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An article about stratagem in south Asia on a China forum



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May 9, 2007
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a google translation without emendation , sorry for that
Tibet : the eve of the dawn dark of night snowy plateau, a Pure Land, Trinidad Buddha, Ancient India had two offensive Tibet has been swift and fierce Tibetan cavalry completely annihilated. The colonial period, the Chinese government Late-British forces are unable to stop the infiltration of Tibet, the Dalai clique are forced to move closer to the British. Tibet's vast, sparsely populated, is rich in water resources and strategic geographic conditions and but from an economic point of North India and are very dependent Nepal, Tibet, the majority of daily necessities are traditionally imported from the two countries. huge trade surplus to feed the many poor North India mountain handicrafts. Even after 1962, Nepal, the Indian businessmen can still active in the trade several remote ports. As the parties were very poor and geographical restrictions, the business will not be great, Chinese government to foreign businessmen each household into Tibet transaction tax collected in 1106, Yuan said sovereignty. India is the largest since that the legal heirs of the British Empire, the so-called McMahon Line logical areas should be included in the Indian territory. Modern India to the Chinese government's neglect (of course it is Britain's strength has nothing to do with India) India as Tibet for India in the buffer zone, the so-called country within a country. 1949 After the birth of New China to Tibet reaffirmed the rights of India worried that the red tide sweeping across Tibet, at the instigation of foreign powers to finally start of Tibet. India's strategy : Tathagata Buddha India formulated the strategic principle has not changed. India believes that such large enough settlement to the almighty powerful : Tibet is the palm leniency, Nepal, Sikkim and Bhutan, Kashmir, southern Tibet is five fingers, if the Chinese army into Tibet once, it is bound to spend the Tathagata We found India shattered. Instead ineffectual as offensive initiative. Since there is no way to directly attack simply Tibet from the five countries and regions shows that have been snapping fingers. Tathagata's palm can again play a major power. Take advantage of the outbreak of the Korean War, India really done so. 1949 "India-Bhutan Friendship Treaty", the foreign relations of Bhutan to accept India guidance. Bhutan will explain to this article : Indian issues in the interests of a respected. No matter how high-sounding terms, the outside world has to understand the size of sesame grain yield of the government of Bhutan. 1950 "India - Sikkim peace treaty." As Sikkim near Tibet's largest trading ports East Asia, with enormous economic benefits, India humane commitment to the protection of Sikkim to maintain the status of Sikkim on its internal affairs ownership from the Indian defense. Sikkim statehood surviving, it seems pick up a life-saving straw. Small countries is not terrible, terrible is not thinking of comfort, ease protests. In 1972, when doped sand like India Tibetan population beyond Sikkim, Avia capital of Gansu immediately occurred to join the Indian Union supported the demonstrations, the vulnerability of indigenous resistance but no relevance, 1974 Sikkim by the Indian ruthless annexation of 1950 "India-Nepal Treaty of Peace and Friendship", paragraph 2 : on the two governments might lead to the breakdown of the friendship and relations with foreign countries before. . . . . To inform each other. "India-Nepal Trade Agreement," paragraph 5 : Nepal must be produced or purchased by India India to buy weapons. Nepal in the small mountain country is large, then India should have such a blatant control of its diplomacy and the right to supply weapons. Get through outlying 1950 India and Myanmar signed a treaty of friendship. Myanmar are everywhere KMT Xie Bing Li Mi, rather than advancing one corner than forcibly entered. India and Myanmar signed mere show it is playing ****, to the Non-Aligned Movement into disrepute. 1954 "India-Ceylon immigration agreement," India has started to interfere (Sri Lanka) Services. India 1947-1948 national independence and liberation march in the name of Kashmir and gaining territory. India's 1948 annexation of Hyderabad help independent territories. 