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Analysis: Pakistan and Iran: Friends or foes?


This Iran-Saudi conflict must not become complex.
It has existed for years now.Finding a solution to their problem is a tough one.They are energy giants of the region.
cb4 said:
Pakistan's stance for now should be to stay neutral and promote peace. I would like to recall our contribution in bringing an end to Bosnia-Serbia conflict. If we can repeat that in Syria to Iran-Saudi conflict, it will be a huge sigh of relief.
Iran is worried for a reason,Pak could hand over nuclear arsenal to SA for the friendly gift of $1.5 billion grant from SA.There are no free lunches in foreign diplomacy.Remember??

You are actually missing one point , we are having troubles with our neighbours but Iran is in a bigger pinch , it's allies are decreasing day by day (the russia block , Syria etc) Just like Pakistan , Iran doesn't want another front as well especially so close to it's eastern border and the troubled Siastan Baluchestan province. So actually both want to be friends but the technicalities don't allow them.
I think its the other way around.
US thawing its relationships with Iran.US snubbed SA for Iran.
GCC countries like UAE and Qatar trying to make peace with Iran,its a sign of hope for Iran.
Or three countries have one fckud neighbour?
Birds of a feather flock together. In this case all the nuts from the same tree and unfortunately already cracked.
On Topic: Iran is just going all macho just because they got a breather but in reality Israeil alone is enough to keep iran occupied.
I think its the other way around.
US thawing its relationships with Iran.US snubbed SA for Iran.
GCC countries like UAE and Qatar trying to make peace with Iran,its a sign of hope for Iran.
US hasn't snubbed KSA lol , Yes but there has been some distancing as well , the other GCC states retain their old status i.e they will not tolerate a nuclear Iran and same goes for the West . There has been no significant break through for Iran yet.

Though if Iran does open to the west our relations with them can improve significantly.
Iranians are not very educated people. But still they are good people.
Its actually Iran that cannot afford too many rivalries. Isolated from the world due to its nuclear program its aim must be to keep relations cordial with as many countries as possible.
I Disagree. Iran has clear allies. Even if not openely supportive due to certian constraints, its allies always try behind the door and stand by Iran.

India the half century old Ally of Iran got its nuke deal and loosening of sanctions coz America dint find support for its sanctions on Iran. Russia, India especifically demotivated America behind the scene with its attitude towards Iran.
PS: Indian PM MMS did for the sake of Nuke deal opposed Iran but the opposition too govt's case left right and centre for doing this to Iran and hence the U-turn by India after ousting of Bush.

So bottomline is, no matter what Iran goes thru, how much some power tries to pressurise it, Iran will always have allies who will somewhere or the other try to have its back. Thats been the case sive past 60+ yrs.

Your analysis is crap as usual. Pakistan is a powder keg, seeing as how we have more shias than any other country, except for Iran. :lol:
Even India has more Muslims than Pakistan. Where does this logic of urs go in case of India? :D
The bottom line is that Pakistan is a Sunni nation and Iran is Shia. Two opposite poles in religious beliefs. Though there may be attempts to show friendship and cooperation at times, this is mostly due to economics - like the gas pipeline etc.

In a nutshell, the twain shall never meet as their ideologies are totally different. Add to that the cold war between Sunni Saudi Arabia and Shia Iran. Pakistan being an 'ally' of Saudi Arabia cannot be seen to be friendly towards Iran for fear of earning the wrath of the Saudis and the fear of losing those billions of dollars that SA is giving to Pakistan without any strings attached.

Add to this what @Levina mentioned in her post #3 and it would be clear as day why the twain shall never meet!

Like it or not, Pakistan will have to face multiple threats along her borders in the future - Afghanistan, Iran and India, in that order.

This would not help both countries. In fact even if consider this Pakistan would still have China as a comfort zone but Iran facing Pakistan from East, Arabs from South and West , and Turks from North gives them absolutely no breathing space

Saudi Arabia and Iran are both run by Mullahs and they designate themselves officially with a sect. Pakistan is a Democratic and Multicultural state.. As i said in my earlier post, we face sectarian violance but to a small extent. Our Military has played a big part in not allowing the state to fall for a Sunni-Shia conflict.

Iran is worried for a reason,Pak could hand over nuclear arsenal to SA for the friendly gift of $1.5 billion grant from SA.There are no free lunches in foreign diplomacy.Remember??


Indeed money is a big concern for us. If you consider the economic situation of Pakistan, it compels our politicians to look for easy money. So far there is no proof this easy money causes to shift alliances. Iran should understand that Saudi money for Pakistan has been used inside Pakistan. The negative side was that it was being used to create Taliban and Al-Qaeda against Soviet Union. The only positive side was the fact that the nuclear program was kept alive to counter India and Oil came in during sanctions. In these cases, i don't see Iran being connected. I'm not exactly sure what the recent $1.5 billion is for but it is interesting to note that the politicians of Pakistan have this time announced this story without a question.
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Your analysis is crap as usual. Pakistan is a powder keg, seeing as how we have more shias than any other country, except for Iran. :lol:
Huh? Arre bhai RazPaK, please read the demography of Pakistan! You keep shooting from the hip without adequate knowledge! And you claim to be a Pakistani? :fie::P
Shias are the second largest sect in the country, and Pakistan holds the second largest Shia community after Iran. The total Shia population in Pakistan is approximately 15 million, and may be as high as 26 million, according to Vali Nasr.
Sectarianism in Pakistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The remainder 60-70% are Sunnis. About 5% are Hindus, Christians etc. So, wasn't I right when I said that Pakistan is a Sunni majority country? And Iran, Shia majority? :P So how was my analysis 'crap'?
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