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Amnesty offer only for ‘good’ Taliban: minister

Sheikh Rasheed also said he wants talks to start with India.

They appear to have have abandoned the NEVER EVER until India takes back the integration of Kashmir into the Indian union.

Subtle to do it while splitting hairs about good and bad TTP

He also now refers to the good TTP as TALIBAN no longer TTP
BS. India is using non-state actors, for creating insurgencies and carrying out terrorists acts, in Pakistan; and, of course, India, being an enemy state, shall. No complaint. We will also use any and all measures to harm India, when and wherever, we can. So, your whole argument is ridiculous.
Could Pakistan prove it in international stage... Else it is hallucination of Pakistani leaders...
Only you say so. No other nation on earth believes your lies. Whereas multiple nations have proscribed Pak trained terrorist groups like LeT, HM etc.

Nations believe the narratives of other nations, whether they are true or lies, on the basis of their self interest. That is the firm principle, on which global politics and international relationships work. For us, most important thing is our own belief and conviction. What I told you is believed by above 90% of Pakistanis.
Could Pakistan prove it in international stage... Else it is hallucination of Pakistani leaders...

See my reply to @magra.
Nations believe the narratives of other nations, whether they are true or lies, on the basis of their self interest. That is the firm principle, on which global politics and international relationships work. For us, most important thing is our own belief and conviction. What I told you is believed by above 90% of Pakistanis.
So you are admitting of believing your narrative due to your self-interest, irrespective of whether it is actually true or false.
Which Taliban attacked India? You claimed as such in your post.
Then why did you guys cheer for taliban when they said that they will raise the Kashmir issue?? We don’t go around the world begging for taliban
We don’t have a official state policy

That’s why you people eat dogs meat and camel piss… 🤣🤣

This is the nature of Islam… when in minority cry for secularism but when in majority implement shariya, oppress people of other religions and break temples
I know right? How based are we. Now cope and bow down to your true masters.
So you are admitting of believing your narrative due to your self-interest, irrespective of whether it is actually true or false.

I, or Pakistanis, of course, fully believe it to be true, what I am saying. Not only now, but India is deeply involved, in all the anti-Pakistan movements and insurgencies, ever, after 1947, whether it was East Pakistan, or KPK, or Baluchistan, or Sindh.

But, your earlier post was about proving it to other nations. There, I told you, that the nations believe, whatever is in their interest. Global politics is utterly devoid of any morality, justice or fair play. It is uninhibited power play.

So, we can only convince other nations, according to our national power and their interests, related to us.
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Then why did you guys cheer for taliban when they said that they will raise the Kashmir issue?? We don’t go around the world begging for taliban

You are quoting me. Where have I said the things, you are ascribing to me? Search the PDF. I am not responsible, for what others are saying.

As for cheering for Taliban, I also do; but not for the reason, that I agree with their extreme political ideology; but, on the presumption, that the threat to the security of Pakistan, from Western border, would be eliminated, which was highly jeopardized, during the rule of the gang of Karzai/Ghani. That is all.
that the threat to the security of Pakistan, from Western border, would be eliminated, which was highly jeopardized, during the rule of the gang of Karzai/Ghani. That is all.

But it was Ghani who imprisoned at 5000 TTP Jihadi's.

It was the Taliban that freed them and travelled to Kabul to celebrate their defeat of the Americans.
How do explain the allegiance of the TTP to Mullah Hibatullah Akhundzada .

We do not differentiate between "good" and "bad" Taliban. They are conjoined twins
Amnesty offer only for ‘good’ Taliban: minister
Imran AyubPublished October 3, 2021 - Updated about an hour ago
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In this file photo, Interior Minister Sheikh Rashid Ahmed addresses a press conference in Rawalpindi. — APP

