal in Santa Fe de la Vera Cruz archdiocese

Allegations of sexual abuse on 47 young seminarists surfaced in 1994.[14]
[edit] Brazil

Diocese of Anápolis

* In 2005 Brazilian priests, Fr. Tarcísio Tadeu Spricigo and Fr. Geraldo da Consolação Machado were convicted of child molestation while Fr. Felix Barbosa Carreiro was arrested and charged with child sexual abuse in the northeastern state of Maranhão after police seized him in a hotel room with four teenage boys. [15][16]

[edit] Mexico
Main article: Sexual abuse scandal in the Legion of Christ

Fr. Marcial Maciel (1920 - 2008) founded the Legion of Christ, a Catholic order of priests originating in Mexico. Nine former seminarians of his order accused Maciel of molestation.[17] One retracted his accusation, saying that it was a plot intended to discredit the Legion. Maciel maintained his innocence of the accusations.
[edit] Peru

In 2007, Daniel Bernardo Beltrán Murguía Ward, a 42 year-old SCV consecrated layman was found by the National Police in a hostel in Cercado de Lima with a 12 year-old boy, of whom he was taking sexually explicit pictures. The boy was initially lured by Murguía Ward in Miraflores, where he was given Pokemon figures in exchange for photos of his intimate parts. When Murguía Ward was caught, he had paid the boy 20 soles ($7 USD) for his services in the hostel. The police have reported that pictures of two other boys were also found on Murguía Ward's camera and that the boy has claimed he received oral sex from Murguía Ward. These charges have been denied by the accused. Murguía Ward has since been removed from the SCV for his alleged misconduct. [18][19][20].
[edit] North American countries
[edit] Canada
Main article: Catholic sexual abuse scandal in Canada

Archdiocese of St. John's

Main article: Sexual abuse scandal in St. John's archdiocese

In the 1990s, criminal proceedings began against members of the Christian Brothers in Newfoundland.
[edit] United States
Main article: Catholic sexual abuse scandal in the United States

Archdiocese of Anchorage

The Society of Jesus made a $50 million payout to over 100 Inuits who alleged that they had been sexually abused. The settlement did not require them to admit molesting Inuit children, but accusations involved 13 or 14 priests who allegedly molested these children for 30 years.[21]

The Diocese of Fairbanks, a co-defendant in the case, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, claiming inability to pay the 140 plaintiffs filing claims against the diocese for alleged sexual abuse by priests or church workers during this period.[22][23][24]

Archdiocese of Boston

Main article: Sexual abuse scandal in the Catholic archdiocese of Boston

Allegations of sexual misconduct by priests of the Archdiocese of Boston, and following revelations of a cover-up by the Archbishop of Boston, Cardinal Bernard Francis Law, became known in 2004, causing Roman Catholics in other dioceses of the United States to investigate similar situations. Cardinal Law's actions prompted public scrutiny of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and the steps taken in response to past and current allegations of sexual misconduct by priests. The events in the Archdiocese of Boston became a national scandal.

Archdiocese of Chicago

Main article: Sexual abuse scandal in the Catholic archdiocese of Chicago

Daniel McCormack, a self-confessed sexually abusive priest was sentenced to five years in prison for abusing five boys (8–12 years) in 2001.[25]

Diocese of Davenport

Main article: Sexual abuse scandal in Davenport diocese

On October 10, 2006, the Diocese of Davenport filed for Chapter 11 protection [26].

Archdiocese of Dubuque

Main article: Sexual abuse scandal in Dubuque archdiocese

In 2006 the Archdiocese settled a number of claims of sexual, and the Archbishop offered a personal apology. [27]

Diocese of Fall River

Main article: Sexual abuse scandal in Fall River diocese

Father James Porter was a Roman Catholic priest who was convicted of molesting 28 children;[28] He admitted sexually abusing at least 100 of both sexes over a period of 30 years, starting in the 1960s.[29] Bishop Sean O'Malley settled 101 abuse claims and initiated a zero-tolerance policy against sexual abuse. He also instituted one of the first comprehensive sexual abuse policies in the Roman Catholic Church. [30]

Diocese of Honolulu

Main article: Sexual abuse scandal in Honolulu diocese

Reverend Joseph Bukoski, III, SS.CC., Honolulu, Hawaii, a member of the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary was canonically removed in 2003 as the pastor of Maria Lanakila Catholic Church in Lahaina by Bishop Francis X. DiLorenzo for allegations relating to sexual improprieties some 30 years earlier. Fr. Bukoski issued a written public apology to his victim on November 12, 2005.

