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America's defeat in Afghanistan: reason n analysis

hassan zohaib

Feb 11, 2012
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A deal between Taliban & US has almost been finalized so we can formally announce this deal as an American defeat. Having spent trillion of dollars n human resources, even this time again AFGHANISTAN has been proved The graveyard of Superpowers so what exactly the reasons were at play this time.

A technical n detail analysis is required by worthy colleagues here so feel free to learn n teach...

Last thing, why didn't US use MUTUAL DESTRUCTION policy at the end?? A policy used when u see no chance of winning so you make victory a dream for your opponent.

Plz shed light...

To know the reason for why USA lost in Afghanistan, one must first ask why USA came to Afghanistan in the first place????

Invasion of Afghanistan had already been decided in the late 90s by the US establishment. Read about "Project for the New American Century". Bush, Cheney and others signed on the principles of PNAC and then they all worked in Bush administration 5 years later. PNAC was meant to be blueprint for US foreign policy to fill the strategic locations which were lying vacant after USSR went down.

USA had many Geo-strategic objectives to be in Afghanistan. It had nothing to do with terrorist BS btw.

The strategic objectives for USA to be in Afghanistan were:

1) Encirclement of China
2) Encirclement of Russia
3) Close proximity to Pakistan
4) Close Proximity to Iran
5) Control and eyes on resource rich CARs
6) Trillion dollar worth of minerals/rare earth metals in Afghanistan
7) Billions of dollars worth of poppy cultivation/opium trade which CIA then uses to cover other covert/terrorist activities in other parts of the world.
8) Testing of Chemical/Biological Weapons and other weapons (Drone warfare which US military tested and mastered)
9) Protection of Israel and Pakistan being only Muslim nuclear state poses a threat. Hence to denuclearize Pakistan.

Their main objective was to destabilize and then eventually denuclearize Pakistan. But they failed miserably.

Now to your query about why USA lost.....

Here is what I think why USA lost in Afghanistan.

1) Relying on warlords. After the Taliban were removed from power, CIA brought former Norther Alliance warlords back to power. They were all brutal, feudal, murderers, Bacha Baz (pedophile) scums which gave rise to rebellion.

2) Corruption. USA gave billions and billions of dollars to Afghan government for Afghan security forces and infrastructure but they went into the pockets of Afghan government officials. Afghan population didn't saw any improvement in their lives.

3) Lack of justice. Afghan courts are expensive and takes too much time and poor Afghans cant hire lawyers with heavy fees. So they started going towards Taliban courts which enforced swift justice and increased Taliban influence more and more.

4) Opium cultivation. Taliban extort taxes on opium cultivation done by Afghan warlords. Which increased their funding more and more.

5) The killing of innocent Afghans under the guise of killing Taliban by Afghan and US forces gave rise to hatred among local populace and led to more and more recruitment for Taliban.

6) Iraq War. US started Iraq war while Afghan war was going on.

In simple words, US lost in nation building and ordinary Afghans didn't saw any change in their lives.

Last thing, why didn't US use MUTUAL DESTRUCTION policy at the end

Because US was there for nation building and hunting Al-Qaida terrorists(as they put it); not at war with Afghanistan or to destroy them.
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To know the reason for why USA lost in Afghanistan, one must first ask why USA came to Afghanistan in the first place????

Invasion of Afghanistan had already been decided in the late 90s by the US establishment. Read about "Project for the New American Century". Bush, Cheney and others signed on the principles of PNAC and then they all worked in Bush administration 5 years later. PNAC was meant to be blueprint for US foreign policy to fill the strategic locations which were lying vacant after USSR went down.

USA had many Geo-strategic objectives to be in Afghanistan. It had nothing to do with terrorist BS btw.

The strategic objectives for USA to be in Afghanistan were:

1) Encirclement of China
2) Encirclement of Russia
3) Close proximity to Pakistan
4) Close Proximity to Iran
5) Control and eyes on resource rich CARs
6) Trillion dollar worth of minerals in Afghanistan
7) Billions of dollars worth of poppy cultivation/opium trade which CIA then uses to cover other covert/terrorist activities in other parts of the world.
8) Testing of Chemical/Biological Weapons and other weapons (Drone warfare which US military tested and mastered)
9) Protection of Israel and Pakistan being only Muslim nuclear state poses a threat. Hence to denuclearize Pakistan.

Their main objective was to destabilize and then eventually denuclearize Pakistan. But they failed miserably.

Now to your query about why USA lost.....

Here is what I think why USA lost in Afghanistan.

1) Relying on warlords. After the Taliban were removed from power, CIA brought former Norther Alliance warlords back to power. They were all brutal, feudal, murderers, Bacha Baz (pedophile) scums which gave rise to rebellion.

2) Corruption. USA gave billions and billions of dollars to Afghan government for Afghan security forces and infrastructure but they went into the pockets of Afghan government officials. Afghan population didn't saw any improvement in their lives.

