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American imperialism and ruthlessness masquerading as freedom and democracy.

Sure - but neither do hot pots or broiled actual dogs make China or Biryani or Tikkas make Pakistan good countries either.
However, not many Americans clamoring to go to China nor are “USA towns” in China but every major American city has Chinatowns with mamy economic migrants.
Lol.. China never open it's leg like America for anyone to come and become citizen. US do...

Your analogy failed miserably.
This is why the world must unite to dismantle the American empire just like the British empire was dismantled once piece at a time. These genocidal terrorists are a direct threat to the very existence of the human race. Non-white house slaves worshipping a genocidal terrorist empire is the worst part. It shows the effectiveness of empire propaganda that have successfully converted the weak minds.
We will continue coming to USA in large numbers.
We will continue to steal jobs and earn high income in USA.
We will continue to take government benefits and eat your tax dollars.
We will continue to increase our numbers rapidly in USA.
We will continue to spread our culture in USA.
We will continue to convert Americans to Islam.
We will continue to marry American women and convert them to Islam.

We will do all this while hating on American regime.

Says the guy sitting in the Great Frozen North Republik of Canoodia. Please do check that your balls have thawed out before you visit USA (if and when you get time off from Ubering) to look for all the women you intend to convert and make pregnant in pursuit of your wonderful plans above. :D
You can hit a pedestrian on your way to rob a bank as a diversionary tactics. Its not either this or that, it can be both not just in the example you use but in the foreign policy of the USA.
Then the pedestrian hit is no accident. An 'accident' by its nature is unplanned. It can be expected but it is unplanned. A country can commit an error either by intent or by accident.

I think we already discussed that, their decisions could be personal/financial/family/study/work/opportunity and each an every category has its own sub-category. Plus Europeans immigration is different because of the USA influence over their countries, Good thing about USA is that you can absorbed in the USA society/culture and yet you can keep your identity which you mentioned in your post, but i don't see any connection of that with how USA can justify its double standard for those values on which they claim to have created their country, when it comes to countries which USA is not allied off than liberty/freedom/self-defense/independent foreign policy don't matter.

You know why it does not compel me or anyone, because you are mixing individual persons decision to immigrate to a country over a country's double standard policy, USA has done the same thing over the past many decades with other countries so I don't understand why people (Americans) get upset over when someone criticize their bad foreign policy. I don't see your logic for one returning to their country because they disagree with USA foreign policy.

Because as I said the reasons could be different, if someone who do no like USA policy and his wife is born American citizen and they want to move there its not wrong, if Pakistan was financially stable than many people would chose to move back. But the world has become such a terrible place thanks to power players and politics that its the common civilians who suffer and had to make hard choices but again, an individual's decision to move to any country does not reflect that he/she (immigrant) supports/condemn every good/bad policy that country has made, its just simply unrealistic.
Am going combine your three comments into one response.

Every country in the world is known for at least one moral sin. The knowledge does not have to be global. Somewhere a neighbor knows something bad or even outright evil about said country. For JPN, the atrocities in WW II is one example. To be fair, for the US, it is race, specifically the horrific institutionalized slavery of Blacks. Americans cannot point to Africa where Blacks enslaved and sold other Blacks. Each sin belongs to each executor. That said, the questions for individuals and countries are how long ago is that moral sin and how does it affect me if I go there? Whether 'there' is JPN (WW II) or the US (race) or Belgium (Congo) or any country you can name.

You, and I say 'you' generically, came to my country. I did not forced you. I may have enticed you, but you made the decision on your own. But not only that, you did not came as a tourist but as a long term resident readied to make use of every/any opportunities my country has for your own benefits. Actually, we both benefit each other. So what make you think that I should not, or even cannot, take offense at your criticism of my country?

Now YOU take the above paragraph and ask any citizen of any country and see how many would agree with it. YOU can believe that at least %50 will agree with it. But I would wager more than %50. People are naturally proud of their countries, and usually to the point of having reflexive offense at criticisms leveled at it. That is not 'justification' which is to make right.

As far as foreign policy go, it is a convenient strawman. A cover for the critic to justify his presence in the US despite not liking or even knowing the details of some policies. He said to himself that the US is the better country but somehow along the way, he got the idea that he must find something wrong with the US to temper his enthusiasm for a new life, and foreign policy is just right. Said policy affects other countries and other peoples, not him. Said policy may even affects his birth country but still not him. In other words, no matter how much he dislike US foreign policies, the self matters more.

...in the end all I can say is that lets agree to disagree.
Sure. The point of this thread is that only an evil country would produce such evil acts, foreign policy or else. It is not that difficult to find any moral sin of any country and make the starter of this thread face his own music.
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