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Americans favor Afghan pullout


Jun 23, 2011
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Americans favor Afghan pullout: Poll
Sun Aug 21, 2011 12:27PM

A recent poll shows that a majority of Americans want US troops back from Afghanistan before the 2014 deadline despite new reports which indicate a deal to keep them in the war-torn country until 2024.

According to the latest Rasmussen Reports poll, very few Americans think the US has a clearly defined mission in Afghanistan, a Press TV correspondent reported on Saturday.

He added that only 22 percent of Americans have stated that there is a clearly defined mission, and 59 percent want troops to come home immediately or within a year.

Another recent poll conducted by the Washington Post and ABC News showed that nearly two-thirds of Americans believe the war in Afghanistan is not worth fighting.

Reports say that Washington plans to engage in talks with Kabul in September to maintain thousands of American forces in the country until at least 2024.

This is while US President Barack Obama had pledged a major drawdown from Afghanistan by July 2011. Experts have described the new transition dates as a devastating truth for Americans.

About 150,000 NATO troops are currently stationed in Afghanistan with plans to stay in the country beyond 2014.

According to the website iCasualties.com, More than 2,684 US-led soldiers have been killed in Afghanistan since the war began in 2001.

American democracy in action. American govt wont listen to its own people and then they lectur the world on their values and democracy
Americans imperial plans it cannoteave Afghanistan, they have set up for the long term.
To be honest, I don't think any American would want their son/brothers to be serving in that cursed region. Let the Afghans decide for themselves if they want to bomb themselves to 10th century or progress with the rest of the world.

Americans need to pull out for their own good, for the benefit of their economy and citizens.
Americans imperial plans it cannoteave Afghanistan, they have set up for the long term.

They have no real choice, they will keep bleeding util they leave. Compared to other wars their deaths are low but mostly cos of advances in medecines. I think I saw some figures that inthe vietnam war for every death there were three soldiers who lost a limb or two but now its somethink like 10 for every 1 that dies. So the real cost besides money is very high
America should pullout and then do what ? Let taliban take over ?
Yes...We proved out points to the muslims. Let the Taliban savages take Afghanistan back to the 7th century. The only modernity they have are the weapons and their cell phones. If the Taliban allow al-Qaeda back in and bring Afghanistan up to the 8th century, we will deal with that problem again. And again...
Yes...We proved out points to the muslims. Let the Taliban savages take Afghanistan back to the 7th century. The only modernity they have are the weapons and their cell phones. If the Taliban allow al-Qaeda back in and bring Afghanistan up to the 8th century, we will deal with that problem again. And again...

Oh yea so it was muslims you were teaching a lesson to. You gonna be bust soon. The hispanics and blacks will take you soon if you dont go bust first. You are leaving with your tail between your legs.
Oh yea so it was muslims you were teaching a lesson to. You gonna be bust soon. The hispanics and blacks will take you soon if you dont go bust first. You are leaving with your tail between your legs.
Wrong...We are leaving Afghanistan carrying a huge bag of tails that we collected over the years.
Yes...We proved out points to the muslims. Let the Taliban savages take Afghanistan back to the 7th century. The only modernity they have are the weapons and their cell phones. If the Taliban allow al-Qaeda back in and bring Afghanistan up to the 8th century, we will deal with that problem again. And again...
Why U guyz are trying to fool the Muslim/whole world that Alqaida is ure enemy whereas its the secret CIA department used to threat and control ure rivals.
I guess its time for U guyz to close down this secret CIA department to keep peace in this world.........:smokin:
lol American will pull out significant number of soldiers but the presence will remain strong. They will maintain smaller number of troops and good number of drones and other aircraft till 2024.
lol American will pull out significant number of soldiers but the presence will remain strong. They will maintain smaller number of troops and good number of drones and other aircraft till 2024.

Until they go bust?
I say let them stay and ruin their own economy. Arrogance is a bad thing; arrogance coupled with blindness is fatal. Just enjoy the show.
gambit, sure, you're getting out of there with 240 engines (tails) of aircraft and around 7500 dead bodies. Good Job soldiers.

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