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An Arms Race with India that Pakistan can't afford.

Zain Malik

Oct 13, 2015
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If Pakistan and India had developed the capability of learning from experience they would have abandoned the arms race long ago. Both continue to battle serious social issues that have been deprived of billions of dollars that were diverted to the security matrix instead over decades.

As a result, seventy years after independence, neither has been able to effectively deal with poverty, slums, employment problems, etc. Both are nuclear powers, though, and give the highest importance to military superiority. And this rivalry, to be ahead of the curve in terms of deterrence at least, assumes an even more dangerous dimension when the political temperature is high.

That is precisely why India’s test firing of its indigenously developed Advanced Air Defence (AAD) supersonic interceptor missile, successful as it was, was still the wrong step at the wrong time. The backdrop is particularly revealing. The dialogue is suspended for the time being. To provoke military escalation now betrays a shrewdly calculated move on the chessboard.

The Indians have been obsessed with this AAD since ’06 – this was the 12th time that it was test-fired. Again, going by convention, a countermeasure is likely

However, Pakistan must think long and hard about the posture it wants to take – especially since it is realigning long-held policy on a number of existential issues. Pakistan is a country with the worst kind of poverty and deprivation, a largely wasted lower- and middle-income working class, an educational and medical nightmare, and a broken down service delivery system.

According to news reports it has the highest child mortality rate in the region. And the World Bank says that as many as 60 percent of Pakistani children are now born stunted.

Now, since the country has achieved effective deterrence, it must no longer play the arms buildup games with India, especially since Delhi spends in excess of $50b on the military –world’s sixth largest military spender in ’15. We must instead, finally, begin diverting money where it is more urgently needed. Further deterrence does not need to be at the cost of basic development.
looks like the writer knows nothing about indian economy and how real economies work but then sannu ki :sarcastic:
If Pakistan and India had developed the capability of learning from experience they would have abandoned the arms race long ago.

However, Pakistan must think long and hard about the posture it wants to take – especially since it is realigning long-held policy on a number of existential issues.

Valid points above.

India has reconciled to Aksai Chin ( at least unofficially), so must Pakistan on Kashmir. It has genuine concerns of water which the IWT has addressed for decades. Why on earth are we still squabbling after 70 years !!

What has changed & what will ? ..Nothing.

We buy arms & other nations make money at our expense. I think enough is enough, the LC should become an IB and thats it. We are getting left out in development & so many other parameters which our population has a right to.

There is no point in losing our heads over a piece of tail.
Pakistan has nukes to deter India. There is no point building up conventionally and wasting money trying to match India.
True , spending on militaries so heavily is waste of money and resources in cash strapped nation like india and pakistan.
We newd to understand who our real enemy is. West is looting us and we are readily offering our coffers to them. Even if one want to build it's military it should depend on local industries so that money spend is used to build up local industries which india has started to follow.
True , spending on militaries so heavily is waste of money and resources in cash strapped nation like india and pakistan.
We newd to understand who our real enemy is. West is looting us and we are readily offering our coffers to them. Even if one want to build it's military it should depend on local industries so that money spend is used to build up local industries which india has started to follow.
welcome back sirji good to see you :tup:
After CPEC Pakistan can easily afford any arms purchase. After completion of CPEC pakistan will easily surpass Indian economy. India should give up arms race with Pakistan before it's too late. :fie:
poverty is not because army has taken the funds to buy new things.

Poverty is because the amount allocated for the development and social welfare are being misused and are being used by politically.

look at the South Korea and Israel, both countries spent much more amount of money on defence as compared to Pakistan. but still these both countries are now developed countries.
what they do is that they used available funds for the development more efficiently and at the right time, also they did not do corruption, so that, that amount of money can be spent on social welfare and community development.
Pakistan can totally afford it. Especially with CPEC, Pakistani economy will grow by leaps and bounds.
Even in terms of nukes, Pakistan has already left India far behind, next only to the Chinese stockpile.

Reminds me of: answering the question in yes or no,

____ I'm stupid, ____ you're brilliant. :lol:
I feel that this topic has been discussed way too many times, and now I think its time for both countries to move on in a positive direction and work towards the possibility of trade and helping each other.
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