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America's defeat in Afghanistan: reason n analysis

Worse for the people.You're entitled to your opinion of course.

Of course. There was bound to be a reaction once mainland USA was attacked on 9/11, and this is just the beginning.
With your intellect, I'm surprised the PDF management haven't picked you for the 'Think Tank Analyst' post.
Seriously this is probably the most dumbest comment I've seen on this forum, your own ignorance and narrow minded vision only limits your mental capacity you dullard, don't try acting smart, because you come across as a narcissistic fool. You think the Americans spending nearly 2 decades there, and wasting trillions of dollars, was to just 'kill one man' and 'ensure Afghanistan couldn't be used for future attacks?' Yes.. that makes perfect sense, it's not like butchering over a million people, carpet bombing the afghan populace would produce more 'bad guys' I guess it took 20 years for the Taliban to behave themselves.. it's not like bombs have been going off all this time.

I have to give it to the American education system, seems it's is doing its job by producing zombies like yourself, if Kim Jong IL and Stalin were alive they'd be envious.. but who said the green card comes cheap right?

I wasted my comment on a pretentious idiot, you should feel honoured.

Brutal . :D

One statement describe the two decades of fighting in Afghansitan and where we are today.

"WE DO NOT NEGOTIATE WITH TERRORISTS". End of all discussion. :D
A war is an obvious need of the military industrial complex. The US also came to destroy its enemies(probably a secondary thought). It destroyed a lot of them.
They didn't want a complete genocide of the Taliban, including their Conservative Pakhtun supporters.

Most of Afghanistan is a Conservative country. They would not appreciate a modern form of civilization and government. As such, American attempts at establishing a modern democracy was bound to fail.
It maybe time for liberal Afghans to leave for more peaceful lands.

If Taliban don't modernise soon enough, they would face other wars in the coming years. The free world hates them with a passion.
We took over Afghanistan and what happened? Not a damn thing. Not a peep from the Muslims. Not like when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan when the Muslims raged at that invasion. But for US? None of you cared.

Spare everyone that stale argument. Unlike past empires, we did not take over Afghanistan to make it part of US. Yes, we tried to instilled a sense of democracy into the people and it failed, we have no problems admitting that failure, but that is what distinguished US from past conquerors who tried to incorporate Afghanistan into their rule.

No, we are not God, but in terms of sheer might, the next thing to the Big Guy. :enjoy:

I have been on this forum since '09 and from that time, I have seen all kinds of predictions about US 'collapse'. It has gotten so common that on PDF, anyone who said that the US will 'collapse' is taken as an intellectual lightweight. Looks like you are in that group.
I have lived in the USA and have driven across the country. I have seen things in person.

George W Bush believed God told him to do things and in the process USA paid a very heavy price.

You said it yourself. The USA of the 90s was a different country. It was a land of big dreams, economically well off and above all it was hopeful. Today's USA is not the same country. A bunch of hallucinating evangelicals took power and ruined it beyond repair. The social schisms are way too deep now.

You are correct, not a single Muslim raised a voice. A bunch of goat herders alone with rusted and old AK47 fought off another super power.

I miss the USA of the 90s. It just isn't the same place and country anymore. Whether you like to hear it or not, the USA of today is at the brink of social collapse. It would have been unimaginable to say this in the 90s, but in the 2020s it is in an out of control downward spiral and hell bent on destroying itself.
15 of the 19 were citizens of Saudi Arabia , two were from the United Arab Emirates,one was from Lebanon , and one was from Egypt.

Tell me.Which actions were taken against these countries?Exactly nothing as far as I know.
What you asked is very dangerous and I doubt you gave it much thought.

Al Qaeda is essentially a mercenary organization. Its members came from different countries from diverse strata of societies. If the governments you cited have no role in attacking US on Sept 11, 2001, how is it justified if the US took military actions against those countries?

But precisely Al Qaeda is an international organization, it needs sponsorship of a country in order to recruit, train, administrate, and finally execute missions. That sponsorship was Afghanistan.

Am going to assume you object Americans putting all Muslims into the 'terrorist' categorization, no? So why would you advocate US attacking Saudi Arabia just because Osama bin Laden is a Saudi?

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