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American Assistance to Pakistan

The United States is Pakistan’s largest bilateral trade partner and one of its largest sources of foreign direct investment, with U.S. investment in Pakistan increasing more than 50 percent in the past year.

Blome met Aga Khan University Hospital leadership where he learned about their operations and toured the facilities. In 2012, the U.S. Development Finance Corporation provided a $30 million loan to expand Aga Khan’s hospital and healthcare facilities. The U.S. remains committed to expanding healthcare cooperation with Pakistan.

Ambassador Blome visited a KFC-funded school for the Deaf community and ate lunch at one of the KFC establishments that hires workers with disabilities.
He was impressed to see that KFC not only donated to the flood-relief efforts but was taking corporate social responsibility to heart by creating meaningful job opportunities for the hard-of-hearing and leading the way on inclusivity.

The United States government has contributed $97 million to flood-relief efforts to date, while the U.S. private sector and U.S. citizens have separately donated more than $32 million.

“The U.S. government is dedicated to expanding the full range of the U.S-Pakistan relationship, including education, people-to-people ties, clean energy and health-related cooperation,” the US Ambassador assured. “Together, we can promote a more stable, secure, and prosperous future for both our nations.” (APP)

FY22 trade with US soars 38.3pc to $10.5bn YoY, NA told

Naveed Butt | Zulfiqar Ahmad
December 3, 2022

ISLAMABAD: Federal Minister for Commerce, Naveed Qamar Friday informed the National Assembly that bilateral trade between Pakistan and the US during the last financial year (2021-22) was recorded at $10.5 billion compared to $7.8 billion in the fiscal year 2020-21 registering an increase of 38.3 percent.

In a written reply to a question, he said that bilateral trade between Pakistan and the US witnessed an increase of over 38.3 percent and touched $10.5 billion during the last fiscal year.

He said that as a result of the Commerce Ministry’s efforts, it is expected that exports to the US will continue to grow in the coming years.

He said that the ministry is actively engaged with the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to get further market access for Pakistani agricultural goods i.e. mangoes and dates.

He said that regular engagement is maintained with the private and public sectors of the US through our Trade and Investment Officers (TIOs), adding additionally, various promotional activities are held through the Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP) and our TIOs in the US.

Answering a supplementary question, the Parliamentary Secretary for Commerce, Javed Ali Shah, told the house during question hour that “we are actively engaged with the US to get further market access for Pakistani agricultural goods including mangoes and dates”.

He was confident that our exports to the US will continue to grow in the coming years, adding Pakistan is negotiating a free trade agreement with the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) to get market access for goods and services.

He said that Pakistan is also engaged with Saudi Arabia under the ambit of the Supreme Coordination Council to enhance exports to the Kingdom.

In another written reply to the house, Minister for Economic Affairs Ayaz Sadiq said that an amount of loans taken by the government i.e. disbursements of foreign loans from August 2018 to December 2021 is $43.047 billion.

Responding to a calling attention notice, Minister for Parliamentary Affairs Murtaza Javed Abbasi said that a new system is being introduced for Central Superior Service (CSS) examination from January next year.

He said that under the system approved by the federal cabinet, the candidates will have to appear in an entry test before the CSS examination.

He said the upper age limit for appearing in the CSS examination is 30 years but the candidates belonging to Balochistan, Rural Sindh, FATA, Gilgit-Baltistan, and Azad Kashmir have been given a relaxation of four years. Minister for National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination Abdul Qadir Patel moved “the Pakistan Nursing Council (Amendment) Bill, 2022” for joint-sitting of Parliament for passage as passed by the National Assembly and not passed by Senate within 90 days.

Minister for Parliamentary Affairs Murtaza Javed Abbasi moved “the State-Owned Enterprises (Governance and Operations) Bill, 2022” for joint-sitting of the Parliament for passage as the bill passed by the National Assembly and not passed by the Senate within 90 days.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2022
Refurbishment project of units five and six of Mangla Dam

Prime Minister on Monday inaugurated the refurbishment project of units five and six of Mangla dam aimed at enhancing its electricity generation capacity.