1954 India-Pakistan war. This war must make Pakistan collapse of the regime and return to the "motherland India" embrace. Pakistan, but could not join the United States in the United States to provide large quantities of modern weaponry, India will stop indignant. India recovered in 1961 in the Portuguese colony of India Goa, Dammam, Ukraine, and blow a few of them small gunboat Portugal. This was dissatisfied with the members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, India isolated. Fortunately, the outbreak of the Sino-Indian war, the United States sent an aircraft carrier into the Indian Ocean in support of India only to ease relations with the West. 1962. . . . . . Apart from the poor use of time to accelerate the annexation of mountainous country, India in 1958-1961 taken quickly moved to the rear, have been sending small groups of troops set up checkpoints in the Chinese army gradually eroded land. (This is a bit like Japan and South Korea in the East China Sea for Law) Nehru believes he can step down as India's diplomatic victory, - Ellen has always believed that China declared war on the plateau is bluff. On the real war, I could not write, because I am not a military strategist, not national policy makers, not eligible for subjective assumptions and make improper comments. But it happens I used to serve in a company of senior managers origin, whose father is a retired former deputy commander of the Chengdu Military Region. His father then participate in the force above the rank of command. According to his father recalled, India did very arrogant, and the two sides began regular mutual confrontation, verbal abuse, activists, the fire shot up. India grassroots Commander lack of political awareness, they always take advantage of the Chinese army had not yet arrived. random checkpoints will be deployed in the former Chinese sentry before, "after" This, in fact, acts of war of invasion. Indian soldiers from wearing his heart is broken down on the Chinese soldiers, India and the Englishmen equipment than did the many sophisticated weapons. Using his father's words : "imminence defeat easily." India's professional soldier in the war is not how the performance of occupation, as if the 1949 liberation of the Southwest military pirated. But for the national economy too difficult, logistics can protect, he may penetrate deep into Indian territory everywhere. As for China's initiative to return line, it is a last resort. Troop morale was high, many of the rations has its own troops seized preparation Even so, Once the onset of winter may be closing the snow, the troop will be in dire straits. Logistics is a big problem, it would be better to withdraw. Retreat to the retreat, all the high ground, our army must transport hub controlled. Chairman Mao said : "The fight will play several decades of peace," and the established principles or realized. Many netizens think we eat a disadvantage There is in fact no actual participation in war. First of all, three years of natural disasters, to ask their parents grandparents and what to eat, you will understand why the fight on. Also near the peaceful liberation of Tibet, the Tibetan people to maintain a high degree of vigilance Han Chinese, or even a strong resentment. Cultural Revolution, young Red Guards stormed temples were damaged, but also Tibetans feel great alarm. American Indian culture in the Tibetan spies and separatists often sneaked into Tibet, Later in Tibet makes up the countryside for young people has had a grasp of spies to the new mandate. The main battleground of southern Tibet region, minority sparsely populated, and not that there is no town, is more than 100 villages are also very rare in. Some villages still in a state of semi-primitive society, men and women crudely clothed and inadequately more serious marriage, reproductive worship popular. dead bodies to be people eating habits remain. Barley is a staple food, protein intake depends entirely on hunting, no guarantee of rations, enter the forest harvesting of fruits and capture insects women and children for graduation. To explain all of these in southern Tibet relatively backward economy and culture, the military is still not as a financial, forces in the area lack mass base. Nanda is now in possession of change, but due to the harsh geographical conditions remained poor. To the Tibetan capital of southern Motuo example. It honored to be China's only no chance of the SAR vehicle, they must also declare the world. The country has several highway construction, making a total investment of hundreds of millions of dollars annually, after completion of the highway by four vehicles only. Two deputy governors and military cadres of the ribbon-cutting cars, two of the province gave free Motuo government to engage in the liberation of transport trucks. Now liberation trucks rust has already rotten in southern Tibet highway has been mercilessly swept away the debris flow. Highway opened excited when people have had the lead by the post office, but the post office only to assume the so-called gatekeepers of the postal service, Post offices, which a few years not to use a postmark, not a parcel. Highways, southern Tibet transport of people to back Amato, who back to more than 90%, not because the horse through the forest, rock climbing cliffs, it will be the department Calculating across rivers. Human transport is very difficult, but in southern Tibet has access to cash is a good send. Subsidies to local people, troops daily transport subcontracted goods to the villagers, and to improve the life of the residents. This is the so-called "good send", and will not be fully in a fishing porters head. Porters to the village as a unit, a village porters unit shipments to another village by village porters B transported to a village, followed transport, we can all Zhengdian little money to maintain their livelihood. West Line Ali rear of the battlefield, is a former army, the national explorers died as a world-class district. Water shortages, lack of oxygen, cold, sandstorms it is a typical characteristic. Ali, a regional capital of Shiquanhe City as an example that even of these trees are not, Sandstorm is a perennial demonstration of the neighbors. Now the city is true that the party and government organs, the armed forces, the compound, schools, hospitals, restaurants shops in Israel, it is more apparent, Due to the lack of electricity in the evening calls for power outages, flashlights are the most popular products. 