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Analysis: Pakistan and Iran: Friends or foes?


Feb 2, 2007
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AS Pakistan and Iran squabble over the fate of the latter’s recently abducted border guards, Islamabad’s security establishment is confronted with an almost nightmarish question.

Following Iran’s claims that the kidnapped guards were brought to Pakistan, does Islamabad face the deeply troubling possibility of its only secure frontier with Iran joining the ranks of other frontlines which remain insecure? The answer to that riddle may set the pace for a key foreign relationship and perhaps provide a sense on future internal security trends.

Historically, Pakistan has always looked upon its 1,200km frontier with Iran with a sense of relative comfort, notwithstanding Islamabad’s repeated and heavy confrontation with separatists in Balochistan.

Under Iran’s former Pahlavi dynasty, swept away by the Islamic revolution of 1979, Iranian helicopter gunships joined the Pakistan Army’s attacks against separatists holed up in remote parts of Balochistan’s treacherous terrain.

To date, it is the only known example of a foreign military force coming to join Pakistan’s internal battle against separatists, and that too during the depressing days after the fall of Dhaka. That Iranian gesture paved the way for Pakistan’s military victory over Baloch separatists and helped to keep the country’s former western half together.

In sharp contrast to the comfort of yesteryear surrounding the Iranian border, Pakistan’s eastern frontline and a maritime southern boundary are both surrounded by India’s considerably larger land and naval presence. Additionally, Pakistan is forced to maintain a constant watch on its northern frontlines with Afghanistan and India — barring a slice of land with China being the only comfort zone in the Himalayas.

It is therefore hardly surprising that Dr Abdul Malik Baloch, the chief minister of Balochistan, considers “any deterioration in our relations with Iran as a matter of major concern”. Dr Baloch, a veteran politician who spoke this week to this writer, has good reason to be worried.

Provincial officials in Quetta speak of at least a couple of instances every month when Iranian border forces fire a few rockets in Pakistan’s territory — ostensibly to target Iran’s opponents who the Iranians say operate from Pakistan’s soil in Balochistan. While Islamabad denies the presence of abducted Iranian guards on its soil, Pakistan’s position is no better than semi-tenable. Reports of an emotional backlash across Iran over the abduction of the guards have coincided with unconfirmed reports of Iranian forces under orders to strike at will inside Pakistan’s territory if they find proof of anti-Iran hardcore members on Pakistan’s soil. Even if such orders never translate into reality, Tehran’s mere decision to reach such a conclusion must trouble decision-makers in Islamabad.

At the same time, just as it takes two to tango, Iran cannot justifiably hold only Pakistan responsible for its sliding security conditions. A number of reports from Iran’s Sistan-Baluchestan province on Pakistan’s border speak of unsettled conditions on the Iranian side of the border.

Clearly, Shia-majority Iran is yet to bring peace to a part of its own country where the majority are Sunnis, in contrast to the majority of Iranians being Shias. The dwellers of Sistan-Baluchestan clearly feel left out of the Iranian mainstream and need to be pacified.

Ultimately, however, Pakistan can ill afford an aimless new confrontation on its only secure border which may one day demand the deployment of more forces on the frontlines, as if Pakistan’s forces weren’t already over-stretched. The reported killing of one of the border guards has not helped to pacify the strains.

These tensions have coincided with recent reports of Pakistan’s discussions with Saudi Arabia and Bahrain to dispatch uniformed or formerly uniformed troops to help the two states meet their security challenges. Notwithstanding Finance Minister Ishaq Dar’s refusal to name the ‘friendly country’ which recently gave a staggering $1.5 billion to fill Pakistan’s depleting coffers, an overwhelming number of Pakistanis believe that the funds came from Saudi Arabia. While Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s government insists that it is not about to dispatch troops to serve on a foreign soil, scepticism is visible all around.

Against this background, relations with Iran need to be put through a firm salvage operation. Mr Sharif’s government must try to be equidistant from Riyadh and Tehran as a matter of top priority for Pakistan’s foreign policy. A gesture such as a high-profile visit to Tehran by the prime minister could help build up a more positive image around this relationship than the present one.

