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American Indirect Support to Pakistani Taliban



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May 14, 2011
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By Sajjad Shaukat

The killing of Osama Bin Laden by a US military raid in Pakistan on May 2, terrorists’ attack on Pakistan Navy’s airbase, PNS Mehran on May 23 and assault by more than 400 militants who entered Pakistan’s Upper Dir from Afghanistan on June 1 cannot be seen in isolation. These terror-events are part of inter-related developments against Pakistan.

Regarding the terror-attack on the Mehran base, some sources indicate the involvement of Indian intelligence agency, RAW which conducted this assault with the consent of American CIA and tactical support of Israeli spy agency, Mossad. In this respect, these agencies got the services of a group of Al Qaeda. Similarly, Al Qaeda-related Afghan Taliban who crossed over Pakistan, were also backed by these secret agencies.

As regards Osama, various sources suggest that videos released by the Pentagon are actually fake. Some political experts also say that he was met a physical death around about 2002. It does not matter that whether Bin Laden died on May 2, this year or in 2002. In fact, under the pretext of his death, the US wants to fulfill its multiple aims—especially against Pakistan.

First of all, America wants to show to its western allies that its mission in Afghanistan is over, and the US-led NATO troops could be withdrawn in accordance with the announced schedule. In this regard, on May 25, in a joint press conference in UK, US President Obama and the British Prime Minister Cameron confirmed that NATO forces were “preparing to turn a corner in Afghanistan…beginning the transition to an Afghan lead for security this year and completing that transition by 2014.”

It is mentionable that American public was particularly worried about the failed campaign in Afghanistan in wake of acute financial crirsis. So Osama’s death could be used to distract Americans’ attention from internal crisis, which was essential for re-election of Obama.

It is notable that just like the previous Afghan war against the former Russia when Washington had left Afghanistan in particular and Pakistan in general to face the fallout of a prolonged conflict—now Pakistan will be thrown in era of uncertainity and lawlessness as US is determined to entangle Islamabad in a long war with the Al Qaeda militants and Pakistani Taliban. Notably, Al Qaeda and Pakistani Taliban are America’s creation as they were turned against the Americans due to their blunders in that respect.

US which has already made Pakistan volatile to the ‘different war’, wants to ensure that the latter must be the main target of Afghan Taliban and Al Qaeda after the US-led NATO forces withdraw from Afghanistan.

Meanwhile, in wake of the strained relations between Islamabad and Washington, the visit of the US Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Senator John Kerry to Islamabad was of great significance. While showing previous contradictory approach of America towards Pakistan, on May I6, John Kerry pointed out that future relations of the United States with Islamabad would be determined by “its actions, not words,” emphasizing to ‘do more’ against the militants by ignoring the sacrifices of Pak Army and intelligence agencies—especially ISI regarding war against terrorism. However, Pakistan and the US agreed to work together in any future actions against high-value targets in Pakistan. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton who visited Islamabad insisted upon Pakistan on May 27, “to take decisive steps to defeat al Qaeda.” She also revealed that US relations with Islamabad have “reached a turning point.”

A few days after the May 2 raid at Abbottabad and even during the visit of John Kerry, CIA-operated drone strikes on Pakistan’s tribal areas continued. These strikes which started during the Bush era have intensified under the Obama administration.

Pakistan’s civil and military leadership has repeatedly protested against the attacks by the pilotless aircraft by pointing out that these are likely to affect war against terrorism in the country, but American policy makers do not bother for any internal backlash. Instead, Washington is considering a strategy of widening the course of drone attacks which will also include Balochistan. In the last three years, more than 700 innocent civilians and only 14 Al-Qaeda commanders have been killed by the US unmanned air vehicles.

Regarding drone attacks and casualties, New America Foundation said in a recent report, “when the US drones attack Pakistan’s tribal areas, it is not just the 10, 20 or 50 innocent civilians they kill, but it creates the anti-US sentiments among masses…the civilian killings provide reason to the youngsters for joining terrorist groups waging war against US and of course Pakistan…while killing 10 militants through spy planes, the US has murdered more than 1400 Pakistanis not involved in any terrorist or extremist activities. Could it not imply that it killed 10 militants and gave birth to another 1400?

Nevertheless, a perennial wave of these strikes is not without some American hidden agenda. The main purpose behind the innocent killings is to provocate the people and cause more recruitment of the Pakistani Taliban, resulting into more suicide attacks inside Pakistan. As a matter of fact, America has been indirectly supporting the Pakistani Taliban in order to destablise Pakistan because it is the only nuclear country in the Islamic world, which irks the eyes of US, India and Israel. Therefore, besides provocating Pakistanis, CIA is also helping RAW and Mossad in arranging continuous subversive activities such as suicide attacks, bomb blasts and targeted killings in Pakistan.

Recently in one of its diplomatic cables, WikiLeaks confirmed that there were enough evidences of Indian involvement in Waziristan and other tribal areas of Pakistan as well as Balochistan.