60-70's expected to Ali area as a base, support the Pamir glaciers (extreme dead line) on duty at the checkpoint, and the success rate is zero. But since this is the only Pakistan junction with lots of strategic significance is far higher than the possession of the Southern region. Southern Tibet is rich in resources, but no outputs, although the west but a waste any time that the state can create value. Please netizens to stop speculation, in fact, the strength disadvantaged 1962-1985 period, China has always hoped that the negotiations on the demarcation with India and southern Tibet region is to follow the existing boundaries of the Line of Control. That is when countries have the right to give up possession of the territory for the South. However, western, middle countries in the region is simply not in negotiations with India. The surface is lost territory, and were humiliated. The number of land and resources, the future of Korea, the United States and Japan had been in ghosts, but India did not agree why? Because Pakistan. As long as China in the west exists, India from a massive attack on Pakistan, as long as Pakistan is still fighting, Kashmir on scared. If India in Kashmir failure, "Federal better than sovereignty" will lie, but it was India arbitrary annexation trampling on the small countries and territories who will have to help the middle of the eighteenth. After all, India also seized from the possession of the South will not be any resources (greater than ever because the investment returns), possession of the South can do now is sleeping quietly awaiting. (Federation : refers to the Indian Federation. Sovereignty : referring to the annexation of a small country and the annexation of territories to help sovereignty. ) sustained struggle 1965-1971 Sino-Indian war, The military suffered a setback in India, in the neighboring small country before thoroughly discredited, as soon suppress the riots, India accelerated military buildup, even sell pledges to the United States, access to American equipment. Pakistan keen to understand the actual situation in the western Indian border Kuchi of the swamp areas and small-scale Indian jousting. After the Palestinian side of their military fighting ability satisfaction. 1965 Kashmir tribal ownership of national elections, India clearly cheating, because the Muslim population had absolute superiority in the region, the vote was. To ensure that the election victory, Pakistan soldiers dressed in civilian clothes to vote. The election has become a farce, the vote turned into guns, the two sides again war. Pakistan trying to war confined to the Kashmir region, India and disciplined national strength and In the western border of Pakistan entire battle. China verbal warning, India will not listen, then immediately PAPP supplies of the armed forces of Pakistan. U.S. Congress for the use of two USAID American countries combat weapons is very dissatisfied with each other, and this is a serious waste of funds weakened suppress Red Chinese forces. So obsessed with the idea of the United States out of India to join the Vietnam War, India-U.S. relations henceforth loss to the supply of weapons, to choose Soviet-type weapons as the fundamental unit. 1971-Indian military defense, bring up India's victory. This is a great-preposterous - Stan mutilated, and two out of India henceforth line combat the embarrassing situation. The absurdity : because the Indian army plans to elaborate on the surface, actually directs disorder. In order to avoid liability in case of loss, national leaders and the Secretary of Defense who refused to sign the order. Dhaka orders to enter the surprise victory after by a general act signed. Dongba garrison either too poor performance, and perhaps India really a failure. Limited : Although Pakistan is losing large tracts of land, but India did not yield to it. Weak national economy of the Palestinian side, the zoo's tiger can be starved to death, but military strength can not damage. After a brief recovery, the Pakistani army from the United States-France-China's full disarmament, began with the Indian military confrontation. Dongba before the invasion, or a warning to India to China to think twice and therefore only postpone the start of the winter offensive, Any army can cross the river in the Himalayas. This will undoubtedly give the Palestinians a few months of preparation time, or else Pakistan will defeat was even worse. Similarly, the United States as usual "enterprise" aircraft carrier drove into the Bay of Bengal, and in 1962 is different This is the wreckage of the Pakistan had the political support of the new Chinese partners friendly gesture. From India since 1949, the United States warships threat This is the first time that India and the United States have had