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american attitudes towards the deaths of civillians


Aug 17, 2009
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when one does a cold analysis of the deaths that americans have caused not only in iraq, afghanistan and pakistan but even places like vietnam i realise that americans can in fact never acknowledge the destruction they have caused and the people they have killed.

the pro-american types on this forum it seems have to live in a state of enforced delusion and cognitive dissonance on a spectacular scale, this is in fact a necessity because the other option will lead to a complete shattering of their delusions and claim to moral high ground.

ofcourse we pakistani's and the wider muslim world know more than most that the US has disdain for human life that is not their "own" (ask some hurricane katrina survivors) - yet i find it very ironic when they tell me what a terrible person saddam was with his treatment of the kurds - as if to say they are deeply touched by their plight (lol) - yet care nothing about the hundreds of thousands they have just killed and destroyed in places like iraq, afghanistan and pakistan- NOPE, ITS ALL CROCODILE TEARS TO THEM, THEY DONT WANT TO HEAR IT.

so really i am wondering what a peculiar mental and moral juggling act they need to engage their brains in to continually believe that they are right and just and to continually lie to themselves and the people they engage with, no matter how sophisticated they pretend their arguments are ultimately they preach peace they practice death and killing on a large scale, how confusing to be a pro american lover eh?:usflag:
Lest we forget , the very foundation of the USA is genocide.

Genocide of the Native American Indians , therefore killing other people to steal their lands and resources is not new to the American way of life ( infact its part of it)

The good ol US of A was born out of theft ,murder and robery on a scale never seen in history before, this is fact and none can deny this
Lest we forget , the very foundation of the USA is genocide.

Genocide of the Native American Indians , therefore killing other people to steal their lands and resources is not new to the American way of life ( infact its part of it)

The good ol US of A was born out of theft ,murder and robery on a scale never seen in history before, this is fact and none can deny this

do they have a "remember the indian genocide" month in the us?
Why does US need to invade so many places on the first place?
Selling WMD to india... a non signatory of NPT! is quite an attitude.....
Why does US need to invade so many places on the first place?
Selling WMD to india... a non signatory of NPT! is quite an attitude.....

Erm... to keep their war machine churning...? One World Government?
US just wants to outclass Pakistan by propping up India as soon as possible and force us into relinquish the Kashmir issue.
This might be a good indicator of their attitudes towards deaths of civilians.

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"It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets. "...Voltaire
Why does US need to invade so many places on the first place?
Selling WMD to india... a non signatory of NPT! is quite an attitude.....

Selling WMD ???

Do you work for CIA ?
sooner or later, the americans will incur the wrath of the world , and even the physical attack, and they are still wondering why they would deserve all those things despite doing all good things with strings and blood sucking conditions, and then they will start blaming the world and commence another warfare within a weaker country to suck resources for development of their own ultra interest devouring groups..the cycle goes on...
Selling WMD ???
Don't you know that US i sgoing to assist in nuke making process of indians?

Do you work for CIA ?
Not me but it is well known that more than half of indian RAW and military officers work for CIA and most of them are double agents.

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