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America's own Taliban-

The title of the article is misleading. How come people like Rick Perry can be compared to the likes of the Taliban? How? I don't understand.
How? By broadening the base conditions upon every comparison must stand upon. If you broaden that base enough, Perry, you, and I can be compared to the Taliban simply by being bipedal symmetrical. Broadening the base condition often includes widening the applicable contexts of words. The goal is weave and cast a rhetorical net that is as large as possible. This is a tactic usually employed by those who have a specific target in mind that must be placed in the same category as something else but the person doing the comparison could not find anything reasonably common between the two items.

What does having being barefoot, pregnant and ignorant have to do with anything?

It's not because of religion. It is because of lack of education. If one has no education, he/she automatically becomes backward - religion or no religion.
But religious reasons have plenty to do with this. We do not conduct our lives in a moral and intellectual vacuum. Everything must have some kind of justification. Even hunger is a justification for an action: eating. Religion is a moral foundation that highly influences our actions, usually in interactions with each other. In every community, and a family unit is a community, there must be a leader whose decisions must be binding on all members inside this community: head of household. The more informed the members and the more participatory allowance they have, the longer it will take for a decision to be reached and the less binding it will be upon the members of this community. So what else but religious justifications as the most convenient to use to keep women compliant and obedient?
with the Latin-American population rising manifold in the US, and with Spanish language slated to overtake English in the US as the most commonly spoken language --such 'nationalist' groups are created as a ''reaction''

and yes, they mixed religion with politics --which is ALWAYS a dangerous combination in such cases
with the Latin-American population rising manifold in the US, and with Spanish language slated to overtake English in the US as the most commonly spoken language --such 'nationalist' groups are created as a ''reaction''

and yes, they mixed religion with politics --which is ALWAYS a dangerous combination in such cases

Spanish is becoming more common...but it is a LONG way from overtaking English in the US.
it has gone from being a language treated without any consideration to being a language that moves money, and that brings social and political importance

latinos still only represent not even 18% of US population...but the numbers are growing.

and as a reaction to that, groups like these will come out......these are probably the same guys who think that bombing abortion clinics is their divine duty!
it has gone from being a language treated without any consideration to being a language that moves money, and that brings social and political importance

latinos still only represent not even 18% of US population...but the numbers are growing.

and as a reaction to that, groups like these will come out......these are probably the same guys who think that bombing abortion clinics is their divine duty!

It's gaining some, but if you don't speak English you are still on the margins politicaly. Trust me on this...I live in El Paso...80% hispanic.
if youre in a place like El Paso, then you definitely can relate to what I said.
though yes, being an English-speaking country -- you cant really get anywhere (in the political or corporate world especially) without Ingles

those bean burritos really make you fart! Goddam.
if youre in a place like El Paso, then you definitely can relate to what I said.
though yes, being an English-speaking country -- you cant really get anywhere (in the political or corporate world especially) without Ingles

those bean burritos really make you fart! Goddam.

Lol, prefer beef burritos. Did you know you can't get a decent burrito in southern Mexico? It's Tex-Mex, as opposed to wholly Mexican.
i had 'brown bean burrito' some days back; paid extra for guacamole

subsequently, I had to roll down all four windows in the car
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