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An article from a nurse who assisted in fighting against the epidemic in Hubei

Nan Yang

May 1, 2010
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* An article from a nurse who assisted in fighting against the epidemic in Hubei. She was from an outlying town in Hulunbeier, Inner Mongolia. Very touching to read: *

Today is the first day I return to work from the front line of Hubei Anti-epidemic. The dean of the unit and the medical staff of the whole hospital lined up in front of the hospital to welcome my return. Above the hallway of the hospital, a banner welcoming me hung, and many people gathered on the roadside and in front of the hospital.

I got off the car and bowed to the driver. My head nurse has already greeted me and wept. Then, I bowed to the Dean! Bow to the medical staff of the whole hospital! Bow to those who I don’t know who applauded me!

With a humble and grateful heart, with bowing etiquette, I thank the hospital leaders and colleagues! I am the only nurse in this hospital to go to the frontline of Wuhan's anti-epidemic disease, representing more than 100 medical staff in our hospital.

The difference of just two months, it seems like a long time, I have tears in my eyes, and I saw my colleagues with whom I worked together day and night, praying for my safe return!

Everyone gathered around me, shaking hands one by one, embracing from time to time, I was surrounded by stars surrounding the moon.

I am a nursing major and only went to work for two years. In the hospital in this small town, they work every day in the internal medicine nurse station, dispensing medicine, puncture needles, changing medicine, and patrolling.

In my life, I just want to be a professional nurse silently and live an ordinary life. I am still an intern, not in the official establishment. I often envy the doctors and nurses in the series. My biggest wish has always been one day, to become officially confirmed nurse. I never thought about being famous, let alone being a hero. However, two months have changed my life. I never even dreamed of it.

In 2020, after New Year's Eve, on the first day of CNY, the unit notified me to go to the hospital and said that the dean was looking for me. When I saw the dean, she said that the superior health and health committee had selected me to join the autonomous region medical team and go to Wuhan to fight the epidemic. First need to report to the health and health committee of the autonomous region, and then fly to Wuhan by charter flight. The dean talked to me for half an hour, mentioned some requirements, and told me to protect myself.

The dean has asked the director of the hospital's administrative office to buy me all the necessities and air tickets.

I went home and briefly explained to my parents.
I told my parents that I went to the autonomous region to participate in business training. I didn't say that I went to Wuhan.
I was afraid that they would not be relieved!
I briefly packed my bags and hurried to the station to the airport more than 100 kilometers away.

When I left the town,
I looked at the familiar streets, the buildings immersed in the Happy Chinese New Year, and the festive lights-
no farewells, no farewells.

People in our small village didn't know me, such a little nurse, a traveler rushing to the front line of Wuhan.

I didn’t even know if I can go back to this small town and see the scenery in this small town.
My mood is very complicated, after all, this is not to travel, this is ordered to go to Wuhan's anti-epidemic front, as a medical personal, with a mission to save people, to save lives! Life and death are unknown?

The moment I walked out of my house, I was determined to even sacrifice myself on the front line. Because the country is at the forefront of the pandemic, and the country has chosen me at the time of the pandemic, I will go forward and never retreat!

There is such a tragic and sorrowful feeling that “the wind and the snow will change easily and the water will be cold, and the strong men will never return”!

After arriving in Wuhan, my medical team was sent to Jingmen City, Hubei Province.
For more than fifty days and nights, we are working overtime every day, and we have to work more than ten hours a day. In accordance with strict nursing procedures, we were supposed to rotate day and night.
In more than ten hours, do not eat, drink or go to the toilet. The overworked bodies, stretching the limit of fatigue, having to face the infected patients and the dead patients.

Caring for patients, changing medicines, looking at medical device testing, managing patients' eating, drinking and cleaning up after their urines and faeces, just like treating their loved ones.

Here, life is lofty, duties are sacred, and I feel the duty of a carer. When the patient has passed on, many a time we are alone having to wipe from head to toe for the dead, put clothes on them, put the bodies into body bags, and bow three times to the dead! Push them out the ward to a dedicated morgue, and then send it to the crematorium by a disinfection car for cremation.

After the virus-infected person was hospitalized or died, none of their loved ones were present. For those who died, none of their relatives saw them off.

We are the ones responsible for these. No wonder when the medical team left Wuhan and left Hubei, those family members and relatives knelt and cried on the long street! hoarse voice! They don't know which of us were there to help see off for their loved ones? Because Even the infected person cannot see the true face of the medical and nursing personnel!

However, every deceased infected person has received the best treatment. The medical expenses of an infected person are hundreds of thousands or even millions. Any infected person is treated with due respect and professional care 24 hours a day,
24 hours a day, although not a loved one, yet better than a loved one!

The state sent more than 40,000 medical team members to Hubei, divided into 16 prefectures and cities, and two intensive care hospitals in Wuhan's Vulcan Mountain and Raytheon Mountain. They gave us the best life security, use the best protective clothing and work treatment, each of us, in this battlefield, every day and night desperately!

Fight for the country, not afraid of life and death! The sacred mission, let you no longer be your past, but a warrior of more than 40,000 anti-epidemic army! I secretly wrote the suicide note: If I was infected by the virus and died, my body be donated to the country for medical anatomy. This is the front line of the epidemic, and infections can occur at any time. Here, the soul of every team member is baptized as never before! Behind her bears the high hopes of her hometown leadership colleagues and hundreds of thousands or even millions of folks. It is the only faith to keep life out of the way, not to disgrace the mission, and to do my due diligence.

