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American drone attacks and pakistani sovereignty

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New Recruit

Nov 22, 2008
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I would like to draw your attention to an issue that has become a thorn-in-heart for every pakistani!
I am going to discuss and share with you the recent emerging situation at our western border with Afghanistan.
The missle attacks by American forces using their Drones has become a routine practice. Moreover their special forces have once attacked a village "angwar ada" near the border. This is no doubt a serious voilation of pakistani sovereignty and has provoked anger and vengeance in the hearts of those living in tribal areas and every pakistani.
But that is just one side of picture....indeed America is a super power and she will go to any limit to safeguard her interests,without caring they are operating in pakistan or Afghanistan because they are reponsible for the lives of their soldiers in Afghanistan....and most significantly for them its not soldiers\economy or the both that is at stake.....according to them its an ideology...a sacred thought ...a " NEW WORLD ORDER"!....they will do what ever pleases them.
What i am here to discuss is that "WHAT OUR GOVT. IS DOING?".
I remember the first day when American drones attacked inside our terrotry.....the foriegn office issued a statement condemning the attacks , our president said a few words and it was over......but what happend on ground was a brittle reality......despite these condemnations the attacked continued!....and we were made a laughing stack when our parliment approved a report with heavy majority demanding the NATO and US forces to stop the attacks but they continued it even with increased proportion.
Our Minister for defense,Army Chief,PM, President all said that it is impossible to stop these attacks and we have no option other than continuing diplomatic efforts to stop these attacks.
Now i am gona tell you all what options we have:-
1:- America has only 2 supply lines for its army in Afghanistan and both of them pass through pakistan, if we stop these supplies American Forces cant stand Afghan resistance for more then 10 days! than how can they operate against pakistan?
2:- America has approx 40000 soldiers in Afghanistan and we have got an active force of 619,000 personnel and 528,000 men in reserve that continue to serve until the age of 45 and several other groups functioning under its many umbrella organisations. Is it still impossible for us to stop U.S ?
3:-U.S has over streached it army by opening two battle fronts at a time in Afghanistan and then in Iraq, in present situation they can never afford an open war with world`s 7th strongest Army.
4:p:akistan has got a strong nuclear capabilty in case of an open war pakistan can easlily target U.S instalations like Bagram Air base and all the bases in Afghanistan. Most significantly the U.S CENTCOM(Central Command) in Doha(Qatar) is in range of pakistani missiles.
5:- Its indeed ture that America is a super power and we need them, but what is worth noting is that Americans need us more then we need them!
6:- All the important trade routes of world pass through Arabian sea and in case of war pakistan has got the ability to stop them!
7:- About the drone attacks.....well everybody knows you can even shoot them down with an AK-47! and if you say they fly at high attitudes then we have SAM missiles, we have got a fully functional Air Force, if it can bomb targets in sawat and waziristan then why cant it shoot down the drones?

So readers.....that is what we are capable of!
The need of the hour is that pakistani govt should show all these possibilties to NATO and U.S and ORDER them (not request) to stop these provocative and unjust attacks inside our terrotry that has cost has lives of hundreds of innocent pakistanis!
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