Speaking on the occasion, the prime minister termed the project a "wonderful example" of cooperation between Pakistan and the United States.

He said the total cost of the up-gradation project is $483 million, of which $150 million were provided by the US as a grant.

The premier emphasised the need for further enhancing bilateral cooperation between Islamabad and Washington in the field of trade and investment.

The premier regretted that the country could not fully exploit the hydel power potential of 60,000 megawatts.

He said that in addition to the extension of Mangla and Tarbela Dams, Diamer Basha, Dasu and other projects have been launched.

In his remarks on the occasion, the US Ambassador to Pakistan Donald Blome also said that Mangla dam is "a great symbol of Pakistan-US cooperation".

He said amongst other hydropower projects, the United States is also assisting Pakistan to rehabilitate Tarbela power stations.

The ambassador said the rehabilitation work at Mangla will increase electricity output to meet the needs of an additional two million people and will ensure that Mangla power stations remain productive for the next several years.

Pakistan gets $7.5m medical supplies from US for coronavirus patients​

Support will provide training to 163 hospitals throughout Pakistan to increase their capability to treat patients suffering from severe COVID-19

December 07, 2022

Federal Health Minister Abdul Qadir Patel (right) receives medical supplies from US Ambassador to Pakistan Donald Blome during a ceremony at the Ministry of National Health Services in Islamabad on December 7, 2022. — APP
Federal Health Minister Abdul Qadir Patel (right) receives medical supplies from US Ambassador to Pakistan Donald Blome during a ceremony at the Ministry of National Health Services in Islamabad on December 7, 2022. — APP

ISLAMABAD: The United States government, through the US Agency for International Development (USAID), has donated $7.5 million worth of medical oxygen supplies to the Ministry of National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination.

The support will also provide training to 163 hospitals throughout Pakistan to increase their capability to treat patients suffering from severe COVID-19 and other lung conditions, said a US Embassy press release on Wednesday.

Federal Health Minister Abdul Qadir Patel received the US government's supplies at a ceremony in the federal capital at the Ministry of National Health Services.

In his remarks, Patel said: "We are thankful to the US government for their continued support during COVID-19 and especially during the recent floods.

The efforts reflect the strong bilateral relations between the two countries, he added.

Addressing the ceremony, US Ambassador to Pakistan Donald Blome said: “Today’s donation is not just about COVID-19. It is an investment into Pakistan’s long-term health system."

"This assistance — that started at the very outset of COVID, continued throughout the pandemic, and is now addressing the lasting effects of the floods on health — is a prime example of the long history of US assistance to Pakistan."

“The United States were there at the beginning, and we will continue to find ways to support Pakistan as it recovers and rebuilds from disasters — whether that is a global pandemic like COVID-19 or a flooding disaster like Pakistan has just experienced.”

The US government donation, he added, provided thousands of essential supplies and equipment for oxygen therapy that the Ministry of Health had requested.

The US government would also develop a web-based information system that would allow real-time surveillance of patient oxygen levels, as well as strengthen Pakistan’s medical oxygen systems, while technical assistance provided would train public-sector staff working at intensive-care units on how to effectively use the equipment, he maintained.

In the last 24 hours, Pakistan has recorded 28 COVID-19 cases, two deaths from the virus, official statistics showed Wednesday, while 38 people recovered from the deadly virus.
I don't why Khan got so salty about Afghanistan and he overdid it the with public backing of the Taliban.

He should have kept them at arms length like the rest of the countries instead of vouching for them.

Afghanistan fiasco has been a pain the a*s for Pakistan. Their relationship with them has done so much damage to relations with the rest of the world. Is it really worth it? Get nothing out of it. Soldiers are still being targeted at the border.

More Pakistanis die at the hands of Afghan terrorists than drone strikes ever did and they were targeting TTP/Taliban network.

Zarb e Azb happened anyway so what as the point of not doing your bit at the border with NATO on the other side of the border when they asked? Why cry when NATO didn't bother to do anything on their side when you asked years later?