Known security commentators such as retired Lieutenant General Abdul Qayyum even go as far as suggesting that Pakistan must “try to bridge the gap between Saudi Arabia and Iran. That would be a great service”.

While breaking the ice between Riyadh and Tehran could be far-fetched, Pakistan could at least work more aggressively to protect its very obvious interests.

In Quetta, a particularly telling example of the bloodshed that has engulfed Pakistan lies no further than the ‘Behesht-i-Zainab’ graveyard, the main final resting place for members of the mostly Hazara community of Shias in that region who were killed in sectarian violence.

Once a large sprawling stretch of land, the graveyard has begun to shrink in size with the growing demand for graves. Iran has protested sectarian killings in the past, though this is a matter which must become central to a narrative by Islamabad for securing its own interests.

In the words of a notable leader of the Hazara community, “You have to live our ordeal to know what it’s like. There are mohallahs [neighbourhoods] where someone has been martyred from every second or third home.”

Mr Baloch believes that ending the radicalization that has evolved in Pakistan over the past three decades and threatens to break the country apart, requires long overdue social reforms. Clearly, this is the vital domestic policy angle which must be followed in tandem with the country’s foreign relations, especially given that the growing number of Pakistan’s radicalised youth will only reinforce the country’s image as a haven for terrorists. While setting the pace for a more cordial relationship with Iran is vital for Pakistan in the short term, the long-term stability of this country must depend on tackling radical trends through sustainable policies.

Farhan Bokhari is an Islamabad-based journalist who writes on politics, economy and security issues

Analysis: Pakistan and Iran: Friends or foes? - DAWN.COM
Our Relationship with Iran is now very compound Because Iran is Anti American state and we purely are Pro American State this is the major difference between Iran and Pak. And as far as Islamic brotherhood is concerned it is very clear in history..
Iran and Pakistan appear to be on a collision course that will in all likelihood leave relations severely strained in the years ahead.
A serious flashpoint between Pakistan and Iran is taking place farther away in Syria. Many media outlets and private intelligence firms have confirmed that recent Pakistani-Saudi Arabian defense cooperation meetings have been aimed at reaching an agreement whereby Riyadh would purchase military arms from Islamabad for Syrian opposition forces. From what I glean Saudi funds will be used to purchase Chinese shoulder-launched anti-aircraft missiles and anti-tank missile among other weapon that will be smuggled into Syria via Jordan.
Such a deal would place Pakistan and Iran closer to direct confrontation as Iranian troops and their Hezbollah allies have long been operating in Syria in an effort to shore up the Bashar al-Assad government. Should Pakistani supplied arms bring down an Iranian transport plane Tehran would be hard pressed not to retaliate against Pakistan in some fashion.
Pakistan has ended up ruffling feathers in the region.Is it time for complete isolation now?? :coffee:
It will be a disaster for Pakstan if if it gets sandwiched bw Iran and Pakistan.Interesting times ahead.

Bw-What is the conclusion of the article??Iran is foe or friend??
Iran was never a enemy . Pakistan is being Forced/Coaxed to perceive it as one as all aid in Pakistan comes from Anti Iran countries ( Except off course China ) . And with Sudden push by GCC to help Pakistan i am sure this antagonism will grow .
The bottom line is that Pakistan is a Sunni nation and Iran is Shia. Two opposite poles in religious beliefs. Though there may be attempts to show friendship and cooperation at times, this is mostly due to economics - like the gas pipeline etc.

In a nutshell, the twain shall never meet as their ideologies are totally different. Add to that the cold war between Sunni Saudi Arabia and Shia Iran. Pakistan being an 'ally' of Saudi Arabia cannot be seen to be friendly towards Iran for fear of earning the wrath of the Saudis and the fear of losing those billions of dollars that SA is giving to Pakistan without any strings attached.

Add to this what @Levina mentioned in her post #3 and it would be clear as day why the twain shall never meet!

