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America still has greatest economic potential: Obama

Ahmad Abdullah Ravian

Apr 30, 2011
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U.S. President Barack Obama on Friday said that despite the downgrade of US credit worthiness, investors are still pumping money into US treasuries, indicating that America still has the “greatest economic potential”.
Touting America as the safest investment in the world, Mr. Obama said, “And the debt -- I don’t know if you have noticed, but when the stock market went down, what did everybody buy after the downgrade? U.S. treasuries.”
He added that despite the gloom of the market crash and US credit rating downgrade by Standard & Poor’s, “everybody understands that the United States still has the greatest economic potential, greatest businesses and the greatest workers on Earth.”
“And so the market voted with its feet in terms of its confidence in the marketplace,” he said.
Further, he said with “modest adjustments” to the country’s tax code and medical programmes like Medicare and Medicaid, “this problem would vanish. We could solve it.”
The Dow Jones industrial average had tanked over 600 points on the week’s first day of trading in response to S&P;’s unprecedented move to downgrade US rating from the top notch ’AAA’ to ‘AA+’
In an ironic move, anxious investors poured money into Treasury securities, which are the debt the government sells to finance its operations. Investors had deemed treasuries to be safer than any other investment during an atmosphere of economic uncertainty.
Mr. Obama noted that the last couple of months have been “frustrating,” referring to the debt crisis that had plagued Washington, which reached a “low water mark”.
He said people outside Washington understand that the country is going through a fundamental change because of globalisation and are working towards being more competitive and giving a better education to their kids.
But when they “look at what is happening in Washington...they think, these folks are really from outer space, because they do not seem to understand how critical it is for us all to work together -- Republicans, Democrats, independents -- in order to move this country forward.”
“What was remarkable was to see outside of Washington, the enthusiasm, the energy, the hopefulness, the decency of the American people,” Mr. Obama said.
U.S. on upswing
He added that if this energy is harnessed and tapped, “then I am absolutely convinced that this country is going to be on the upswing over the next few years... We can put people back to work and we can get this economy growing again.”
Mending the “broken” system is what makes the 2012 election “more important” than the one in 2008, he added.
Fund raising event
The President was here to attend a star-studded private fund raising event as part of his 2012 re-election campaign.
The top dollar fundraiser, had the 50 attendees, including movie star Gwyneth Paltrow, fashion magazine Vogue editor Anna Wintour and artist Alicia Keys, paying over USD 35,000 to spend the evening with the President.
:usflag: Hey - I liked your post :P - I'm looking for new and unique ways to use America' economic potential t leverage social media and create sustainable change that can help the environment? Would you be interested in carrying on a discussion about this topic? Specifically I'm interested in how America can leverage it's economic potential and social media to create sustainable environmental solutions in the 21st century. And if there's any internships available for an honest lawyer. :lol: (but seriously)
Obama is right. US will come out of this crisis

I don't think so they are even going to delay the next six months salaries of US military based in Afghanistan , and that is a very big decision to make :cheesy: ,You can imagine what would be the morale of US soldiers when their Commander gathered them all and announce all that...... :usflag:
:usflag: Hey - I liked your post :P - I'm looking for new and unique ways to use America' economic potential t leverage social media and create sustainable change that can help the environment? Would you be interested in carrying on a discussion about this topic? Specifically I'm interested in how America can leverage it's economic potential and social media to create sustainable environmental solutions in the 21st century. And if there's any internships available for an honest lawyer. :lol: (but seriously)

Actually I got interest only for news
I haven't the faintest idea about
potential t leverage social media and create sustainable change that can help the environment
as my studies are totally unfocused on these , Engineering is my interest:rofl::rofl::rofl:
Ah, so you decided to study practical knowledge instead of silly abstract concepts like the law. ... wish someone pointed out how that would be helpful when I was younger. Anyways, I'm sure you have some interest in having conversations w/ people other than engineers - this forum itself is an example of social media afterall.

Also, how does a modern engineer not care about how we're going to finance the next generation of environmental technologies? (just curious, not criticizing).
Ah, so you decided to study practical knowledge instead of silly abstract concepts like the law. ... wish someone pointed out how that would be helpful when I was younger. Anyways, I'm sure you have some interest in having conversations w/ people other than engineers - this forum itself is an example of social media afterall.

Also, how does a modern engineer not care about how we're going to finance the next generation of environmental technologies? (just curious, not criticizing).

HaHa !! dear Friend their are many more worries for an Electrical Engineer to see upon ,let alone the Finance
To be more precise you can expect me to foresee the Financial feasibility of a certain project only nothing more in Finance :azn:
So how do we develop policies that get silly lawyers like me to throw my financial weight behind your projects? That's the question I'm chasing.
I don't think so they are even going to delay the next six months salaries of US military based in Afghanistan , and that is a very big decision to make :cheesy: ,You can imagine what would be the morale of US soldiers when their Commander gathered them all and announce all that...... :usflag:

Its just an occasional hurdel nothing big. US had fought back the greatest recession in the past too.

I do NOT agree with those who claims US will fall due to this crisis. i Believe US will recover
A very week attempt to indirectly defend US fiscal policy by Obama. Bush and to some extent Obama are to be blamed for the present status of US debt ratings
Obama is right. US will come out of this crisis


What you don't seem to realise is that its not just another recession, (I've seen them come and go), this goes to the heart of the way in which the US economy and government is run.

No, the US will not emerge from this in anyother way than a shadow of its former self.

This is a game changer.
At the momentthe US is just not the most powerful country in the world, the spaces from number 2 to 9 are empty. This is what gives the US its current supremacy.

When the money is not there, force projection is so expensive that it will become extremely difficult. Other countries will be able to challenge it effectively.

The US budget has to be cut; in effect the only part of the budget that can be cut is defense.

It is not just military might, but the nature of that might which is important.
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