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An IIT-Manipal 'Twitter war' over Satya Nadella


Jul 3, 2012
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With Indian-American Satya Nadella making it to the top job at Microsoft, many at his alma-mater Manipal Institute of Technology celebrated on Twitter, saying this goes against the perception that only students from India's premier institutions - Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) - make it to the top.
"Nadella becomes Microsoft CEO. MIT wins over IIT-KGP #MoralVictory #OkaySorry #Manipal (sic)," tweeted Tanmay Srivastava, a student from Manipal Institute of Technology.

"Interesting that new Microsoft #CEO is from Manipal & not IIT. No taxpayer funded education for #SatyaNadella . More MITs needed?, (sic)" tweeted a person named Sanjay.

"Satya Nadella's elevation will do wonders to the Manipal brand. For once, a business hyper-achiever is not an IIT alum (sic)," tweeted Vivek Sengupta.

Born and raised in Hyderabad, Mr Nadella, 46, studied at Hyderabad Public School and earned his engineering degree from the Manipal Institute of Technology.

"Satya's case should be an eye-opener to parents who are obsessed with brands like IIT, IIM because he is neither of the two and am sure his parents did not obsess over it. They allowed him space to blossom in whatever route he took," said Colonel RS Khatri, principal, Hyderabad public school.

Students of IIT, however, downplayed the reactions.

"It is a kind of Twitter war that's going on between the MITians and the IITians. Frankly speaking, this is overrated. We have seen that there have been eminent personalities emerging from both MIT and IITs and even in some cases the state universities," said Himanshu Pandey, a student of IIT Kanpur.

"I don't think that to be successful, you just have to be an IITian. Like, IIT can give you sufficient condition to be successful but it is not the necessary condition," said another IIT Kanpur student Abhimanyu Arora.

Be it IIT, MIT or any other institute of excellence, achievers like Mr Nadella - who is now only the third leader in the 300-billion dollar software company's 38-year history - make India proud.

Now where that leaves us : the pass outs from RECs, NITs, and other many more good Engg. colleges(both Govt. and Pvts.) of India who have contributed to India much more than IITs and Manipal like colleges(colleges for money-bags)

@DRAY @chak de INDIA @Indischer @45'22' @Dem!god @jarves (I hope non of you are from IITs or Manipal's) and other non IITians and Manipal's
I agree...it is not the IITs or MITs or State Schools that matter. It is more of how driven and disciplined you are to succeed. No doubt IITs can give you good conditions to succeed, but at the end the individual matters more than anything else.
They are called MITians??:hitwall:

BTW...there is no parallel to the top 50 from B, D, Kh, Ka, M

Rest are on par with other elite colleges.
Too much brouhaha over him these days. The man had decent education in India, went abroad for better opportunities, and hasn't looked back. End of Story. Only he can clarify whether he gave at shot at the IITs or not before settling for MIT.

ps: Did you know know that apart from MIT, Karnataka also had an IIT once? There used to be an Islamia Institute of Technology in Bangalore. Resembled a Primary School than an Engineering College. They thankfully closed it down. :lol:
ps: Did you know know that apart from MIT, Karnataka also had an IIT once? There used to be an Islamia Institute of Technology in Bangalore. Resembled a Primary School than an Engineering College. They thankfully closed it down.
Oh..!!!! phelese......don't post PJ's ......Bihar have MIT.....Muzzafarpur institute of technology...:lol::lol::lol:
Universidad de Morón - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How did I end up becoming an alumni of this School?
Oh..!!!! phelese......don't post PJ's ......Bihar have MIT.....Muzzafarpur institute of technology...:lol::lol::lol:

One of my batch-mates was from the MIT you are talking about, this one is a decent institution as far as I know. I studied at IIT Kharagpur BTW. We have had wars between Halls of Residence. Then we had wars between the Boys and the Girls. We have had B.Tech. vs M.Tech. thingy (they did not like us B.Tech thurkees hitting at cute M.Tech. girls).

All such mini wars made our otherwise dull campus lives a bit eventful.
Such wars only have entertainment value. Let the warriors enjoy while they can because one day they will have to be on their own and earn their own living.
One of my batch-mates was from the MIT you are talking about, this one is a decent institution as far as I know. I studied at IIT Kharagpur BTW. We have had wars between Halls of Residence. Then we had wars between the Boys and the Girls. We have had B.Tech. vs M.Tech. thingy (they did not like us B.Tech thurkees hitting at cute M.Tech. girls).

All such mini wars made our otherwise dull campus lives a bit eventful.
Such wars only have entertainment value. Let the warriors enjoy while they can because one day they will have to be on their own and earn their own living.
I know MIT is good...not that bad... 1 my close relative studied there......
that B.tech ....M.Tech stuff always happen.....
One of my friend is there.....:lol::lol:
you can guess ..what I call him now...:D:D
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