In the recent past, Asian Tribune Online had reported that CIA and RAW developed their tentacles in Swat, Bajaur, Kurram Agency, Waziristan and Balochistan. Some of the pro-Pakistan groups had been purchased or neutralized and those not coming to terms were eliminated by groups sponsored by CIA.

As regards the successful military operations by Pakistan, the Tribune elaborated that instead of getting pleased, the Americans got disturbed since they never intended to control militancy but to spread its flames into other cities and create anarchic conditions.

In the recent months, controversy existed between Pakistan and the US on the question of American national Raymond Davis who shot dead two Pakistani youths in Lahore on January 27, 2011. Sources had confirmed that David Raymond and his companions were agents of the American CIA and were on an anti-Pakistan mission. In fact, he was part of the illegal activities of the Blackwater whose employees entered Pakistan in the guise of diplomats. With the help of RAW and Mossad, Blackwater has rapidly established its network in Pakistan. It has recruited Pakistani nationals who were vulnerable and can work on payroll, giving them high financial incentives.

In fact, like other agents, a majority of the militants get arms and training from Afghanistan where secret camps are engaged in indoctrination of the youngsters, producing suicide bombers. Among them are Afghans, Uzbeks, Tajiks, Chechens and Muslims from India, who have joined the ranks and files of the Al Qaeda extremists and particularly Pakistani Taliban—they are committing acts of sabotage in Pakistan.

American indirect Support to the Pakistani Taliban could also be noted from the fact that by setting aside the joint session of Pakistan’s Parliament, protesting the violation of the country’s sovereignty in relation to Abbottabad raid, the US President Obama made it clear in a BBC interview on May 22 that he would “approve a new incursion into Pakistan, if the United States found another leading militant there.”

In the post-Osama scenario, the US and India have revived the old blame game against Pakistan Army and ISI regarding alleged ties with the Taliban and cross-border terrorism in Afghanistan. Under the cover of Bin Laden’s death, America has also got the sympathies of western countries as Washington is distorting the image of Islamabad by propagating that other leaders of Al Qaeda have also taken shelter in Pakistan.

By playing a double game with Pakistan, US will produce more Pakistani Taliban by continuing drone attacks and conducting high-value targets inside the country. After creating unrest in Pakistan, Washington is likely to ask Islamabad to rollback its nuclear programme and to hand over its all nuclear weapons to the US. The self-contradictory statements of the US high officials—sometimes cajoling Islamabad with economic and military aid and sometimes pressurizing to ‘do more’ against the Taliban militants show duplicity, while America is indirectly supporting the Pakistani Taliban.

Sajjad Shaukat writes on international affairs and is author of the book: US vs Islamic Militants, Invisible Balance of Power: Dangerous Shift in International Relations.
I think even if the terrorists are masterminds behind it comes and declare that PNS Mehran operation is done by insiders, still these anal-ysts are not going believe it. They still blame it on India RAW / CIA only.

Hard trying to make people fool.

---------- Post added at 12:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:46 PM ----------

I think even if the terrorists are masterminds behind it comes and declare that PNS Mehran operation is done by insiders, still these anal-ysts are not going believe it. They still blame it on India RAW / CIA only.

Hard trying to make people fool.

---------- Post added at 12:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:47 PM ----------

I think even if the terrorists are masterminds behind it comes and declare that PNS Mehran operation is done by insiders, still these anal-ysts are not going believe it. They still blame it on India RAW / CIA only.

Hard trying to make people fool.
I wouldn't call it support, but might call it "negligence" (maybe even "deliberate negligence") from the US/NATO Forces in dealing with terrorist safe havens in Northern Afghanistan that are an existential threat to Pakistan.
If v know for sure that the CIA, RAW, MOSSAD is behind this then lets fcuk them up and if v dont know for sure then we should shut the up, and start cleaning this mess........
America is a big threat to International Peace and Israel and India are threat to regional peace. Americans have been waging wars for over 50 years their Generals and Leadership is hungry for blood and their covert ops are not new is destabilizing regions. Most Pakistanis do believe America is the main cause of terror and many American investigative Journalists also believe that the 9/11 was a set up. They are only on taking revenge from Muslims for their defeat that they suffered in Crusades. All Yahood and Nasara are same.
And please stick to the goddamn section thread starter.
you can read cant you??
What the heck does mil av have to do with it.
Pakistan should issue a public warning to "Mayor of Kabul" Karzai, after recent attacks by the terrorists on Pakistani posts.

A clear warning to both the Afghan Government and Occupying forces of NATO, sort it or we will openly support the Taliban and make life hell for you in Afghanistan, which will hasten your withdrawal ever so quickly, with the medals of defeat on your chests. Something you are desperately trying to avoid, to have the same fate as USSR.

The Afghan war is lost a long time ago, according to all the independent analysts. Americans only trying to secure a safe exit. They cannot just leave, because when their numbers are reduced or during the withdrawal they would be more vulnerable.

Therefore, they are trying their best to drive a wedge between the Taliban, recent negotiations are hinting at that direction. The attacks on Pakistani check posts by their trained men, not Taliban is another try to push the war in to Pakistan.