3) Lack of justice. Afghan courts are expensive and takes too much time and poor Afghans cant hire lawyers with heavy fees. So they started going towards Taliban courts which enforced swift justice and increased Taliban influence more and more.

4) Opium cultivation. Taliban extort taxes on opium cultivation done by Afghan warlords. Which increased their funding more and more.

5) The killing of innocent Afghans under the guise of killing Taliban by Afghan and US forces gave rise to hatred among local populace and led to more and more recruitment for Taliban.

In simple words, US lost in nation building and ordinary Afghans didn't saw any change in their lives.

Because US was there for nation building and hunting Al-Qaida terrorists(as they put it); not at war with Afghanistan or to destroy them.
Good to see your thoughts.

Imo, we are trying to find out Political failures only rather we should also give a touch to some militarily n strategical failures as well.

I think one of the reasons can b the tactical approach of US. Warlords were good step indeed like Pak made Lashkars in tribal areas n they succeeded to some extent. Thing is US continued to see AFGHANISTAN as a graveyard n this phobia led US to think tactically. They couldn't motivate the Afghans to think strategically.
I don't know why people keep bringing up the trillions spent. Those trillions were spent on American industries, injected into their own economy. The R&D and weapons built with these trillions are sold off to buyers across the world generating more money for them. War is America's large jobs program and a profit center.
To know the reason for why USA lost in Afghanistan, one must first ask why USA came to Afghanistan in the first place?

USA had two main objectives in Afghanistan:

1. Kill OBL.
2. Ensure that the area cannot be used for any future attacks on the mainland.

Both goals accomplished.

Quite simple really, with no need for convoluted conspiracy theories at all.
USA had two main objectives in Afghanistan:

1. Kill OBL.
2. Ensure that the area cannot be used for any future attacks on the mainland.

Both goals accomplished.

Quite simple really, with no need for convoluted conspiracy theories at all.
But even today US is asking from Taliban to ensure that their country wouldn't use in Terrorism outside their country. So this goal isn't achieved...
But even today US is asking from Taliban to ensure that their country wouldn't use in Terrorism outside their country. So this goal isn't achieved...

The final deal to be signed is just the crowning touch, the goal in effect having been achieved already.
The final deal to be signed is just the crowning touch, the goal in effect having been achieved already.
Hopefully, Terrorism wouldn't reach to US after its pull out from AFGHANISTAN but if reached,God forbid, then definitely their objective will lurk into only minds of a few.
Hopefully, Terrorism wouldn't reach to US after its pull out from AFGHANISTAN but if reached,God forbid, then definitely their objective will lurk into only minds of a few.

If there is another attack on the US mainland in the future, it may come from somewhere else, but highly unlikely from the AfPak region.
I do not know why it's being called a defeat. A defeat in my mind means the US surrendering to the Taliban as the French did with the Viet Minh in Vietnam. No doubt it was a strategic failure.

Where did US go wrong in Afghanistan? When it decided to become a nation builder; and relying on the incompetent and corrupt Afghans whom they called allies. Another mistake US made was starting a war in Iraq, which deprived resources from Afghanistan.

In hindsight, their actions should've been limited to destroying Al-Qaeda and denying them Afghanistan as a base. They should've of worked with the Taliban -- odious as they may be -- as they had the support of both Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.

The goals after the peace deal and withdrawal of US/NATO troops will be the same when this whole started: counter-terrorism.
It is NOT a defeat, just not a VICTORY either. As @VCheng wrote, USA's main goals have been accomplished and it very very unlikely for anyone from AfPak region to attack US interests again, not just USA.

But including USA, all nations must take IMO an important lesson from this which is, it is really no longer possible for anyone to win a war. Money, crazy lunatics and weapons & ammo are available aplenty for every fringe groups so local and national governments are under pressure and expected to keep these groups and crazy people under control.

In case of Afghanistan, it is well known that the local government is ineffective, hence US does a deal with the crazy people directly.
I remember few years this on the news

The American allied Afghans picked up a Taliban radio signal

The Afghani said to the Taliban we are brothers and we are from one nation and that Taliban should stop fighting

He then asked Taliban when are you going to stop fighting its been 18 years

Taliban replied, until Allah gives us victory or until the day of judgement does come

Afghan sat down slumped and switched radio off

You cannot beat these people
The deep state desire to thoroughly destabalize and denuclearize Pakistan is met with utter failure. No doubt this was a big objective among other objectives of the deep state. This can certainly be termed as target not achieved.

The US has spent a lot of money and resources to achieve many other goals by occupying Afghanistan. Many of the set goals have not come to fruition. The US deep state Afghan adventure has not been a success.
USA had two main objectives in Afghanistan:

1. Kill OBL.
2. Ensure that the area cannot be used for any future attacks on the mainland.

Both goals accomplished.

Quite simple really, with no need for convoluted conspiracy theories at all.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

To kill OBL the mighty U.S. stayed in Afghanistan, spent trillions of dollars, had its precious CIA officials and soldiers killed, had to enter into negotiations with Talibans :woot: :woot:

Really! your brain is in your balls.

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