The entire health system in the USA is a joke. Totally sick ..
It ain’t that bad compared to yours...
American Healthcare versus the British system
“Sweeping generalizations regarding the nature of American health insurance are so popular because the
reality is so
complicated. It would only be misleading to say that the country has 50 entirely different healthcare systems (one for every state) because that would be an understatement
...Whereas Britain’s NHS funds medical services free-at-the-point-of-use for all regardless of income, America’s provision of free publicly-financed healthcare is concentrated on specific categories of poor, elderly, and disabled citizens.
...The consequence of this difference of approaches is that routine healthcare services in Britain are cheap for all, but that the extraordinarily expensive medical procedures needed by the very ill are often subject to rationing; whereas Americans who do not qualify for public assistance must pay for their own healthcare (usually through insurance) or rely on publicly-subsidized charity care
...To some extent, this extra money allows Americans from across the income distribution to enjoy better access to medical specialists, high-tech surgery, and cutting-edge drug therapies. As a result,
mortality rates following comparable events in the U.S. are often a fraction of what they are in the U.K
..While the NHS in England and Wales provides care through
200 hospitals, America’s public Medicare program entitles its enrollees to receive care at their choice of
4,700 hospitals – around 4 times as many per capita.
So basically in the US getting a doctor’s appointment is easy and having an operation is as simple as scheduling one in the numerous hospitals.
If you have insurance medical expenses are not much of an issue. Plus some insurance companies have cheap high-deductible plans...for people who are healthy. They cover 100% of the medical costs of routine visits. If you need to do something more than routine they make you pay out of your pocket for it until you hit the deductible (maybe $4000 or something) before they will start covering 100%.