Reverend Mr. James "Ron" Gonsalves, Wailuku, Hawaii, Gonsalves the administrator of Saint Ann Roman Catholic Church in Waihee, Maui, pleaded guilty on May 17, 2006 to several counts of sexual assault on a 12-year-old male. Bishop Clarence Richard Silva has permanently withdrawn his faculties and has initiated laicization proceedings against Deacon Gonsalves with the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

Archdiocese of Los Angeles

Main article: Sexual abuse scandal in the Catholic archdiocese of Los Angeles

The Archdiocese of Los Angeles agreed to pay out 60 million dollars to settle 45 lawsuits it still faces over 450 other pending cases. According to the Associated Press a total of 22 priests were involved in the settlement with cases going as far back as the 1930s. [31] 20 million dollars of this was paid by the insurers of the archdiocese. The main administrative office of the archdiocese is due to be sold to cover the cost of these and future law suits. The archdiocese will settle about 500 cases for about $600 million.[32]

Archdiocese of Miami

Main article: Sexual abuse scandal in Miami archdiocese

Since 1966, the Archdiocese of Miami Insurance Programs have paid $26.1 million in settlement, legal and counselling costs associated with sexual misconduct allegations made by minors involving priests, laity and religious brothers and sisters. [33]

Archdiocese of Milwaukee

Main article: Sexual abuse scandal in Catholic archdiocese of Milwaukee

A 2003 report on the sexual abuse of minors by clergy in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee revealed that allegations of sexually assaulting minors had been made against 58 ordained men. By early 2009, the Archdiocese of Milwaukee had spent approximately $26.5 million in attorney fees and settlements. Under Archbishop Timothy Dolan the archdiocese was able to avoid bankruptcy from lawsuits.[34]

Archdiocese of Omaha

Main article: Sexual abuse scandal in Omaha archdiocese

Archbishop Elden Curtiss reassigned a priest despite pedophilia allegations that had first emerged in 1959. He later admitted to failing to examine the priest's personnel file.[35] In 1993, Curtiss confessed to removing letters documenting abuse from the file, acknowledging his "shortsightedness and misjudgment."[35]

Diocese of Orange

Main article: Sexual abuse scandal in the Catholic diocese of Orange

On January 3, 2005 Bishop Tod Brown of the Diocese of Orange apologized to 87 alleged victims of sexual abuse and announced a settlement of $100 million following two years of mediation.

Diocese of Peoria

Main article: Sexual abuse scandal in Peoria diocese

Coadjutor Bishop John J. Myers of Peoria was among the two-thirds of sitting bishops and acting diocese administrators that the Dallas Morning News found had allowed priests accused of sexual abuse to continue working.[36]

In 2005, Rev. Francis Engels plead guilty to molesting a Peoria altar boy on trips to Milwaukee in the early 1980s.[37]

Archdiocese of Philadelphia

Main article: Sexual abuse scandal in the Catholic archdiocese of Philadelphia

According to a 2005 investigation, while serving as assistant vicar for administration in 1996, Bishop Cistone was involved with silencing a nun who tried to alert parishioners at St. Gabriel parish about abuse by a priest. According to the report, there were several other instances of priest sexual abuse which Cistone was complicit in covering up.[38]

Diocese of Phoenix

Main article: Sexual abuse scandal in Phoenix diocese

On November 21, 2005, Monsignor Dale Fushek of the Diocese of Phoenix was arrested and charged with 10 criminal misdemeanor counts related to alleged inappropriate sexual contact with teens and young adults.[39]

Archdiocese of Portland

Main article: Sexual abuse scandal in Portland archdiocese

The Archdiocese of Portland filed for Chapter 11 reorganization on July 6, 2004, hours before two abuse trials were set to begin. Portland became the first Catholic diocese to file for bankruptcy. An open letter to the archdiocese's parishioners explained the archbishop's motivation.

Archdiocese of San Antonio

John Salazar - sentenced to life in prison for sexually assaulting a 18-year-old parishioner. [40]

Diocese of San Diego

Main article: Sexual abuse scandal in San Diego diocese

On February 27, 2007, the Diocese of San Diego filed for Chapter 11 protection, hours before the first of about 150 lawsuits was due to be heard.