After leaving my hometown for more than a month, the TV news of my hometown reported the fight against epidemic in Hubei broadcasting in Various airports in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, city squares and large commercial buildings, including our medical team to Hubei. That’s how My parents knew that I was fighting the epidemic in Jingmen, Hubei.

The party and government leaders and leaders of the health system in my hometown sent congratulatory messages to my house and gave my family 20,000 yuan. My parents never expected such honor!

People in small cities, knowing that I was fighting the epidemic on the front line of Hubei, are looking forward to my safe return as soon as possible!

On March 17th, we were the first batch to evacuate from Hubei and those Wuhan crowds who greeted to send is off were simply countless! At that time, Wuhan was still in Lockdown and Hubei had not yet unblocked. But many people gathered in front of our resident building, people above the residents, waving the national flag at the window, shouting loudly: Thanks! thank you all!

My team members and I were so moved by the Hubei people and we wept! Can't say a word, bow to them again and again! Thank them for their deep friendship! Thank them for their contribution to the country!

A city in Wuhan was sealed to control the epidemic and save the country. More than 60 million Hubei people responded to the call for national isolation and controlled the spread of the epidemic throughout the country. Only when you are in Hubei and Wuhan are you there, will you feel deeply the spirit of the people of Hubei, the great price they had paid, including the lives of thousands of loved ones!

Every day, we medical staff from various provinces and regions are touched. Coming to fight against the epidemic in Hubei by the order of the country, our mind and body are closely connected with this heroic land. Every day, sweat and tears are intertwined, and blood and hard work are creating miracles.

At Wuhan Tianhe Airport, when I boarded the return charter, my heart was hard to calm down.
Take off! At a height of 10,000 meters, through the window, look at Wuhan, this is a metropolis with a population of tens of millions, this is a land of heroes! I came to Wuhan for the first time in my life, but as a medical practitioner, I fought more than fifty days and nights. I was also awarded the honorary citizen of City to enjoy free treatment for my whole life and enjoy lifelong free tourism and hotels. Our name, also included in Jingmen, will be stored in the museum.

Return to Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, the leaders of the autonomous region personally greeted me at the airport! The police car opened the road, the police saluted, presented flowers, presented Hada! People say welcome!
My team members and I were moved to tears!
Flown in a special plane, cross the water gate, police escort, welcoming people along the streets! In this life, I went to Hubei to fight against the epidemic and received such high-standard courtesies! It's an honor! Seeing so many leaders, so many experts and professors, so many scenes, so many ceremonies, so touching --- such eye-opening, gain knowledge, I have become a person with a nationalistic feeling.

A person, when your life is closely connected with the destiny of the country, you will feel noble and great, the mission is more important than life.

Stay in a luxurious hotel on my hometown, enjoying three meals a day, eat the best food, and enjoy high-standard VIP treatment.

After fourteen days of quarantine, our group of fifteen took a plane and returned to Hulunbeier.

After the grand welcome ceremony, I arrived in the city to a private car. Two hours later, I returned to the small town that I had left for more than two months. When I left, it was the cold wind and snow, now upon my return, it is already a spring breeze. It was all quiet when I walked away, returning today, the small town is full of people.

The welcoming ceremony touched me even more. The police car led the way even the police officers lined up to salute! The secretary of the municipal party committee, the mayor, and the hospital leaders and colleagues, shook my hands! Offer flowers! Take pictures! Leaders speaking!

I felt as if have grown so much; I have never seen this scene in my hometown, and it is to welcome my return! So Moving! Tears! Speechless!

What kind of virtue and ability do I have to be so honored by Wuhan Hubei?!

As a nurse, I am so honored in this life! Unexpectedly, really unexpectedly. The autonomous region gave each of our medical personnel to Hubei two special gold commemorative medals. I have been listed by the autonomous region as a regular employee and become a formal employee of a state institution that enjoys preparation benefits.

In addition, according to the requirements of the national documents, during the period of Hubei ’s anti-epidemic, there are subsidies every day, and the autonomous region also has subsidies, which together add up to 800 yuan a day, plus additional bonuses, and enjoy the scenery of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Free lifetime tour of the whole scenic area!

I was originally an ordinary nurse, performing my duties as a nurse is my own job and what I should do. From Wuhan City, Hubei, to the autonomous region, to my hometown, I have been given so many honors and rewards! This is a great reward for a nurse who assists Hubei! I am honoured and proud to fight against the epidemic in Hubei, and I am proud of my parents and relatives!

I deeply understand that flowers, applause, honor, everything will gradually return to normal. I will return to work as soon as possible, work with humility and gratitude, double my efforts in the work, and work diligently and responsibly for the people, so as to live up to these honors.

I want to remind myself every moment that I am just an ordinary nurse. In this life, I chose a nursing major. I have no regrets in life, and I am worthy of this land that gave me support. Because I have fought on the front line of anti-epidemic in Wuhan for over fifty days and nights! This will be an unforgettable and glorious history of my life.

In just two months, I became a hero in a small town, and I seemed to be dreaming. However, this is already a reality. Since I went to Wuhan, I learned to bow. Humility and gratitude, this will accompany my life. Let people walk into you, like a spring breeze, this is a benevolent healer!

Great love, noble doctors and nurses!
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Thank you, little nurse.

A little nurse of Big Hero!

Reading this article brings me into tears.

No wonder if China economy and development are skyrocketing.

Such a great nation and country.

But to be honest, in the last couple of months, a lot of heroes are born in the entire world!

We have catastrophic, we also have Heroes!
Video of nurse returning to Hulunbeier from Wuhan.

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