a far-reaching impact. Enterprise, got pulled out of the United States to let India severe heart, But then Zhong from a coup for the two wars India terror. Iran-Islamic Revolution on January 16, 1979 Iranian Pahlavi dynasty crumbled All of a sudden, February 1 when Khomeini brought the "one God, seven against" the idea of returning to Iran, India has suddenly found itself facing the risk of an energy shortage. Iran and India's 14 million Muslims, both Shiites, long suppressed in India for Pakistan, domestic Shiite Muslims brutal rule, although India was strongly please Iran, were not able to improve relations with Iran. India to guarantee the supply of energy, led by the Soviet Union in partnership with Iraq, In two Iraqi war Indian Air Force to assist in the training of a large number of Iraqi Air Force pilots. (Gulf war with India, a large number of training Iraqi pilots do not run away from war. ) Although fanatical followers have chanted overthrow Hua Guofeng, beat China, but China will eventually let Iran clergy leaders understand the Red Chinese and Soviet hegemony distinction, 2 Iraq during the war between China and the two warring get along has been pretty good. Iran's fundamentalists, the United States leased to the British island of Diego Garcia as a strategic airbase of excuses. Of the Indian Ocean island, as the United States to deter China and India outpost, the Chinese were used to have, but India is the first time the United States has a strategic threat to India for several decades has been leased to the British and endless controversy. From antiquity to the war in Afghanistan, India has been to Afghanistan as part of South Asia. Indian Foreign Ministry, the intelligence services and CARTOGRAPHIC PUBLISHING HOUSE are so dry. India in Afghanistan for centuries playing traditional classical game right, Afghans for India to prevent the invasion of nomadic exhausted their blood. 50-70 years, Afghanistan has been India against Pakistan's ally, now the balance is broken. for the Soviet Union to applaud India did not even notice the note are not eligible to enjoy. Christmas eve 1979, Soviet troops, tanks, armored vehicles, crossed the Afghan border, special paratroops were killed at one stroke Amin. Indians could not believe that this is the fact, the big bosses started looting of property in the second boss. Amin is not obedient, but has not committed to the team with the elderly to defy the Kremlin, "all in order to weaken China." India had their own comfort. Besides the United States to join the battle line, mega-armed Pakistan army and the Afghan guerrillas, if India does not continue to throw in its lot with the Soviet Union, military equipment will be quickly outdated or even the lack of replacement. Compared to last resort put all his stakes on the Soviet Union of India, China began to also believe that the Soviet Union would like to surround themselves But soon the Chinese people understand that the Soviet Union does not become a big brother, the weakness of relying on the war out of the crisis stage. But decades of civil strife China is also very weak, apparently out of the crisis needs of the war, I did not expect the opportunity to actually be delivered to their doorsteps. China's self-defense war is very smart, although they discovered that the Soviet Union became India with, but only in exchange for cheap raw materials primary purpose. As the British, India could use the concession production, such as the acquisition of Western European electronic components, Japan, the Soviet Union, such as photocopiers can not create high highly sophisticated product, which is a legitimate access to technology access. In fact, the focus of the Soviet Union in Vietnam, the Soviet Union not only Fleet stationed in the United States and then from Cam Ranh Bay, Air Force Base and will be expansion, or even can take off and land Tu-95 strategic bombers to the extent Soviet always with electronic surveillance in the United States warships linger behind. Vietnam received lots of American weapons, the Soviet Union is the icing on the cake for add to the excitement. 1977 ruling BJP and India once took a turn for the better. India and Pakistan Musical Morie sweeping China. Among the more relations that China hopes the same as in 1950, as the Soviet Union and India-China-Vietnam tripartite mediation. Unfortunately, young Foreign Minister Vajpayee limited ability to talk to his predecessors, like India not to prevent the outbreak of war. (Vajpayee to China has been worried about 1998, the Prime Minister came to power after the election. launched a nuclear weapons program. ) *** visit to the United States, Sino-U.S. relations have entered decade honeymoon period. Decades of civil strife while China operations side of reform and opening up. Vietnam war a decade behind China has made a five-year, which is India was shocked, as this is crushed strength of the world's fourth Vietnam will soon be crushed, the Sino-Indian border issue will be on the table, India to be anxious. 1958 action indications that the United States-China-Pakistan is of them cried. conspiracy to India from South hegemony throne drag down. The Soviet Union in Afghanistan has deep mire, eager to India in the hope that the open battlefield southwest Pakistan, USAID to prevent the flow of arms into Afghanistan. 