Diocese of Spokane

Under Bishop William S. Skylstad the Diocese of Spokane declared bankruptcy to protect it from claims of people abused by priests in December 2004. The Diocese of Spokane as part of its bankruptcy has agreed to pay at least $48 million as compensation. This payout has to be agreed to by the victims and a Judge before it will be made. According to Federal Bankruptcy Judge Gregg W. Zive, money for the settlement would come from insurance companies, the sale of church property, contributions from Catholic groups and from the diocese's parishes.[41]

Diocese of Stockton

Main article: Sexual abuse scandal in Stockton diocese

Fr. Oliver O'Grady molested multiple children in Stockton. [42] The 2006 documentary Deliver Us From Evil is based on accusations that Bishop Roger Mahony knew that Oliver O'Grady was an active pedophile.[43]

Diocese of Tucson

The Diocese of Tucson filed bankruptcy in September, 2004. The Diocese of Tucson reached an agreement with plaintiffs, which the bankruptcy judge approved on June 11, 2005, specifying terms that included allowing the diocese reorganization to continue in return for a $22.2 million settlement.
[edit] Oceania countries
[edit] Australia
Main article: Catholic sexual abuse scandal in Australia

Archdiocese of Sydney

* Ross Murrin - Catholic brother plead guilty to sexually abusing eight male students. [44]

Archdiocese of Melbourne

Main article: Sexual abuse scandal in Melbourne archdiocese

There were several cases of sexual abuse in the Melbourne archdiocese.

* Michael Charles Glennon - sentenced to at least 15 years in jail for sexually abusing four Aboriginal boys between 1984 and 1991[45]

* Wilfred James Baker - sentenced to four years in prison (parole after 2 years) for 16 counts of indecent assault and one of gross indecency, involving eight boys, aged 10 to 13, over a 20-year period between 1960 and 1979.[46]

* David Daniel - sentenced to six years jail, with parole after 4.5 years, for molesting four boys, a girl and an adult male. [47]

* Rex Elmer - abuser sentenced in 1998 to five years jail (with parole after 3 years 4 months) for molesting 12 boys at St Vincent's orphanage in South Melbourne. [48]

* Terence Goodall, convicted of indecent assault in 2006 for a crime committed in 1982.

[edit] New Zealand
Main article: Sexual abuse scandal in the Catholic diocese of Christchurch

The abuse scandal in Christchurch is an important chapter in the clerical abuse affairs in New Zealand.
[edit] Philippines

* In 2002 the Catholic Church apologized for sexual abuse by hundreds of priests over the previous 20 years. [49]

* In 2003 at least 34 priests were suspended in a sex abuse scandal. 20 were from a single diocese.[50]
"haha S-2 getting pissy ? damn i must have pushed a nerve eh..."

Hardly "pissy". Just recognizing semi-literacy when it's on my screen. Reading closely isn't your forte. Typically isn't with most children and more than a few adults.

"And before 2003 ? what were you doing sir ?"

Comfortably escounced with my flyrod and job here in America. Were you out of the cradle yet?

"And these are just full scale wars or conflicts which doesn't even amount to less than half of the destruction that your democrazy is responsible for."

Nobody killing more muslims on this planet than muslims...all in the name of Allah (PBUH). I lose no sleep over Saddam's departure. Nor any qualms about Afghanistan whatsoever. Any time you care to have the litany of crimes made upon mankind by your islamic brothers brought before you that can be accomodated. Counted the bodies stacked in the Sudan lately, as example?:agree:

"Oh id bring my face no worries there, its just that i dont think the people you know would be able to recognize you afterwards :)"

Contorted from laughter no doubt. Do yourself a favor, tough guy, and go find an army to serve in that'll have you and then we'll see. Hiding behind a screen does you little credit. I've earned my place in this world with three degrees and service to my country as an U.S. Army officer.

I rather doubt you'd be able to tie your shoes and cross a street safely. Nonetheless, there are plenty of Americans awaiting you if you've the moral courage of your convictions in Afghanistan. They're easy to find. We were a uniform.

I won't even ask the same of you. If you can break into your piggybank (hah!) and find the money for planefare and a weapon, you should be able to earn your stripes.

Until then, best you hop on your tricycle and peddle home to momma. You've had a chance to display some modicum of intelligence and have proved hardly capable of precise reading. Not good. What that means for myself is you've bottomed-out onto my "ignore list" of like-minded fools.

We won't be chatting again as you've proven incapable of informed discussion.:wave:

Debates on whether region is responsible for violence and terror always turn ugly, as this one is turning ugly as well. What you are doing here is neither comparative religion nor is it historical/anthropological study of the relation b/w religion, violence and social abuses; it is just plain hurling accusations, trying to show that the other one is inferior and infuriating by questioning each others abilities. Please avoid such pointless debates.
"His audience loved it"

And do you know what he told his audience and what they loved so much about it ?, ofcourse the times wouldn't bother going into details about these preachings because that would mean having to face the truth of these preacher's sermons. The only reason because Mr. Kundi was able to sway so many people over is because all he had to do was tell them the truth and let the hate play itself out.

