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America exits Afghanistan, trouble may come visiting India

If Jihadists from Afghanistan are now going to start fighting in Kashmir this could mean trouble. These are no ordinary fighters, even Americans with all their advanced technology and training could not beat these guys, how will Indian army do it? Just an honest question, don't attack me for asking.

Plus if Modi wins next elections, how this whole thing play out?
Good news being LoC has become more hard to cross in recent years, sad news is that now homegrown terror outfits like Hizb are using the deep jungles of J&K as training grounds for militants. Recently few Hizb terrorists attacked civilians and slowly civilians are understanding that it is not the army which is the threat, it is these fanatics.

Foremost aim of army is to keep people like Geelani on house arrests so he doesn't spit poison openly and brainwash crowds like he is doing these days, elements like him should be completely wiped or shot dead.

Secondly the upcoming elections at J&K SHOULD GO WELL without being boycotted by locals. Illegal arming should be stopped because militants are making use of it and Syed salahudeen even agreed that there militants took arms from local vendors.

Coming time would be most stingy for both India and as well as for Pakistan, and we will see internal conflicts and breakdowns in Afghanistan too.

and to all Indians who thinks USA will care about Kashmir, please stop dreaming they're already red-faced by the defeat in Afghanistan.
Exit of US forces will bring multitude of problems not alone for India but for many countries in this region, its too eearly to gauze what sort of problem each country will face specifically
If these jihadis are going to fight at LoC, it means they are already an enemy.

India to should now plan other ways to keep those jihadis busy in their home ground rather than getting to LoC, fighting a war at home is never a good idea. Though a long term approach is required but i believe we should make the Afghan Govt. stronger so that they can keep those jihadis busy at home even if it required providing arms to the Afghan government. And not only that, we should declare Afghanistan as a Strategic Defense Partner and help them out in whatever way possible.

It will achieve two objectives for India, firstly it will keep the jihadis busy at home and secondly, Pakistan will have another neighbor which will not be exactly a friend which will force them to take measures on the western side as well, raising the cost of defense.

Pakistan will ask those jihadis to turn to Kashmir in even larger numbers than of today, but we have to make sure that they are not able to break through the LoC. And if those jihadis turn to fight in Kashmir they will have to leave the strong holds of southern and Western Afghanistan, which will make it easier for Afghan govt to take control. And a very Pro-India strong Afghan Government will be a nightmare for Pakistan. And once India and Afghanistan are able to lock up these afghan jihadis in North-Northwest Pakistan, they will eat up Pakistan itself.
Turkey shooting practice to IA... use old ammunition against them and load and produce new ones.. and become Battle hardened in COIN operations
Rebels "are testing us. They're making their presence felt by launching audacious attacks," an Indian army commander in Kashmir said on condition of anonymity in line with army policy. "They have started recruiting young people into their folds. They are training some of these boys locally."

interesting development, the only way out is for India to give up its occupancy of Kashmir

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