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An Open Letter To The Pakistani Media – How far will you go?



New Recruit

Dec 9, 2009
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As I sit in my room writing this, I can hear Indian music playing on the television outside. I know that it is a Pakistani channel,and I can hear snatches of people singing praises of how wonderful Indian music and artists are. It has been going on for the last2 hours and may as well go on for another 2. This is what I have come to expect from my country’s media.

I refuse to go outside and watch that. Because, you see, I’m more intrigued by a news channel telling us how truckloads of Indian ammunition are being discovered by the Pak army in South Waziristan, by someone revealing how the Takfiri TTP are being financed by Indo-American (and other foreign) forces, and how names like Blackwater, Xe, DynaCorp., are raising their ugly heads andinfiltrating into the Pakistani society. Rather than watching Indian movies, I’m more entertained when I go on the internet and readstories of how Mumbai investigator Mr. Hemant Karkare was silenced forever because he could have spilled the beans that Mumbai was an inside job, how the militants who carried out that attack had stayed at a guest house called Nariman House for several days before the attack, and where they were provided food, ammunition, and arms in full knowledge of the Mumbai police, how the 40,000strong Mumbai police was deliberately kept away from the scene of the shooting, as the terrorists went about their merry way killingpeople. All this from the pen of a respected Indian writer, Mr. Amaresh Mishra, for me, beats the most smoothly done Indian movieanyday!

I haven’t forgotten 26/11, and its aftermath, when your Indian counterparts didn’t bother to think rationally for a second, and pointed the finger squarely at us, how they threatened people like Adnan Sami Khan to leave or suffer the consequences, how Pakistani contestants were ejected from TV shows. I haven’t forgotten how united the Indian media and people were in their hate, or how vocal the media was with its hate-filled remarks, which were sometimes shocking in their intensity, and all on the basis of mere suspicion. And then, with much regret, I haven’t forgotten the insensitive way you responded to this outburst. Some of you even went as faras to claim that Ajmal Qasab is indeed a Pakistani citizen from Faridkot, a claim that has now been refuted by Qasab himself.

And now, a year later, I see my own country bleeding like it has never bled before. I remember the horror of Marriott, the shock of Lahore’s attack on the Sri Lankan cricket team, the valour of the Shaheeds of Swat and Waziristan. This nation will never forget the innocent Shaheeds of GHQ, Peshawar, Parade Lane, Moon Market, and so many other places. Our innocent brothers, sisters, sons, daughters were this nation’s wealth, they were a part of its future, and a legacy of its past. We have lost some of our gems, but we will never lose the will to avenge each and every drop of innocent blood.

Now I ask you, Pakistani media, do you not see who is behind all this? Don’t the daily deaths mean anything to you? Do you not seethe huge gaping wound? I want to ask you, how far will you go in this Indian admiration of yours? I see morning shows competing with each other in getting the biggest Indian star on the show. I change the channel and I see a senseless but box-office rich Indian movie being shown. I go further and I see barely clad women dancing in a spot advertising the latest Indian awards. Can you not see anything beyond the mindlessness of Indian entertainment?

Can you see that they are out to destroy us from within, to eat our society up like termites eat wood? I can almost imagine them wringing their hands with contentment at our political and moral degradation, at how they maneuvered things until we were deprived of hosting any cricketing event on our soil. Why don’t you admire the smooth precision with which they accomplished these ugly goals?

Your silence is deafening, your silence on this geo-political war being waged on Pakistan, your silence when Ajmal Qasab said he’s just an Indian being directed in the greatest Indian drama ever played, your silence on the menacing involvement of Indian intelligence agencies in supporting terrorism in Pakistan. Your silence is truly deafening. Instead, you seem smitten by the very forces who want to see Pakistan on its knees.

Will you still go on dancing to their tunes? Will you still go on leading the people of this nation further into fools’ paradise? I just wonder, how far will you go?
I don't understand what you are asking from media. I guess you wasted your morning hating India.

If bombing/extremism happens pakistan then only you are feeling pain. Don't think that pakistan is honest and don't meddle with its neighbors?
Taliban in afganistan, sikh insurgency in panjab, kasmir insurgency etc. I suggest you to look pakistan history last 20 years. :cheers:
Salaam brother

Its so heartening to see that I am not alone, my heart burns everyday, I cried for the innocent shaheeds of our Country. Every single day we hear tragic news of lives being lost, of bomb blasts and senseless blood shed. I think in these desperate times media can play a very positive role, it should emphasize the fact that we need unity today and help bring forth the malicious designs of our enemies.

But let me tell you, all is not lost, there are many brothers like you who understands what's going around them, who understand the correct Geo-political game played by the Zionist and alike and what their ultimate agendas are. We are living in those times when truth seekers were looked upon as STRANGERS, and yes strangers we are indeed.

Sometimes it feels very strange to comprehend if things are so blatantly evident why can't someone take-up this truth and spread this around. I have so much reservations on who actually owns these channels, who is running the show? I have stopped watching TV because I was not able to digest the hypocrisy by which our politicians conduct there daily affairs not to mentions their press conferences after every terrorist incident, you always here the same tunes as "we know who are the culprits" but we can release their information when the "right time comes"!!!