What truth? That there are 72 virgins waiting for these guys in paradise?
Sex obsessed nuts, i tell you !
On one hand India wants to be member of OIC and on the other hand blame Islam as source of terror. :cheesy:
Frustrated Strivers In Pakistan Turn To Jihad - NYT Feb. 27, 2010

This is the story of Umar Kundi, a young man recently shot to death two weeks ago after growing to become one of Pakistan's most accomplished militants. He had seemingly succeeded, making it to medical school in Faisalabad from a small village in southwest Punjab only to find his dreams interrupted for lack of money and his vision hijacked by the allure of jihadi romance.

His disillusion led him to LeT. His dissatisfaction caused him to eventually reject LeT as the government's "B" team and turn instead to Al Qaeda. A fascinating story where education doesn't necessarily denote sophistication and the past collides with the future, leading to murder and mayhem in the present...

Without a doubt the bulk of the people that turn to violence are the underprivileged or the ones that have been wronged themselves. A couple of years back there was a famous rock song out there called "System ki aisi ki taisi" (Screw the System). System usually refers Governance system.

Which is unfortunate for the people who are the very opposite of them. There are so many other Pakistanis that are critical of the Pakistani governance system but are doing so to influence change. People like Imran Khan are often clubbed with the group above for his verbal criticism of the government.
No problem with muslims. Problem only with extremist preacher who radicalize their followers and teach violence.
No problem with muslims. Problem only with extremist preacher who radicalize their followers and teach violence.

Have you read the above posts in which Islam is being targeted as source for terror by Indian members. :coffee:
Have you read the above posts in which Islam is being targeted as source for terror by Indian members. :coffee:

only islamic preacher preach openly about violence. All mullahs are political experts then babus.

Do you think mullahs teaches about islam after friday prayers?

Hardly "pissy". Just recognizing semi-literacy when it's on my screen. Reading closely isn't your forte. Typically isn't with most children and more than a few adults.

hey atleast this illiterate knows the ground reality and doesnt live in a world devoid of common sense

Comfortably escounced with my flyrod and job here in America. Were you out of the cradle yet?

yeah lotta people were dying when you were doing that

Nobody killing more muslims on this planet than muslims...all in the name of Allah (PBUH). I lose no sleep over Saddam's departure. Nor any qualms about Afghanistan whatsoever. Any time you care to have the litany of crimes made upon mankind by your islamic brothers brought before you that can be accomodated. Counted the bodies stacked in the Sudan lately, as example?:agree:

Its Allah (SWT), I wouldnt expect you to leave any sleep over many that you left dead in the wake of his "departure" which some of us like to think is a war that is still going on. More muslims kill each other ? so they're crazed "jihadis" when your fighting them and when we fight them they are our fellow "brothers" ?

I assure once im done counting the bodies here i'll do the tabs on Sudanese

Contorted from laughter no doubt. Do yourself a favor, tough guy, and go find an army to serve in that'll have you and then we'll see. Hiding behind a screen does you little credit. I've earned my place in this world with three degrees and service to my country as an U.S. Army officer.

I rather doubt you'd be able to tie your shoes and cross a street safely.
I won't even ask the same of you. If you can break into your piggybank (hah!) and find the money for planefare and a weapon, you should be able to earn your stripes.

Until then, best you hop on your tricycle and peddle home to momma. You've had a chance to display some modicum of intelligence and have proved hardly capable of precise reading. Not good. What that means for myself is you've bottomed-out onto my "ignore list" of like-minded fools.

We won't be chatting again as you've proven incapable of informed discussion.:wave:

I have never seen you rant on this forum before S-2 because you usually you have some valid logical argument, but today i can see what you've got going for urself gran pa :cheers:

Nonetheless, there are plenty of Americans awaiting you if you've the moral courage of your convictions in Afghanistan. They're easy to find. We were a uniform.

Im sure you've watched the Daniel craig movie in which the germans were rounding up jews, i remember one of his quotes " They may hunt us like animals, but we will not become animals "

A US Army officer telling a guy to go join taliban ?, maybe you'd be better suited to do Kundi's job. But no thanks enough of mindless muslims have become fodder for your so called war. I will not give you that excuse

Thanks. :pakistan:


What truth? That there are 72 virgins waiting for these guys in paradise?
Sex obsessed nuts, i tell you !


Solomon2...so Church children Abuses have produced jihadis as well. happy think before you leap!
Creder remove those pics you can post it or if allowed by mods where only Pakistani or Muslim members have restricted threads because these pics have no effects on the other side..
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