Should have launched the operation, rejected the Taliban, set up a Pakistani friendly proxy on the side ready to take over after withdrawl and maintained the trust between the US insteading leaking intel to Taliban and threatening multi billion dollar trade relations and more importantly your integrity.

Have USA ever leaked intel to India during war time with India? Think with your heads for once.

The entire WOT episode was handled badly. Establishment should learn from this experience.

Exactly. Pakistani foreign policy is extremely pathetic. Pak managed to alientate both taliban and the US. Had we kept these bacha baaz at arms lengh since 9/11 rather than playing double games with any nation that gave us $$$ the situation would be a lot different today.

Imagine- which damn investor will invest in pak when their employees or investment will be blown up?

US provides $200m for gender equality

Anwar Iqbal
December 24, 2022

WASHINGTON: The US Senate has passed a $1.7 trillion omnibus spending package for fiscal 2023 and it includes $200 million for promoting gender equality in Pakistan.

The package, passed on Thursday evening, includes $858 billion for defence, $787bn for non-defence domestic programmes and over $15bn for other programmes.

An omnibus bill is a single document that pieces together several measures into one and as the last piece of legislature to pass this year, it will fund the US federal government through September 2023.

The authorisation of funds for promoting gender equality programmes, however, prohibits spending any of the $200m on abortions. Yet, this is a whopping increase in the last few years.

In December 2020, the US congress cleared $10m for promoting gender equality and $15m for strengthening democracy in Pakistan. The $200m allotted for 2023 is a 20-fold increase from the 2020 allocation for Pakistan.

On the Global Gender Gap Report 2022 of the World Economic Forum, Pakistan ranked 145 out of 146 on the gender equality index.

Afghanistan was 146 and India 135 on the index. Bangladesh and Nepal lead regional performance with over 69 per cent of their gender gaps closed. Bangladesh was 71 and Nepal 96.

Published in Dawn, December 24th, 2022

US provides $200m for gender equality

Anwar Iqbal
December 24, 2022

WASHINGTON: The US Senate has passed a $1.7 trillion omnibus spending package for fiscal 2023 and it includes $200 million for promoting gender equality in Pakistan.

The package, passed on Thursday evening, includes $858 billion for defence, $787bn for non-defence domestic programmes and over $15bn for other programmes.

An omnibus bill is a single document that pieces together several measures into one and as the last piece of legislature to pass this year, it will fund the US federal government through September 2023.

The authorisation of funds for promoting gender equality programmes, however, prohibits spending any of the $200m on abortions. Yet, this is a whopping increase in the last few years.

In December 2020, the US congress cleared $10m for promoting gender equality and $15m for strengthening democracy in Pakistan. The $200m allotted for 2023 is a 20-fold increase from the 2020 allocation for Pakistan.

On the Global Gender Gap Report 2022 of the World Economic Forum, Pakistan ranked 145 out of 146 on the gender equality index.

Afghanistan was 146 and India 135 on the index. Bangladesh and Nepal lead regional performance with over 69 per cent of their gender gaps closed. Bangladesh was 71 and Nepal 96.

Published in Dawn, December 24th, 2022
What the hell is gender equality?

Why don't Americans help Pakistan to build universities for women, workshops and other industrial infrastructures to benefit all genders at same time?

Equality in rights or equality in roles? Pakistan is an Islamic country not a liberal shithole, programs like 2030, gender equality, etc proposed by American liberals will eventually destroy Pakistan as a rich culture.

Moreover, as per expreience, these so called American aids will not end up in the hands of 200million Pakistani, but only a few liberal bastards who will sacrifice the whole nation at the right moment in favor of their American masters.
God, when will this phenomenon end?

Some naive people think that gender equality money from daddy America is good news. It isn't. This money will be used for US sponsored projects. The money is also very insignificant.

Pakistanis are clueless. They have no idea how to fix their economic woes. The economy is run on IMF loans. Even the IMF is now unwilling to provide assistance. Expats are not investing in Pakistan. Remittances have dried up. Traditional allies like China and Saudi Arabia aren't bailing out Pakistan for obvious reasons. Pakistan isn't serious about regional trade and connectivity. Instead its leaders follow US agenda. No wonder Chinese cooperation has also cooled down.

