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Amir points finger at mystery man

Saifullah Sani

Apr 15, 2011
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Amir Khan believes a mystery man in a black hat interfered with one of the officials during his fight against Lamont Peterson in December.

Khan has now stepped up his complaints over his world title defeat by Peterson in Washington.

The Briton took to Twitter on Thursday and told his followers he was particularly concerned by the presence of an unknown man in a hat at ringside.

Khan claimed the man was talking to bout supervisor Michael Walsh, in contravention of a rule that states no one should speak to officials while a fight is in progress.

Khan lost his IBF and WBA titles to Peterson by a close points decision after referee Joe Cooper had taken two points away from the champion for pushing.

Without the deductions Khan would have kept his titles.

There was further controversy over the unusually long delay that ensued between the final bell and the announcement of the scores.

Khan's appeal against his defeat is due to be heard on January 18.

The 26-year-old took has expressed his latest concerns with a series of tweets and links to video footage of the fight.

He wrote that the man in the hat “"sat on the main judges panel at the front on the right hand side 3rd to the end.”


From round six, all the way through to the twelfth, “this guy starts to interfere with what Michael Walsh is doing and they are both not watching the fight.
“Watch the video and have a look," Khan wrote.

No one is allowed, according to the rules, to touch or hold the scorecards or even talk to the judges during the fight, he added.

The three judges all have slips of different colours. A the end of every round they get passed on to the WBA and IBF officials.

Khan refers to a picture taken during the sixth round, showing “the guy wearing the hat” picking up one of the judges’ white slips and “if you watch the video, slides it down and towards him."

The former champion added that in the eighth and ninth rounds the man clearly did not watch the fight at all and did not allow Michael Walsh to watch.

In round 11 the man is seen “clearly picking up a yellow judge’s slip … strictly against the rules.

"I want Michael Walsh to come out and speak out about what was going on. It's only right and fair to do so.

"The question is: who is this guy? And what was he doing? I'm sure someone out there knows."


Reuters reports that Khan also wrote: “The truth is finally coming out slowly but surely ... If I lost fair and square, then fair enough … but does it really take over 10 minutes from the final bell to decide who's won?"

After the bout on December 10 there was confusion and an unusually long delay in announcing the decision in Peterson's favour.

"I'm angry as I want the rematch next to put things straight but it doesn't look like he wants it,” wrote Khan, describing the man as “a guy wearing a grey suit with a blue shirt and a hat," Khan said.

In the footage, a man can be seen next to WBA supervisor, Michael Walsh. He then appears to reach across in front of Walsh.

The IBF have declined to comment until after the appeal hearing on January 18.
Amir points finger at mystery man - SuperSport - Boxing
Here is video of that mystery man
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Yea Amir is still the Champ... and its not becuz we support him, the fight indeed was close but Amir was the superior boxer. Peterson was a worthy opponent and fought well till the end. Nothing can take that away from Peterson but in all fairness Amir was and still is the Champ. Lets hope justice prevails.
Amir should show some sportsman spirit and stop being a sour grape. he needs to move on.
whenever you guys loose why u start talking about match fixing ? we all know who are behind the bar because of match fixing.. such a shame...!!
Amir should show some sportsman spirit and stop being a sour grape. he needs to move on.

He has shown sportsman spirit and that's why wants a rematch to regain what belongs to him.
Errrr........u loose a close match and u start blaming others for ur defeat .
Well show some sportsmen spirit **** champion .
Peterson himself asked for a rematch, so obviously it was fixed
can the match not be fixed when you win ? is it always when you loose?:)
Indians just hating because they are cheaters too. Nobody is supposed to talk to the judges while the match is going on and he slipped a paper to the judge. There is video footage. After the match he stands next Peterson cheering him on. :disagree:

In my humble opinion, Khan should knocked Peterson on his ***.
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