I love my Pakistan and I can't take this b s from media (including western media outlets which are biased) anymore so I now resort to only surf the net, its here where I found people who understands how I feel and what I think. May Allah give strength to the youth of the Pakistan to revive our nation, to understand the seriousness of the situation and I believe that the revival is started, it might be slow in pace but its started. I have so much hope from the young generation of our beloved Country, inshaAllah Pakistan will instigate the zest of unity and faith among muslim ummah.

Destiny is the prison and chain of the ignorant. Understand that destiny like the water of the Nile: Water before the faithful, blood before the unbeliever.
pakipowerboy, I certainly can't speak for the Pakistani media that chooses to broadcast Indian shows. Yet I am shocked by what you are telling us you see on news channels and on-line newspapers. It's clear to me that this media is manipulating you through innuendo, falsehood, and conveniently captioned imagery, and that you have developed no defenses against this.

You can build your defenses by realizes what is happening. TV images and photographs do not themselves lie, but the interpretations of them offered by reporters can. The media chooses what to say; that may be why you saw how "united the Indian media and people were in their hate" - because the channel you were watching chose to broadcast this aspect only.

I suspect there are many Pakistanis like you. Much of the media crafts its coverage to gain eyeballs, and if they can get people to turn from Indian soaps to hate-filled yelling and conspiracy theories then they may feel they are doing their job. But that doesn't mean what you are watching, reading, or hearing is a true picture of what really happened.
Watch Ahmad qureshi, zaid hamid, fozia wahab, shireen mazari etc etc etc right on your favorite pakistani channel. May be they can fill the vaccuum in your life.

Seriously speaking, there's so much conspiracy theories, so much demogogy gong on on pakistani media that i find your complaint a bit too much. How much of the poison is sufficient? And that bit about ajmal kasab not being pakistani... dude, even zaid hamid has moved that to the 'egg on the face' part of his show.
The Pakistani citizen's certainty that he, or at least his country, is always in the right allows for easy manipulation by empty parrots of "patriotism" - but it's also what led to the creation of Bangladesh on the world stage, for if the PA hadn't been so cruel in its pursuits - which they justified by moral certainty - then East Pakistan's statesmen would not have been convinced to urgently move to secession.

It appears this lesson has not been taught to the new generation. (Maybe, as the Pakistani/Bangladeshi diplomats I knew feared, the old one never accepted it.) pakipowerpup and waawaa are thus prime recruits for those who want to achieve glory and power through bloody, unnecessary, and ultimately unjust wars.
Those who don't know history are destined to repeat it.
- Edmund Burke
I don't understand what you are asking from media. I guess you wasted your morning hating India.

If bombing/extremism happens pakistan then only you are feeling pain. Don't think that pakistan is honest and don't meddle with its neighbors?
Taliban in afganistan, sikh insurgency in panjab, kasmir insurgency etc. I suggest you to look pakistan history last 20 years. :cheers:

Are Indian flags coming for some price now? try them, keeping your country's flag under your name shouldn't be making you weak in your point of view.

Are Indian flags coming for some price now? try them, keeping your country's flag under your name shouldn't be making you weak in your point of view.


I am a new member to this forum. I don't know how to set the flag. BTW this is an internet discussion forum and country flag will not give any weight to the discussion point unlike in real war.
for clarification, I am indian and living in usa.

I feel sori for you. You are just victim of conspiracy theory. Just come out take fresh air and read good people like @sparklingway. It may give a new meaning to your life.
Well, it is what you get for watching Geo TV ;)

Ohh, You mean to say this guy 'pakipowerboy', has written all this absurdity after wathching Geo news??:no:
I am quite fond of Geo news myself, and it does give lot of sensible coverage, I admire Hamid Mir way of presentation.
He is speaking the lines of some hardline madrassa.
But they seem to ignore any good news, show pakistanis leaving the countries to 'a better place', cast doubts on Islam (don't comment unless you are a muslim, please) and seemingly ignore any good news that other channels may have covered.

I'm sorry, but country media is supposed to work for the country, not against it. I am not afraid to say that Geo TV is not loyal to pakistan. When they suspected the guy who everybody said was not pakistani, Geo TV rushed in and claimed he was. Who are they working for?

Anybody see Israel tourism ads on their site?
But they seem to ignore any good news, show pakistanis leaving the countries to 'a better place', cast doubts on Islam (don't comment unless you are a muslim, please) and seemingly ignore any good news that other channels may have covered.

I'm sorry, but country media is supposed to work for the country, not against it. I am not afraid to say that Geo TV is not loyal to pakistan. When they suspected the guy who everybody said was not pakistani, Geo TV rushed in and claimed he was. Who are they working for?

Anybody see Israel tourism ads on their site?

Agreed, Geo TV is pure anti pak propoganda showing wanna be star plus soaps that dont in any way represent the average pakistani household.

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