1984 Pakistani intelligence agencies to help support the Punjab Sikh separatist movement intensified, Sikh protesters gathered, the symbol of an independent "Khalistan" flags fluttered in the Sikh Golden Temple roof. India started to seize the Golden Temple in 1958, resulting in thousands of casualties, international community reacted strongly. Islamabad provocative acts must be punished. 1984 Indian commander of the northern sector ciber will deploy troops in the glacier began tin chin against the Palestinian side of the disputed post. India hopes China 59 as quickly as swift occupation Ladakh, a victory for the Palestinian side and suddenly feel embarrassed. Fierce fighting between the two sides, the casualties were minimal, and it made more than 1,000 soldiers died in the cold and lack of oxygen. Current collector exercises in 1986 India-Pakistan border in the three services of current collector for the exercise. Exercise is the largest ever in South Asia one. Especially the Palestinians western border region, India alarming number of armored vehicles. Exercise by the Secretary of Defense and Sendejie Singh will personally command. Even the first phase of the exercise which lasted four months, a clear sign of gathering war. Exercise reached a climax when the Indian Air Force plane began a large-scale cross-border charges. Pakistani stands the worst, even in the entire boundary setback Rajasthan, Punjab in India also helped send troops, ensure that the fight for Kashmir. India because of international pressure, ended transformed into practical action of the exercise. Chessboard exercises in 1986, India declared at thakra ridgeline India-Bhutan - and the controversial "Dole helped Pradesh investigation," the conjunction, "HE more Rong Chu," there was a Chinese military attack on the Indian action, India has many casualties. China's foreign statement combat troops in the invasion of the invading enemy. Maria is known as the ability to Sendeji will then in the disputed area to mobilize troops, ready to start a chessboard exercises trying to use small-scale fighting between the limited understanding of China's specific response to the conflict. China is keen response, the United States and the Soviet Union this euphemism India, China ready to go to war in the hope that India restraint Field exercises instantly become on a map, India still does not want to become a second Vietnam. India's Vietnam War from Tamil Nadu in India to help boat across 20 miles wide across the Croatian capital, Sri Lanka is the border. Sri Lanka is about three million Tamils, and Tamil Nadu in India to help the 60 million population. Although India has been pointing to Pakistan and China supported separatist elements, In fact Sri Lanka Tamil organizations of all colors have been accepting India's support and training. Help in Tamil Nadu, the Indian National Congress instructed by the political representatives openly expressed support for the Tamil separatist movement in Sri Lanka. Commissioner of India in Colombo, Dick tin special, and by the Indian politicians in private as "the Governor Sri Lanka," He keeps send troops to intervene, claiming that the TNI to win easily. By the end of 1987, the Indian Air Force has repeatedly over the border to the northern part of Sri Lanka was under siege by the Tamil guerrillas to provide aerial resupply. India's armed intervention force of Sri Lanka and India signed a secret agreement to legalize. The agreement stipulates : 1, India to the northern region of Sri Lanka peacekeeping force stationed 2, other countries or organizations use the kiosks Komari assistance to Sri Lanka to restrict 3. other countries or organizations in Sri Lanka to ban radio stations. This is not a peacekeeping operation, it is naked of armed intervention. India attempts to collect their support of the Tamil Tigers armed, then intervene in northern Sri Lanka Tamil people living Affairs. But the Tamil Tigers in the eradication of other Tamil organizations have a strong future. the establishment of an independent state become a new battle Program. Sri Lankan government troops were leaving the army, made the supporters and supporters were Goujiaogou. himself went to the south of Sigiriya siege to a terrorist organization. Indian Army suffered heavy losses in depth jungle, in 1990, to the shameful withdrawal of Sri Lanka. In short India militaristic decades, only a military operation has been successful, 1988 guard troops to interfere in the Maldives. 1990 India and Pakistan in Kargil again exchanged fire started by the United States to isolate China policy India from the United States mediation, the two sides truce. After 10 years, India and Pakistan strength sharp drop (a few years ago to buy the military Rush-treasury), the global economic slowdown, the two countries are no longer fighting turn develop more cost-effective than nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles. 1999 Pakistan and India launched a lasting 1958. Kargil 1958, the Indian Army despite casualties flees, the Indian Army from the Sri Lanka defeat SARS and walk out. in the military's public image facelift, the world's major military media rushing to report. But in crossfire Soviet-type howitzers to Pakistan could not match the precision equipment Western artillery, Later this prompted India to accelerate the introduction of advanced artillery systems. In addition, Pakistan's support for the use of artillery District hundreds of guerrillas, once again holding back the tens of thousands of Indian life. mountain combat proved an arduous task. Wangpaiduiwangpai exile, the Dalai Lama and his ministers have obviously India restricted China's trump card. India believes that the use of religion to control Tibetan areas is the best approach. India joint Western anti-China forces, engage in Tibetan autonomy, engaged in Tibetan, in an attempt to separate Tibet from China. 