In this file photo, Interior Minister Sheikh Rashid Ahmed addresses a press conference in Rawalpindi. — APP
• Rashid reveals FIA has been told to act against dollar holding
KARACHI: Defending the government move to offer amnesty to the banned Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), federal Interior Minister Sheikh Rashid Ahmed on Saturday said the offer was only for “good Taliban” and talks in this connection were taking place at the “highest level.”
Without explaining the “highest level,” the minister, who was talking to reporters at Quaid-i-Azam International Airport after arriving here on a two-day visit, made it clear that the offer was not for those militants who were responsible for bloodshed in the country, citing the December 2014 massacre in Peshawar’s Army Public School.
“The case of those who were involved in incidents like the APS is different. And the case of those who left the country for different reasons is different,” he said in reply to a question about the merit and mechanism of talks with the TTP. “We are not surrendering to anyone and this process is at a very early phase. No one needs to jump to conclusions at this stage.”
In a significant development, Prime Minister Imran Khan on Friday offered amnesty to the TTP provided the militant organisation laid down arms, disclosing that the government was holding talks with some groups of the outfit seeking reconciliation.
The disclosure attracted strong reaction, mainly from the opposition Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP), which questioned the move to hold negotiations with the TTP without taking the parliament into confidence, arguing that it would only add to the pain and grief of the families of the martyrs.
The interior minister referred to the strategy of “talks and peace” and cited the government’s intention to hold a dialogue even with India only on certain conditions.
“We are ready for talks even with India if it reverses its 2019 move of repealing Article 370 of its constitution in connection with occupied Kashmir,” he said. “We know very well who’s good [Taliban] and who’s bad. Anyone who thinks we are not aware of that, he’s mistaken, he doesn’t have sense.”
In a strong and blunt response, he ruled out the possibility of talks with the Leader of the Opposition in the National Assembly Shehbaz Sharif on extension of the tenure of the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) chairman, saying he (Shehbaz) didn’t deserve this role.
“He [Shehbaz] is facing NAB cases. Why would he be consulted?” the minister responded to a question about the possibility of talks with Mr Sharif over extension of the NAB chairman’s tenure. “He’s playing a double game. On the one hand, he’s pretending to be a strong leader of the opposition and on the other making every effort for compromise. The decision on the NAB chairman’s service is expected within a week.”
Mr Rashid also talked about the measures taken by his ministry to contain inflation and the staggering rise of the US dollar’s value which, he claimed, had already started yielding results.
“The FIA [Federal Investigation Agency] has been directed to launch a crackdown against [US] dollar holding,” he said. “And only last night, they [FIA] had recovered some three to four hundred thousand dollars in different raids. There’s no restriction on legal exchange of dollars but anyone holding it would face consequences.”
In reply to a question, Mr Rashid said the PPP leadership was intelligent as it had “boarded Samjhauta Express”, adding that the PML-N would also board the train but after “being thrashed”, adds APP.
He said controlling inflation was the top priority of the government and it had vowed to tackle the issue soon.
He said oil prices were much lower in Pakistan as compared to India and Bangladesh, adding that the prices would fall if Islamabad struck a deal with Riyadh.
Sheikh Rashid emphasised that Pakistan wanted good relations with the US and China.
Published in Dawn, October 3rd, 2021
slow clap for the choice of words.
what a moronic statement.
Amnesty? the TTP says that Pakistanis state must surrender first then they will think of a dialogue.
there is no comparison between this TTP and Afghan Taliban. if Imran's government wants to use the US- Afghan negotiation and settlement in Afghanistan.

Afghan Taliban were fighting against an occupation force which removed them from rule of Kabul. TTP on the other hand is mixture of sectarian terrorists belonging mainly of Deobandi school who don't recognize the state of Pakistan and express their affiliation with Daesh and want to establish their rule on Pakistan and see the state institutions and its people as enemies and legitimate targets.

talking with these Hounds of hell wont work. TTP are those who have spilled the blood of people in schools, mosques, churches , shops etc and are proud of it. since the original announcement by Shah Mehmood Querashi and Imran's interview the TTP has attacked and killed law enforcement members and in the pst one month and a half have conducted back to back attacks on Chinese. Daesh, TTP, Sipah Sahabah, Lashkar Jhangvi or whatever name they chose they are all one and the same and use different title when it suits them.
its only a matter of time that TTP is going to conduct a major terror attack since it is already emboldened by the victory of its (so called) ideological brothers in Afghanistan.
But it was Ghani who imprisoned at 5000 TTP Jihadi's.

It was the Taliban that freed them and travelled to Kabul to celebrate their defeat of the Americans.
How do explain the allegiance of the TTP to Mullah Hibatullah Akhundzada .

We do not differentiate between "good" and "bad" Taliban. They are conjoined twins

Differentiate between Afghan Taliban and TTP. They have different leadership, setups and objectives; though they may have some interconnections. They are not one.
So the concept of the "good" and the "bad" Taliban persists at the "highest levels". What a pity.
not a pity.

actually a thank you.. from US Senate

timing couldn't be more convenient for the 22 senators that have brought that "screw Pakistan" bill.
Can we block of Afghan food supply? till they cooperate with us on TTP?, show some initiative
not a pity.

actually a thank you.. from US Senate

timing couldn't be more convenient for the 22 senators that have brought that "screw Pakistan" bill.
This Rashid is a well known baboon and we know it for 3 decades
now we should be blaming the moron who made him an interior minister...

The one ad only Einstein Khan
not a pity.

actually a thank you.. from US Senate

timing couldn't be more convenient for the 22 senators that have brought that "screw Pakistan" bill.

Please allow me to explain. The pity I was was referring to here is that Pakistan still does not realize that raising snakes in the backyard is always a losing proposition since one cannot control who they bite in the long run. This is regardless of what bills are presented and passed in the US Senate, or not.
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