Like it or not, Pakistan will have to face multiple threats along her borders in the future - Afghanistan, Iran and India, in that order.
Its actually Iran that cannot afford too many rivalries. Isolated from the world due to its nuclear program its aim must be to keep relations cordial with as many countries as possible.
Its actually Iran that cannot afford too many rivalries. Isolated from the world due to its nuclear program its aim must be to keep relations cordial with as many countries as possible.
Recent years have witnessed the rise of irregular but frequently intensive opposition to U.S. global preeminence by Russia and China. In their own ways and in pursuit of their own interests each of these authoritarian governments has established an informal alliance with the Islamic Republic of Iran.So Iran has some strong backing.
Iran and Pakistan appear to be on a collision course that will in all likelihood leave relations severely strained in the years ahead.
A serious flashpoint between Pakistan and Iran is taking place farther away in Syria. Many media outlets and private intelligence firms have confirmed that recent Pakistani-Saudi Arabian defense cooperation meetings have been aimed at reaching an agreement whereby Riyadh would purchase military arms from Islamabad for Syrian opposition forces. From what I glean Saudi funds will be used to purchase Chinese shoulder-launched anti-aircraft missiles and anti-tank missile among other weapon that will be smuggled into Syria via Jordan.
Such a deal would place Pakistan and Iran closer to direct confrontation as Iranian troops and their Hezbollah allies have long been operating in Syria in an effort to shore up the Bashar al-Assad government. Should Pakistani supplied arms bring down an Iranian transport plane Tehran would be hard pressed not to retaliate against Pakistan in some fashion.
Pakistan has ended up rubbed off many the wrong way in the region.Is it time for complete isolation now?? :coffee:

Iran and Saudi Arabia are dangerous for whole Islamic world. I have come to conclusion, if you have a weak Military, you are not going to be safe. Syria, Iraq, Lebanon Libya, Palestine, and Afghanistan belong to this group and unfortunately they have become victims of proxy wars of Sunni - Shia conflicts. It is heart breaking for me to especially see Iraq and Syria as they were once great centers for Islamic Golden Age and all the history and culture have been completely destroyed by this monstrous hell.

Pakistan is also one of the countries that faces sectarian issues but luckily as compared to others in the region, it is to a small extent. Our strong Military, Population, and Diversity has saved us from an all out spillover. Only if things like strong Economy can be achieved over time, we wouldn't need to beg and we could potentially pave way for being role models in the Islamic world.

This Iran-Saudi conflict must not become complex. Pakistan's stance for now should be to stay neutral and promote peace. I would like to recall our contribution in bringing an end to Bosnia-Serbia conflict. If we can repeat that in Syria to Iran-Saudi conflict, it will be a huge sigh of relief.
China is their only hope.
You are actually missing one point , we are having troubles with our neighbours but Iran is in a bigger pinch , it's allies are decreasing day by day (the russia block , Syria etc) Just like Pakistan , Iran doesn't want another front as well especially so close to it's eastern border and the troubled Siastan Baluchestan province. So actually both want to be friends but the technicalities don't allow them.
The bottom line is that Pakistan is a Sunni nation and Iran is Shia. Two opposite poles in religious beliefs. Though there may be attempts to show friendship and cooperation at times, this is mostly due to economics - like the gas pipeline etc.

In a nutshell, the twain shall never meet as their ideologies are totally different. Add to that the cold war between Sunni Saudi Arabia and Shia Iran. Pakistan being an 'ally' of Saudi Arabia cannot be seen to be friendly towards Iran for fear of earning the wrath of the Saudis and the fear of losing those billions of dollars that SA is giving to Pakistan without any strings attached.

Add to this what @Levina mentioned in her post #3 and it would be clear as day why the twain shall never meet!

Like it or not, Pakistan will have to face multiple threats along her borders in the future - Afghanistan, Iran and India, in that order.

Your analysis is crap as usual. Pakistan is a powder keg, seeing as how we have more shias than any other country, except for Iran. :lol:
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