60-90 in the beginning of China has been low-key handling of such incidents. With the passage of time, India hands of this religion card, China has started to become a favorable advantage. First, Tibet really change, rapid economic development, people's living standard has greatly improved. Secondly, the Tibetan culture and the free exchange of other cultures, showing the cultural diversity. In addition, the development of tourism so that Westerners on China to reduce misunderstanding. Dalai old, and difficult to dust, he was not willing to become a slave to the religious leaders. Buddha's body to be placed in the Palace of the pagoda for the public to pay homage to the. Panchen pitch, the old Dalai also staged a soul boy, but had not been endorsed by the government. Neither the credentials nor the books throughout the Tibetan and Buddhist Abbot, Zen master who (huge forces), Mongolia great lamas, Nepal Lama. . . . . . Is the central government signed the bottle engine selected soul boy, old Dalai selected their child is now missing. Dalai Lama had little visible impact. If the centuries-old Dalai how we can not allow the Dalai supreme in their own hands must roots. Dalai and Panchen each other monks quit, If Beijing's disapproval of the election legislation did not give a new generation of small-Dalai Lama has not cling to the belief devout look at the problem, persecuted the environment, they are forced to join the wave of anti-China forces, in addition to being exploited, nothing was gained. The local people have started with India for the Tibetan land and resources, the Indian government of shielding themselves locals, Tibetans in India and the growing lack of freedom fighters the world not how to live well. In short, the Dalai Lama left Tibet's popular base, it is just not a god. With the passing away of loneliness, it is better to return to the motherland, for later left Phoenix Nirvana wonderful brilliance. Since 1985 Since 1960 China has been trying to reach the Indian border agreement in order to free hand to continue with the struggle against the Soviet Union. As victors, China virtually impossible to hold onto a long high-altitude unmanned border areas. Therefore 1960-1986 Chinese bottom line is this : China to control the western part of the Aksai Chin, India control Pradesh investigation Fall help, Meanwhile abandon other requirements. India has always believed that the conditions are too harsh, as far as India is concerned, I think it is a great insult. 1, the British colonial period of planning, southern Tibet region "is to" India is not involved in negotiations, which should only the West, the central region. 2, "to give up other requirements" This paragraph applies to any unexpected situation explained, This is equivalent to a geographical advantages of India in future negotiations Zhuzui closed forever. China and India, nobody has a setback, with a stalemate like. India sheltered in exile, the Dalai Lama, as a trump card in the hands. China supports Pakistan, support the Burmese military government, the support of the Nepalese royal family support Muzeau, Naga demand independence. India as a means of attack. With the completion of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, the geographical advantages of India has finally been completely shattered, and now easily accessible surprise party is China. To counter China, India must now be in the northern part of the construction of massive infrastructure to maintain troops lifeline. Huge construction projects will inevitably consumed enormous sums of money for the new economy has just started India very unfavorable. To think of our reform and opening up, saving expenditure is expected to disarmament 1 million (not including paramilitary organizations), spent 20 years of time before they scored so some results. India now either arms expansion, loss of the development opportunity. Or what is to sit down and negotiate, and to properly resolve border disputes. Wrestling reversed the balance, India can no longer count on the help of the United States, Russia, China suppressed, After all, our hands were the United States Regal bonds, and Russian citizens on bread. . . . . . Not a struggle for the city to a zero detained because of the decline of the Qing Empire, Clearly, we have not fully recovered possession of the Southern region. But since today reopened southern Tibet negotiations, it must produce results, in the superior position we want to go back to how much it will amount to.
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