Pakistan is like the sick man of Asia. Economically bust and morally bankrupt. No future.

Today's news: https://www.dawn.com/news/1727974/govt-fails-to-achieve-growth-price-stability
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What the hell is gender equality?

Why don't Americans help Pakistan to build universities for women, workshops and other industrial infrastructures to benefit all genders at same time?

Equality in rights or equality in roles? Pakistan is an Islamic country not a liberal shithole, programs like 2030, gender equality, etc proposed by American liberals will eventually destroy Pakistan as a rich culture.

Moreover, as per expreience, these so called American aids will not end up in the hands of 200million Pakistani, but only a few liberal bastards who will sacrifice the whole nation at the right moment in favor of their American masters.

Gender equality according to American standards means destroying family values. In Pakistan we have a small crazy liberal brigade that believes in destroying family values and instead importing Western values such as LGBTQ and the rest. 200 million is still a joke so the Americans are making a mockery.
Some naive people think that gender equality money from daddy America is good news. It isn't. This money will be used for US sponsored projects. The money is also very insignificant.

Pakistanis are clueless. They have no idea how to fix their economic woes. The economy is run on IMF loans. Even the IMF is now unwilling to provide assistance. Expats are not investing in Pakistan. Remittances have dried up. Traditional allies like China and Saudi Arabia aren't bailing out Pakistan for obvious reasons. Pakistan isn't serious about regional trade and connectivity. Instead its leaders follow US agenda. No wonder Chinese cooperation has also cooled down.

Pakistan is like the sick man of Asia. Economically bust and morally bankrupt. No future.

Today's news: https://www.dawn.com/news/1727974/govt-fails-to-achieve-growth-price-stability
Pakistan has talented people outside the country, guess what, our ex-president Rouhani's PhD thesis was codified by a Pakistani student!. That dumb idiot who became the liberal president of Iran had to pay a high price to that talented Pakistani student to finish the job. My point is, you have enough patriotic and talented people to take care of your country.

I hope Iran Pakistan pipeline be revived and we can make Pakistan the energy hub of the region. In that case, if Pakistan becomes a hub then it can receive natural gas with a huge discount which can boost the country’s economy. It can provide Pakistan with a good leverage. Problem is, not even Imran Khan tried to do that but instead he also trusted Americans and he saw the result in getting back stabbed.

Pakistan needs someone in calibre of Jinnah RA. Someone accepted by all, loved by all, capable of leading 200 million people to complete success, someone that people wholeheartedly tolerate hardships with his command, someone that sacrifices himself for his followers.

IMO, Pakistan is not a futureless country, on the contrary, if it finds independence and a good leader then the country would be able to use its talented and huge labor force of that 200 million population to boost country’s economy.
Pakistan has talented people outside the country, guess what, our ex-president Rouhani's PhD thesis was codified by a Pakistani student!. That dumb idiot who became the liberal president of Iran had to pay a high price to that talented Pakistani student to finish the job. My point is, you have enough patriotic and talented people to take care of your country.

I hope Iran Pakistan pipeline be revived and we can make Pakistan the energy hub of the region. In that case, if Pakistan becomes a hub then it can receive natural gas with a huge discount which can boost the country’s economy. It can provide Pakistan with a good leverage. Problem is, not even Imran Khan tried to do that but instead he also trusted Americans and he saw the result in getting back stabbed.

Pakistan needs someone in calibre of Jinnah RA. Someone accepted by all, loved by all, capable of leading 200 million people to complete success, someone that people wholeheartedly tolerate hardships with his command, someone that sacrifices himself for his followers.

IMO, Pakistan is not a futureless country, on the contrary, if it finds independence and a good leader then the country would be able to use its talented and huge labor force of that 200 million population to boost country’s economy.

You guys at least have good leaders that look after the interests of the country. We don't have that in Pakistan. It can be worse. Much worse. You guys are still lucky.
What they won't tell you is how much Pak economy has lost since they joined
this war on terror. The figure is well over $100 billion dollars.
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