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Anatomy of a goof-up: How an Indian Army chopper landed in Pakistan

LOL. Imagine the look on the pilot's face.
Probably this....


eh- it was a "goof-up" and India got a bit of egg on its face but tbh- so what? These guys are flying in horrid conditions with outdated equipment and one valley/mountain looks like another- there isn't some floating florescent sign at 15,000 ft indicating where India stops and Pakistan begins. No one was hurt- no harm, no foul, all's well that ends well (and many more cliches!). The real attention needs to be on the recent cease-fire violations where people HAVE ACTUALLY DIES! FFS!

+ @ thread starter don't bother trying to score cheap points this is a minor incident that happend months ago-WHO CARES??
eh- it was a "goof-up" and India got a bit of egg on its face but tbh- so what? These guys are flying in horrid conditions with outdated equipment and one valley/mountain looks like another- there isn't some floating florescent sign at 15,000 ft indicating where India stops and Pakistan begins. No one was hurt- no harm, no foul, all's well that ends well (and many more cliches!). The real attention needs to be on the recent cease-fire violations where people HAVE ACTUALLY DIES! FFS!

+ @ thread starter don't bother trying to score cheap points this is a minor incident that happend months ago-WHO CARES??

Yes.....it is a most common thing that had gone wrong. Pakistan acted responsibly and can expect India to reciprocate the same in near future (in case of a genuine mistake).
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