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No where. Trump (and Ultron) are full of sh*t as per usual. The US Supreme Court has ruled that flag burning, while a social taboo is a form of protected speech.

That was Scalia's decision. That decision's validity is arguable. Burning flag is certainly not speech. It is a physical act. If someone took a picture of your parents and starts ripping it, how would you feel? A physical act intended for hatred goes well beyond merely speech. Speech is protected. Acts are not.
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I am so looking forward to this Presidential term. The world is really going to become a small place. For some. I look forward to France next.
Destroying the US flag is a hostile act that openly disrespects and attacks hundreds of millions of Americans. IMO it should be illegal and heavily punished. Wearing US flag shorts does not destroy US flag and that IMO is okay.

Destroying the US flag is a hostile act that openly disrespects and attacks hundreds of millions of Americans. IMO it should be illegal and heavily punished. Wearing US flag shorts does not destroy US flag and that IMO is okay.

so then the next guy will come around and say wearing rwb patterned shorts is disrespectful in his opinion.
Constitutional law and courts exist to protect us all with reasonable interpretations rather than subjective opinions.

BTW to make something 'illegal' congress has to pass the law. In this case the congress itself is explicitly prohibited from making such law.
I agree with Donald Trump on this. In-fact, this should be the policy in every country.

You do not like a country, do not live there. Simple.
I agree flag burning should be illegal, and if you are immigrant and pull this sh*t then please just go back to your own country because you are just making life harder for others like the dumbass who stabbed innocent people in Ohio.
Your ignorance on the matter doesn't change the SCOTUS decision, which ruled in favor of Johnson that flag burning was protected speech:

The majority of the Court, according to Justice William Brennan, agreed with Johnson and held that flag burning constitutes a form of "symbolic speech" that is protected by the First Amendment. The majority noted that freedom of speech protects actions that society may find very offensive, but society's outrage alone is not justification for suppressing free speech.


That's from the actual reasoning behind the ruling, as noted in the link above. Speech is not just spoken or written words, it includes "expressive content."

In the future please add to existing threads, such as the US elections thread or US politics thread, rather then starting a new thread for each tweet or video you come across. It's easier to keep track of things that way and helps control both clutter and discussions.

Both of these can accommodate items like this without needing to start a new thread for each miscellaneous news bit.


I was just watching RT Keiser report and the Trump reporter said that if a constitutional amendment is brought it you could technically make it illegal could you inform us on details?
Is it actually possible?
It won't happen. But I applaud former President Carter's commitment to the issue.
Trump is going to solve Israel and Palestine, they'll call it the Trump accord, tremendous peace.
You mean to Europe and UK?? :o:
People from all over the world come to US.

Jail for expressive conduct?

Always remember you discussing about TRUMP. :enjoy:

Topic>> I read it but if you see the ruling there was a clash of law but supreme court ruled in favor of Symbolic Speech & a loophole in texas law was used to effectively nullify it.

if you read the "Dissent" part, i totally agree with the opinion on flag burning by Justice Stevens.
& Thanks for providing the link, i wasn't actually aware that people can burn state flag in US for expressing "Symbolic speech". IMO however state flag must be respected above all.

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