Easy to say when you are not one of them. They are awake, just cannot do anything about it except deal with it with patience. When the whole state machinery is against you at every level, it is not easy.
I know some of you will say that stand up and fight. That is a legitimate ask, but often the impression is that the fight is with violence only. There are other ways of fighting, and we are doing our best under the circumstances. Muslims are in the forefront of charitable acts, educating non-Muslims on them and using legal remedies where possible. Results are in the hands of Allah, and insha'Allah, one day we will prevail.
There is really no end in sight for the sufferings of Muslims in India. The are stuck in a country where the majority hate them for no fault of their own. Things will only get worse. Some people can emigrate and leave, but that is not the option for the majority of them. Today I live a comfortable life in the West, but I have no joy at my position. I feel I have abandoned my people.