We have to be on our guard and show patience; they wouldn't succeed, they can see the writings on the wall, it is just matter of time. Reality has hit home long time ago, the Americans are trying to work out a strategy for a honorable withdrawal.

Abbotabad drama was a small step in this direction for their domestic consumption, to show to their public we have achieved our aim to kill OBL. Who are they kidding? OBL was symbolic, he or the book both are symbolic, the real enemies are the "Pushtoon" who wouldn't be defeated. Having few "Pushtoon traitors" like Karzai on your side is not a solution. Never had been, it is a failed strategy; Karzai always had been Indian lapdog since his early education, no brave Pushtoon would give any credence to traitors like Karzai.

The only solution is negotiated withdrawal with Taliban. Americans are trying to work on it, while our Indian friends are still dreaming and working on failed theories and strategies. Good luck to them, after all one day everyone wake up from their dreams, eventually.
techniquely with that being said, the US is fermenting terro activity inside Pakistan, and in the end making Pakistan another "origin" of terros, which is truth considering it's the best interest of the US, as they can put their full foothold into both Afghanistan and Pakistan.

in other words, it's still their strategic interest of wedging into Russia's south, China's west and India's north. Indian ocean is their field. I feel upset as most nations don't recognize this., the war against Terrorism is a hoax, an excuse for higher served mission for the holy states of america.
techniquely with that being said, the US is fermenting terro activity inside Pakistan, and in the end making Pakistan another "origin" of terros, which is truth considering it's the best interest of the US, as they can put their full foothold into both Afghanistan and Pakistan.

in other words, it's still their strategic interest of wedging into Russia's south, China's west and India's north. Indian ocean is their field. I feel upset as most nations don't recognize this., the war against Terrorism is a hoax, an excuse for higher served mission for the holy states of america.

Dear Kawaraj:

Should we shift our attention to conspiracy theories and ignore the facts pertaining to the ongoing state of affairs? Does it make sense to turn a blind eye to reality and instead start focusing on conspiracy theories? Why should we let ourselves be misguided or mislead when the truth continues to present itself over and over? Are we not seeing a common enemy in the shape of Al-Qaeda and TTP who continues to prey upon the innocent? How many more citizens will we have to sacrifice before realizing that these militant are fully focused on destroying our sovereignty? The long list of murderous crimes since UBL's death only solidifies our stance against extremism and proves the threat that lingers over our nations. TTP have murdered thousands of innocent Pakistanis while Al-Qaeda was responsible for murdering thousands of innocent Americans on 9/11. Both organizations continue to follow in the footsteps of a violent leader and his death is being used as an excuse to claim more innocent lives inside Pakistan. In the series of attacks since May 2nd not only we've seen these terrorist attack the naval base, murder over 90 paramilitary officers, blow up an army run bakery in Nowshera but let's not forget these terrorists also tried to bomb a U.S consulate convoy. How can we deny that TTP are any less of a threat to the US as they are to Pakistan?

Our forces are working night and day in Afghanistan to counter insurgency. Should the failure to follow the chain of events lead to making false statements against our efforts? The security transition to the local forces in the near future clearly suggests that we are well on course to achieving our mission in the region. We will continue to assist the local forces until they are fully capable of independently protecting the nation. Our draw down from Iraq provides a perfect example of our future planning in Afghanistan. Our forces along with Pakistani forces have made a lot of sacrifices in this war on terror and we certainly do not deny hitting a road block at times while trying to achieve the common goal of defeating terrorism. We wish and desire a stable environment in Pakistan for the sake of both nations and fully support Pakistan in its mission to eliminate terrorism. During the recent meeting between our officials: Navy Admn. Mike Mullen stated, “I think we all realize the challenges under which this relationship now labors, but now is not the time for retreat or for recrimination,” “Now is the time for action and closer coordination -- for more cooperation, not less [and] for the friendship to get stronger, not weaker.” The chairman acknowledged that he realizes U.S. and Pakistani service members must continue to build trust -- trust that has been tested by the bin Laden raid. He also stated “But I do leave here with a sense that General Kayani and other Pakistani military leaders share my commitment to that task and share my desire to look for ways to advance the relationship,” and “There’s no better time for that sort of partnership than right now.”

Defense.gov News Article: Clinton, Mullen Meet With Pakistani Leaders

CDR Bill Speaks,
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command
cia is dealing with the militants, this theory is supported by four american spies arrested who had long beards and they could converse in pashto
CENTCOM, I do appreciate your explanation and lengthy input in PDF, thanks.

The point is this world is not that simple, it's rather a complex filled with and evil and conscience, where people are usually fooled by politics.

You don't take what the news is saying, even kids today are taking that as tabloid garbage. Conspiracy is around us and it also give legit explanation of what are confused.

You are concerned of your troops, which is touching. But at least they are serving duty outside your country. Our forces, as well as innocent poeple also sacrifice daily from this war for your revenge after 911(well, which has another conspiracy theory), and even from your force, the drone attack. THINK about it.

We'd rather have no such wars, which brought more pains to Pakistanis, than to your country.
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