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America is not the greatest country in the world

This article reminds me old people talking how grass was greener and girls were prettier when they were young.

There always were fears, racism, xenophobia, hypocrite politians etc...
Here's something to further the discussion. :partay:

I used to be hell on wheels back when I was younger man :p:

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I have lived and worked in states and those 5 years of my life were most productive, most rewarding, and most satisfying. There is no day passes by when I do not remember my stay in States. Albeit of all my difference with US government's international policies, I will by lying if I say anything about US other than it is a wonderful country of wonderful people.
America is definitely not the greatest country in the world only for two kinds of people.

(1) One that hate America until they get American Visa
(2) One who come here, marry American girls, earn in dollars and still hate America!
Americans lack the philosophical depth that would be expected from an advanced nation. I dont know why but they do.
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Amreeka is a great country because I live there. Go Red Wings kick some ............:nhl_checking:
back to back world war champion. highest GDP. invented all kinds of goodies everyone takes for granite. most nobel lauretes. most generous country when it comes to aide.

i'd say we rank pretty high on greatest countries to ever exist and still exists., m8.
Philippines is the greatest country in the world, so many beautiful girls here.
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